Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home : Reports and Publications : Departmental Strategies : Official Languages Act : 2004-2008

Common Priorities to address in the Action Plan

Each region has identified priorities that it will ad dress in WD's Official Languages Act (OLA) , Action Plan for the Implementation of Section 41 . The regions recognize the need for WD's priorities to be in parallel with those identified in the provincial strategic plans ( Les plans globaux ) developed by the OLMC. The common priorities are the following:

  • Focus on the tourism, rural development, and the arts and culture industries
  • Integration of, and contributions by, Francophones in labour market and economic development
  • Expansion of French speaking population from increased immigration
  • Realization of projects stemming from "les Projets Visions"
  • Partnership building and renewed agreements

Although no single objective in the Action Plan will address all the priorities, varying combinations will help raise awareness of Section 41, develop partnerships, and allow flexible and inclusive approaches to the OLMC's continually evolving needs. Each region will develop their own work plans that most adequately reflect their approach to addressing regional priorities, while contributing to the success of the departmental and national Action Plans.

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