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Home : Reports and Publications : Departmental Strategies : Official Languages Act : 2004-2008

Official Languages Act (OLA) , Action Plan for the Implementation of Section 41, 2004-2008

Key Activity 1: Communicate Action Plan

Internally: communicate concepts, activities, and achievements of Section 41 within the department.

Provide and facilitate information sessions, workshops, and activities, conducted in partnership with official languages stakeholders such as the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, other departments, and the official languages minority community

Performance measure:

  • # of information sessions held by WD and external stakeholders, annually and # of attendees
  • 1 baseline survey in 2004-2005 to gauge the awareness of Section 41 within the department
  • # of activities held within WD to celebrate La Semaine de la Francophonie, such as promoting the Canadian Heritage website or developing of a web site for La Semaine de la Francophonie.


  • 5 sessions per year and increase by 10% attendance per session/region
  • Baseline survey to be completed by March 31, 2005
  • 5 activities per year Pan west

Enhance relevant Official Languages information to internal staff through the WD Intranet and WD Employees' Orientation module

Performance measure:

  • Updates and upgrades to the Intranet and Employees' Orientation sites
  • Material to be reviewed and updated on ongoing basis


  • Sites updated by September 2004 and upgraded by March 2005
  • Review and update annually by September of each year

Implement a new award for linguistic duality recognizing the enhancement of bilingualism in WD operations or relationship with the department.

Performance measure:

  • Development of the category and necessary selection criteria
  • Endorsement of the award by Executive Committee as a corporate award
  • Number of nominations per year


  • Category and selection criteria to be in place for inaugural award in 2005-2006.
  • Approval by Executive Committee by March 31, 2005.
  • Increase by 10% nominations per year

Externally : communicate concepts, activities, and achievements of Section 41 external to the department, i.e. to partners, the community and other stakeholders.

Enhance relevant Official Languages information to the partners, stakeholders and the community through the WD Internet

Performance measure:

  • Re-design the navigational capacity of the WD Official Languages page, OLA team in collaboration with the Information Management and Technology (IMT)
  • Ongoing review and update as required of WD official languages materials, OLA team in collaboration with the Information Management and Technology (IMT)


  • New navigational accessibility of the OLA Internet page completed by September 2004.
  • Review and update to the site to be completed by September annually

Conduct ongoing consultations with the francophone community, interdepartmental groups, federal councils and other stakeholder groups

Performance measure:

  • # of regional consultations held per year


  • Minimum 4 regional consultations held per year

Participate in public activities to promote La Semaine de la Francophonie

Performance measure:

  • # of regional activities in which WD participates


  • 4 regional activities per year

Establish a more coordinated approach with Communication, Marketing and Consultations (CMC) to develop a communications strategy targeting the OLMC.

Performance measure:

  • # of articles/best stories regarding official languages in each French language weekly in western Canada or in quarterly newsletters by Canadian Heritage or le Comité national (may include a featured successful Francophone entrepreneur or SME )
  • Media advertising of WD will include western Canadian Francophone media
  • # of meetings to discuss targeted messages and audience


  • minimum 1 article per year to appear
  • 100% of WD advertising is available in both official languages
  • 1 meeting per year between OLA Section 41 coordinators and CMC

Immediate Outcomes:

Awareness and articulation of WD's Section 41, the Action Plan activities and achievements

Performance measure:

  • Common articulation of Section 41 amongst officers, managers and executive cadre of the department.
  • Surveyed OLMC, partners, and stakeholders report awareness of WD's involvement in the community, programs, services, and achievements in Section 41 activities.
  • Departmental and community understanding and acceptance of roles for WD, officers, partners and stakeholders.
  • Community feedback or submissions generated as a result of consultations and surveys


  • More common articulation of Section 41 from year 1 to subsequent years by officers, managers and executive cadre of the department, as measured by either a survey, an interview by an independent evaluator at the completion of the Action Plan.
  • 75% of those external to the department surveyed acknowledge awareness of WD strategy, activities and impacts, measured over a 4 year period
  • Departmental agreements and operational plans for WD and partner organizations to reflect the awareness of accountability and expectations - qualitative measure to be determined by an independent evaluator
  • Improvements to the work required under Section 41, which is reflective of the feedback and submissions received from consultations and surveys

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