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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Evaluation of WD's Official Languages Action Plan 2000/2004 - May 2004

4.0 Recommendations

Overall, results show that the Action Plan was generally implemented as planned and has been successful overall. In particular, this evaluation has shown that there is a need for FEDOs, that they bring significant benefits to the OLMCs, and that WD should continue to support their activities as well as special projects coordinated by them (and WD).

In the consultant's opinion, WD could not have addressed the thirty-six recommendations contained in the previous evaluation (see Appendix B for list). However, a number of actions have addressed key recommendations. In funding the FEDOs, equipping them with loan funds, and in supporting a number of successful projects such as the "Corridor touristique francophone de l'Ouest", "La Maison du Bourgeois" and "Visions", WD has addressed some of the key recommendations, including Recommendation 13 (which encouraged WD to create loan funds and identify innovative approaches to promote economic diversification). There was also a very successful effort in partnering with other departments and governments for special projects, which addressed Recommendation 19. Finally, Recommendation 22 (which proposed the creation of targeted loan funds) was also addressed, although the effectiveness of the funding mechanisms needs to be further demonstrated.

Many of the measures contained in the Action Plan can still be considered as being in their implementation phase, especially the loan mechanisms for the entrepreneurs. The following recommendations are therefore proposed to improve these and other measures in the Action Plan:

  • Communication Strategy. A communication strategy should be developed to ensure that the roles of WD and of the FEDOs are understood with regards to the OLA. A communication strategy should also be devised to increase the visibility of the FEDOs and their services.
  • Update The Needs Analysis For The Loans Program. Although there is not enough evidence in this evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the Loans program, results indicate that there is not enough take-up of the program in some regions and that the effectiveness in other areas is not optimal. Further research will need to be conducted, including a regional needs analysis to assess various means of addressing the financial and service needs of Francophone businesses. In some areas, alternative investment programs may be considered (e.g., non-commercial projects, training, etc).
  • Coordinator support . There is evidence that the coordinators experience a heavy workload. This results from their coordinating activities as well as other OLA tasks such as urgent translation/bilingual services. WD should consider either increasing their allotted time to this role or determining ways of helping them accomplish their tasks in a more productive manner.

Next Action Plan

  • Clarify Roles. For the next Action Plan, it is recommended that the roles and responsibilities of WD, the Coordinators and the FEDOs be clarified.
  • Promotional Activities. Considering the visibility issue for WD and the FEDOs as partners, the next plan should incorporate specific actions to further promote the Department, the FEDOs and their services. Both FEDOs and WD should participate in this promotional effort.
  • Results-Based Plan and Incorporation of Monitoring Strategy. The consultant considers that overall, WD's strategy to meet Section 41 is on its final implementation phase. The next Action Plan should now be more outcomes focussed and incorporate a performance monitoring framework. This would include a clear description of the FEDOs and their mandate, a logic model of the Action Plan, clear outcomes and objectives statements, and a performance measurement strategy. A logic model such as the one appended to this report would be helpful in guiding WD to determine key outcomes, performance indicators and targets.
  • Clear targets should be set for quantifiable indicators, such as number of loans provided and jobs created. These should be set based on the history of loan activities for each FEDO.
  • Performance monitoring is key in demonstrating the effectiveness of the Action plan. New projects should be assessed according to specific and overall Action Plan objectives. The measurement strategy should also involve a follow-up on previous projects to assess their long-term impacts and opportunities for renewal.

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