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Home : Reports and Publications : Audit & Evaluation : Canada Business Service Centres in Western Canada: Evaluation Report 2002

Canadian Business Service Centres
in Western Canada:
Evaluation Report 2002

List of Tables

  1. Client Survey Statistics
  2. Potential Client Survey Statistics
  3. Staff Survey Statistics
  4. CBSC Staff and Budgetary Information (2001 - 02)
  5. SME Share of Total Employment in Western Provinces (1991 and 1998)
  6. Years in Business by Province
  7. Core CBSC Products and Services (1999 - 2002)

List of Figures

  1. Evaluation Questions, Indicators and Sources of Data
  2. An Overview of CBSCs in the Four Western Provinces
  3. Generic CBSC Organization Structure
  4. CBSC Program Logic Diagram
  5. The Information Services Curve (adapted from the Manitoba CBSC)
  6. National Evaluation Framework Logic Model: Outcomes and Impacts
  7. Proportion of SMEs in Western Provinces (1998)
  8. Profile of Respondents - Potential Client Survey
  9. Location of SMEs in Western Provinces (CFIB 2001)
  10. Survival Rates of Micro and Small Businesses (StatsCan 2000)
  11. Level of Government with the Most Impact on Business Operations (CFIB 2001)
  12. Profile of Respondents - Client Survey
  13. Category of Client Responding to Survey, by Province
  14. Category of Client Responding to Survey (other than BC)
  15. Industry Sector, Employees and Years in Operation / Period to Start-up
  16. Client Contacts by Mode of Access (1999/00 - 2001/02)
  17. Clients' General Satisfaction
  18. Potential Client Satisfaction with Information Sources
  19. Client Satisfaction Ratings Correlated with Importance of Information
  20. Client Information Used and Useful
  21. Client Information Used and Useful (Simplified)
  22. Business Information Needs - Clients and Potential Clients
  23. Meeting Partner Needs - Staff and Senior Official Responses
  24. Referrals
  25. Awareness of CBSCs by Source
  26. Client Satisfaction Ratings Correlated with Importance of Delivery Time
  27. Clients' Perception of Outcomes
  28. Clients' Perception of Outcomes by Gender
  29. Preferred Methods of Research
  30. Willingness to Pay - Clients and Potential Clients
  31. Willingness to Pay Direct Costs + Fee / Direct Costs Only, by Category
  32. Maximizing Service, Minimizing Costs
  33. The Information Services Curve Revisited

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