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Canadian Business Service Centres
in Western Canada:
Evaluation Report 2002

Appendix E:


Accenture. 2002. eGovernment Leadership - Realizing the Vision.
Available on-line: http://www.accenture.com This link leaves our Web site

Business Link. 2002. What we do.
Available on-line: www.cbsc.org/alberta/tbl.cfm?fn=what_we&pf=1 This link leaves our Web site

Business Link. 2000. 2000/01 Business Plan.

Canada. 2002. Business Development. Western Economic Development.
Available on-line: http://www.wd.gc.ca/tools/default_e.asp

Canada. 2002. Canada Business Service Centres - Connecting Canadians.
Available on-line: connect.gc.ca/en/690-e.htm

Canada. 2002. Key Support and Information Services.
Available on-line: strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/me00021e.html This link leaves our Web site

Canada. 2002. Partnership/ Cost Sharing Arrangements by Federal Managing Partners. Network of Canada Business Service Centres. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada. 2002. Welcome to Western Economic Diversification Canada.
Available on-line: www.wd.gc.ca/

Canada. 2001. Canada Business Service Centres - Annual Report 2000-2001. Western Economic Diversification.
Available on-line: www.cbsc.org/annual_report/2000_2001 This link leaves our Web site

Canada. 2000. Canada Business Service Centres - Annual Report 1999-2000. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada. 2001. Action Plan: Evaluation of the Canada Business Service Centres - Final Report (October 1998). Western Economic Diversification.

Canada. 1999. Memorandum Re: CBSC five-year budget. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada. Year Unknown. Business Service Centre. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/Alberta. 2002. Funding agreement between the Government of Canada and the Business Link.

Canada/Alberta. 2001. Alberta - The Business Link Funding Agreement. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/Alberta. 2001. Canada - Economic Development Edmonton Operating Agreement - The Business Link. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/Alberta. 1996. Agreement To Establish And Operate The Business Link (Edmonton). Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/British Columbia. 2000. Canada - British Columbia Agreement On A Business Service Centre. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/British Columbia. 1997. Canada - British Columbia Agreement On A Business Service Centre. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/British Columbia. Year Unknown. Business Start-up Centre - Library (Statistics)

Canada/ British Columbia Services Society. 2002. 2001/2002 Operational Plan.

Canada/ British Columbia Services Society. 2002. 2001 - 2004 Strategic Plan.

Canada/ British Columbia Services Society. Year unknown. Bylaws.

Canada/ British Columbia Services Society. Year unknown. Constitution.

Canada/Manitoba. 2002. Annual Statistical Overview: Year Four: April 2001-March 2002. Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre.

Canada/Manitoba. 2002. Statistical report for the Canada/Manitoba e-Business Service Centre: Appendix A.

Canada/Manitoba. 1998. Canada - Manitoba Agreement on a Business Service Centre - Revised Draft. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada/ Manitoba Business Service Centre. Year Unknown. An Overview.

Canada/Saskatchewan. 1998. Canada - Saskatchewan Agreement on a Business Service Centre. Western Economic Diversification.

Canada - Saskatchewan Business Service Centre. 2002. e-Business Info-Guide. Info-FAX #8030. Saskatoon, SK.

Canada - Saskatchewan Business Service Centre. 2002. Saskatchewan Monthly Report For April, 2002.

Canada - Saskatchewan Business Service Centre. 2002. Summary Statistics - 2001/2002.

Canada - Saskatchewan Business Service Centre. 2000. Operational Plan 2000-2004: A Federal-Provincial Commitment to a "Single-Window" Network.

CBSC 1999-2000. Canada Business Services Centre. Statistics on Publication Distribution.

CBSC 2002. Canada Business Services Centre. Performance Management Network. April 26, 2002. Summary of the CBSC Regional Managers Meeting: Roundtable on Key Themes. Montreal, PQ.

CCG 2002. Centre for Collaborative Government. April 2002. Realigning Governance: From e-Government to e-Democracy.
Available on-line: http//www.crossingboundaries.ca/

CFIB 2001. Canadian Federation of Independent Business. 2002 Small Business Primer (National, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan).
Available on-line: http://www.cfib.ca/research/reports/default_e.asp This link leaves our Web site

Diochan, Monica, Yvon Gasse, Teresa Menzies and Denis Garand. June 2001. From Conception to Inception: Initial Findings from the Canadian Study on Entrepreneurial Emergence.
Available on-line: http://www.commerce.ubc.ca/research/research_centres/ era/arena5/papers/ This link leaves our Web site

Ford, Robin. 1998. Roles of Western Economic Diversification and Canada Business Service Centres in Serving Small Business Clients. Edmonton, AB.

FW 1998. Ference Weiker & Company. 1998. Evaluation of the Canada Business Service Centers in Western Canada.

Gibson, Terry. 2002. Extending the Canada - Saskatchewan Agreement on a Business Service Centre. Western Economic Diversification.

GOL 2002. Canada. January 2002. Government On-line and Canadians: Overview Report.
Available on-line: http://www.gol-ged.gc.ca/rpt/gol-ged-rpt_e.pdf This link leaves our Web site

Industry Canada. 2001. Small Business Information Needs Assessment Survey. Prepared by COMPAS Inc.
Available on-line: http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/rd00081e.html This link leaves our Web site

Marshall Management Inc. 2001. Organizational/ Human Resource Review: Final Report. The Business Link Business Service Centre.

National Secretariat (CBSC). November 2001. National Evaluation Framework for the Canada Business Service Centres. Ottawa, ON.

National Secretariat (CBSC). 2001. Poll: Summary and Analysis of Exit Survey Results. (WEDGE resource collection questionnaire). Canada/ British Columbia Business Service Centre.

Nelson, Chris and Ardath Paxton Mann. 2002. Changes in Canada / British Columbia Business Service Centre Business. BC Business Service Centre.

ODLIS: On-line Dictionary of Library and Information Science.
Available on-line: http://vax.wcsu.edu/library/odlis.html#information This link leaves our Web site

Osborne, David and Ted Gaebler. 1992. Reinventing Government. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Reading, MA.

Parallel Vancouver. May 2000. Canada/ BC Business Service Centre Users Exit Survey: Final Report. Canada/ British Columbia Service Centre. Vancouver, BC.

StatsCan 2000. Statistics Canada. 2002. Published in How Long Do Small Businesses Survive?
Available on-line: http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/rd00254e.html#existence This link leaves our Web site

Strategis. Industry Canada. 2002. Small Business and the New Economy.
Available on-line: http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/1/rd00506e.html This link leaves our Web site

Treasury Board Canada. 2001. Guide for the Development of Results-based Management and Accountability Frameworks.
Available on-line: http:www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/eval/home.accueil.e.asp

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