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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Canada Business Service Centres in Western Canada: Evaluation Report 2002

Canadian Business Service Centres
in Western Canada:
Evaluation Report 2002

Appendix F:

Evaluation Team:
Biographical Notes


Elaine McCoy, QC
Responsibility: Project Manager

Elaine McCoy is President of the Macleod Institute at the University of Calgary. A lawyer and former Alberta cabinet minister, Ms. McCoy has 30 years experience in regulation and policy development in the private and public sectors. She has directed and designed numerous policy and program evaluations at the government level and in the private sector. Among other achievements, Ms. McCoy pioneered and led the Alberta government in the use of business plans and initiated the use of delegated regulatory organizations in Alberta. She created and led Reinventing Government workshops that were later adopted at the provincial level. Ms. McCoy was invited to and attended a session on the Service Improvement Initiative, to become proficient in the use of the Common Measurement Tool. She is Vice-Chair of Alberta's Climate Change Central, is a member of the Minister's Environmental Protection Advisory Committee, and serves on the Alberta Economic Development Authority.

Thom Stubbs, MA
Responsibility: Evaluation Team Leader

Mr. Stubbs has senior and program management experience as a project team leader, senior official and Deputy Minister. He has extensive policy development, analysis and evaluation experience with government programs. Mr. Stubbs is known for his ability to work with large, multi-disciplinary teams and interests to help foster a collaborative and productive outcome. He is currently leading a portion of the National Forest Strategy Evaluation for Natural Resources Canada. Mr. Stubbs was a founding Director of the Yukon Evaluation Society and is the Vice-President of the Wild Rose Chapter of the International Institute for Public Participation and a member of the Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society.

Richard Lloyd, MPA
Responsibility: Senior Analyst

Mr. Lloyd has over 20 years experience in public strategy, policy and program development, public consultation, research and program evaluation, including several years as a Director of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. He has extensive experience in economic development policies and strategies including infrastructure development, regional economic development programming, and trade policy. Mr. Lloyd has managed or directed many projects and has a solid background in team building, negotiating, and group facilitation. He has served as a member of the National Council of the Canadian Evaluation Society, and is a member of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.

Ian Reid, BSoc
Responsibility: Research Assistant
A past employee of the federal government with Industry Canada, Mr. Reid has extensive experience in program management at the federal level. He is an awarded, analytical, results- oriented professional with over 5 years experience conceiving, designing and managing a variety of programs and projects built upon extensive partnerships with the private, not-for-profit and government sectors. Mr. Reid wrote the Memorandum to Cabinet for consideration in the 1998 federal budget, providing the rationale and argument that led to expansion of the Community Access Program (CAP) to include urban communities.

Susan Patey, BSc, MEDes
Responsibility: Research Assistant
Ms. Patey holds a Master's of Environmental Design from the University of Calgary, and has a strong background in client and public consultation. She has substantial experience in interviewing participants on sensitive issues, and has been successful in developing constructive relationships to achieve project goals. Ms. Patey's efficient research skills have proven to be instrumental in distilling pertinent information from broad bodies of knowledge contributing to a high-quality, cost-effective product.

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