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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of WD's Official Languages Action Plan 2000/2004 - May 2004

3.0 Conclusions

The following key findings were derived from this evaluation study.

Relevance of Action Plan Content

  • Overall, evidence shows that the Action Plan was relevant. This partly stems from the consultations conducted with the communities. The creation of the FEDOs, in particular, is seen as very relevant as the CFDCs are not really meeting the specific needs of the Francophone communities as do the FEDOs.

Delivery and Design

  • Most observers agree that overall, the Plan was implemented as planned, with minor but positive adjustments. Some challenges were encountered due to community expectations and turnover at WD.
  • FEDOs and WD are challenged by the fact that some community members perceive the FEDOs as being instrumental to other sections of the Official Languages Act, including those of Part IV. FEDO representatives also find that the WD coordinators roles should be more clearly defined.
  • WD coordinators are challenged by a heavy workload.
  • Respondents generally agree that WD plays a pro-active role in collective federal department activities regarding Francophone communities. WD works with other Departments and governments. Some FEDO representatives thought, however, that WD could play a more pro-active role.
  • Overall, respondents thought that the WD coordinators were able to prioritize issues and bring them to the Comité national de développement des ressources humaines de la francophonie canadienne.
  • Many agree that there were extensive consultations prior to the finalization of the Action Plan and that the plan was widely distributed. However, representatives from three FEDOs said that their organizations were not consulted.


  • Findings suggest that WD and their partners were most successful in producing "Economic development projects providing concrete results for the Francophone communities receiving funding", and "Better informed Francophone entrepreneurs". However, they were less successful in providing "More accessible funds to Francophone SMEs and entrepreneurs".
  • A large majority of key informants indicated that the significant strengthening of the relationship between WD and the Francophone communities had completely or partially been met. Some noted challenges in achieving this outcome included lack of awareness of FEDOs in the community and dispersion of Francophone communities across large distances.
  • A number of projects are expected to produce long-term results, such as the "Corridor touristique francophone de l'Ouest" and "La Maison du Bourgeois".
  • The loan mechanisms raise a number of issues. Take-up appears to be excellent in Manitoba. However, take-up for the loan program in other areas is lower than expected.
  • All key informants agreed that economic development projects had provided concrete results for Francophone communities at least in part or completely.
  • Respondents agree that the Action Plan has contributed to the development of better business skills and has better informed entrepreneurs.
  • The FEDO's capacity to leverage other sources of funds is perceived has a very positive outcome for the MOLCs.
  • A number of barriers and challenges, unfortunately, remain to fully achieve the objectives of the Action Plan including geographical barriers, translation, building the credibility of the FEDOs, and regional variations.

Accountability and Performance Monitoring

  • Opinions were mixed as to the effectiveness of performance monitoring. Most WD respondents felt that they receive relevant and timely reports. However, there are mixed opinions about whether the objectives were measurable.


  • Most respondents felt that the WD investments were cost-effective. Observers note effective fund leveraging. Some projects indicate extensive results.

Alternatives and Lessons Learned

  • There is no evidence that the CFDCs could play the role of the FEDOs.
  • Recommendations for the next Action Plan include extensive consultations (with the FEDOs) prior to the adoption of the Plan; special emphasis on partnerships and collaborations; and increased communications. Other suggestions include ensuring a flexible approach (to ensure regional relevance); increased promotion; and clear measures for reporting success.

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