Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Quality Assurance Review Step II: The Best Practices Report - June 2000

QAR: Best Practices Report

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A wealth of effort exists to demonstrate WD's strong approach to managing the department's grant and contribution portfolio. Through QAR, these best and promising practices are now available to be shared; allowing WD to build on the existing grant and contribution management efforts and promote the consistent application of the best and promising practices identified in this report. By doing so, we are assuring that grant and contribution funds at WD are providing the maximum intended benefits to Canadians, and that scrutiny of our practices would result in consistently positive observations.

In this light, it is recommended that the QAR Initiative continue with the implementation of Step Three that includes; the development of practical tools for all levels of management and staff who handle WD grants and contributions, the development of a training package in the train-the-trainer mode to share the knowledge gained, and the delivery of that training. By collecting and sharing information on best practices in managing WD's grant and contribution portfolio through the QAR initiative, WD is acting in a positive manner and has assumed a leadership role for government departments that provide grants and contributions to Canadians.

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