Newfoundland and Labrador
Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities

* Notices *

Tender Request For PPO Office Space:   Grand Falls - Windsor

Board Implements New Regulatory Pricing Model For PPO

Current Updates

  Petroleum Products Pricing Review
     ~ New Regulatory Pricing Model: November 2006      ~ Changes to Fuel-Price Regulation: August 2006      ~ Study - Storage & Distribution Costs: May 2005      ~ PUB Discussion Paper - July 2005
     ~ Provide Comments / View Documentation

  Petroleum Pricing
     ~ Current Maximum Allowable Pricing
     ~ Petroleum Pricing Press Releases
     ~ Petroleum Pricing Information: Federal Gov't
     ~ Updated Q and A Section

  Automobile Insurance
     ~ 2006-2007 Filing Instructions

  Public Utilities
     ~ NLH - 2006 General Rate Application
     ~ NLH - 2007 Capital Budget
     ~ NP - 2007 Amortization and Cost Deferral
     ~ NLH - Service and Rates for AUR Resources
     ~ Corner Brook P&P; - Modification of NLH RSP

  Home, Commercial & Marine Insurance Review
     ~ Review Documentation
     ~ Press Release: NL Gov't Release PUB Report
     ~ PUB Report To Gov't - April 2006

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