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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Program Evaluation Study: EDP and UEDI

Impacts and effects

This chapter reviews the intended impacts and effects of the programs, and then summarizes our findings regarding the perceived effectiveness of the program, the impact in terms of increasing access to services and resources, and the impacts of those services on the clients and their businesses. 

The Program Model

A program model is provided below which summarizes the interrelationships between the activities, outputs and intended impacts of WD’s support for entrepreneurs with disabilities.

  • Development of delivery capabilities through partnerships, association-supported projects, training, and other related activities
  • Marketing of the programs and services
  • Delivery of technical support services such as assistance with business plans, training, and counselling
  • Review of loans applications and management of loan portfolios
  • Referrals to other sources of assistance
  • Business plans
  • Loans
  • Training
  • Research assistance
  • Business advisory and referral service
  • Networking and mentoring
  • Information
Short-term Impacts
  • Increased awareness of the entrepreneurship option
  • Increased awareness of, and access to, programs and services
  • Development of business, management and personal skills
  • Increased access to information for business decision making
  • Increased access to capital
  • Leveraging of funding from other sources
  • Increased networking
  • Increased awareness of the issues facing entrepreneurs with disabilities
  • Increased service delivery capabilities
  • Development of effective community partnerships
Intermediate Impacts
  • Reduced barriers and increased opportunities for self employment amongst entrepreneurs with disabilities
  • Development of new businesses/maintenance and expansion of existing businesses
  • New investment in businesses
  • Improved management practices
  • Increased economic activity (e.g. revenues)
  • Increased job creation through self-employment and business development
  • Expanded tax base/reduced reliance on social assistance programs
  • Enhanced community capacity
Longer-term Impacts and Effects
  • Increased rate of self-employment amongst western Canadians with disabilities
  • Development and diversification of the western Canadian economy (as evidenced by regional economic development, diversification, job creation, economic growth, and communities which are more self-reliant and sustainable)


A key objective of the evaluation has been to review the extent to which the intended impacts and effects have been achieved. The review has focused primarily on the short-term and intermediate impacts and effects because:

  • Not enough time has elapsed for the intended long-term impacts and effects to have occurred;
  • Short-term and intermediate impacts are more easily measured and directly attributed to the program activities; and
  • The intended long-term impacts will only be achieved if the short-term and intermediate impacts and effects are realized.

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