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Archived Policies
Policy objective
Policy statement
Policy requirements
Appendix A - Terms and Conditions: Details
Appendix B - Retroactive Remuneration Directives
Appendix C - Executive Group Equivalent Service for Vacation Entitlement 

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Terms and Conditions of Employment for Executives

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Policy objective

To provide for the non-salary compensation for those classified in the Executive Group (EX).

Policy statement

The terms and conditions of employment for the Executive Group are limited to those elements considered to be non-salary compensation. They do not include elements covered by statute (e.g. superannuation), or considered to be a reimbursement of expenses (e.g. relocation, hospitality, travel).


These terms and conditions apply to all those classified in the Executive Group in organizations listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA) which went into effect January 1, 1989.

The benefits provided under these terms and conditions of employment shall be pro-rated (hours worked compared to normal full-time hours) for executives employed less than full-time, unless otherwise specified.

Policy requirements

The policy shall be applied in accordance with the directives contained in Appendix A.


The Human Resources Branch monitors the administration and appropriateness of this policy.


Financial Administration Act, Section 11.


Enquiries about this policy should be referred to the responsible officers in departmental headquarters who, in turn, may direct questions regarding policy interpretation to:

Executive and Excluded Groups
Human Resources Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat

Appendix A - Terms and Conditions: Details

1. Definitions

Day of rest (jour de repos) - a day on which an executive is not ordinarily required to perform duties other than by reason of being on leave or on a designated paid holiday;

executive (cadre de direction) - a person classified in the Executive Group and employed in Part I Service. This definition encompasses those at the EX-1 to EX-5 and GX levels inclusive;

furlough leave (congé d'ancienneté) - entitlement to 5 weeks' leave with pay for executives with 20 or more years of service. This entitlement applies only to those executives who:

  • were employed under the then Civil Service Act on April 1, 1962; or,
  • were employed in the PSSA Public Service and subject to an enactment entitling them to 5 weeks' leave with pay after 20 years' service; and,
  • had unbroken service commencing from or before the applicable specified date.

leave (congé) - authorized absence from duty;

Part I service (fonction publique au sens de la Partie I) - organizations specified in Part I, Schedule I of the PSSRA;

PSSA (LPFP) - Public Service Superannuation Act;

rate of pay (taux de rémunération) - the salary paid to an executive under the Executive Group Salary Administration Plan or other decision of the Treasury Board:

  • Annual rate of pay - rate of pay for a 12 month period;
  • Monthly rate of pay - annual rate of pay divided by 12;
  • Weekly rate of pay - annual rate of pay divided by 52.176;
  • Daily rate of pay - weekly rate of pay divided by five.

service (service) - means employment with any department, armed forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, company, corporation, commission, board or agency established to perform a function or duty on behalf of the Government of Canada.

2. Salary

2.1 Salary entitlement

Executives will be paid for services rendered in accordance with the Executive Group Salary Administration Plan, Terms and Conditions of Employment for Executives and related Treasury Board decisions affecting the salaries of executives.

2.2 Salary for the month of death

If an executive has one or more years of Service, salary for the full month in which the employee dies will be paid to a named beneficiary or the executive's estate. The amount of the payment will be equal to the monthly rate of pay minus any salary payments already made in the month of death.

2.3 Dual compensation

Unless authorized by or under an act of Parliament, no payment additional to that applicable to an executive's position shall be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to an executive for services rendered unless the deputy head of the first employing organization authorizes.

2.4 Retroactive salary adjustment

In the event of a retroactive salary revision, unless otherwise specified, the benefits under these terms and conditions of employment shall be recalculated as though the revised rates of pay had been in effect on their effective date.

3. Hours of work

3.1 Hours of work

The hours of work for a full-time executive, including the daily commencement and termination times, shall be fixed by the deputy head but will not be less than an average of 37.5 per week annually.

3.2 Meal allowance

An executive who works beyond normal working hours, through a normal meal period, may be reimbursed for meal expenses in accordance with the reimbursement of travel expenses for the Executive Group.

4. Leave

4.1 Vacation leave

4.1.1 General

Vacation leave will be taken at such time as the deputy head specifies. Deputies should encourage executives to take all of their vacation leave in the fiscal year in which it is earned.

4.1.2 Entitlement

For each calendar month in which an executive has earned at least ten (10) days' pay, the executive shall earn vacation leave entitlements (credits) at the rate of:

  • one and two-thirds (1 2/3) days per month for executives who do not qualify to earn two and one-twelfth (2 1/12) days per month; however, effective April 1, 2004, employees who are appointed to the Executive Group from another group in Part I service, on or after April 1, 2004, and previously earned vacation leave entitlements greater than one and two-thirds (1 2/3) days per month will continue to earn vacation entitlements at the rate of entitlement on the day prior to appointment, until the requirement for two and one-twelfth (2 1/12) days per month is attained:
  • two and one-twelfth (2 1/12) days per month beginning the first month following the earliest attainment of:
  • 10 years' Service in the Executive Group or equivalent as defined in appendix C, effective April 1, 1989;
  • 15 years' Service of which five or more are Executive Group service or equivalent as defined in appendix C, effective April 1, 1990;
  • 20 years' Service; or
  • was already entitled to this level of benefit as an employee of another group in Part 1 service prior to being appointed to the Executive Group.

However, effective April 1, 2004, employees who are appointed to the Executive group from another group in Part I service, on or after April 1, 2004, and previously earned vacation leave entitlements greater than two and one-twelfth (2 1/12) days per month will continue to earn vacation entitlements at the rate of entitlement on the day prior to appointment, until the requirement for two and one half (2 1/2) days per month is attained:

  • two and one half (2 1/2) days per month beginning the first month following the attainment of 28 years' Service.

4.1.3 Accumulation and Liquidation of Vacation Leave

(a) Definition of accumulation

Accumulated vacation leave is the total number of earned but unused vacation leave credits. It does not include furlough leave.

(b) Maximum accumulation

The maximum accumulation of vacation leave credits is the greater of the executive's:

  • current annual entitlement;


  • accumulated but unused vacation leave credits that the employee had on April 1, 1986, if the employee was classified in the Management Category (DM, EX, SM, or GX) or certain other excluded and unrepresented upper levels on this date;


  • accumulated but unused vacation leave credits that the employee had on the date of appointment to the Management Category or Executive Group if after April 1, 1986.

With the approval of the immediate supervisor, the executive may carry over up to one year's entitlement of earned but unused vacation leave credits beyond the individual's permitted maximum accumulation. Any vacation leave carried over under this exception must be used within the immediate fiscal year or be subject to mandatory cash-out at the end of the year.

(c) Liquidation

Maximum accumulations exceeding one year's entitlement are reduced (irrevocably) by:

  • the deputy head scheduling leave;
  • use; and/or,
  • cash-out.

Mandatory cash-out: On March 31st of each year, any earned but unused leave entitlement greater than the maximum accumulation will automatically be paid in cash, unless a request for carry over has been made and approved in accordance with subsection 4.1.3(b). Any leave entitlement that had been carried over pursuant to subsection 4.1.3(b) but remains unused will be cashed out.

Earned but unused vacation leave credits are also automatically paid in cash on termination of employment in Part I service, except as provided under the portability provisions in subsection 4.1.4.

Voluntary cash-out: Executives may cash-out at any time, subject to deputy head approval, any or all of their accumulated vacation leave credits.

Both mandatory and voluntary cash-out are based on current base salary (does not include performance awards and allowances). For mandatory cash-out the executive's current base salary is what the executive was earning on March 31 of the year in which the leave is being cashed out. For voluntary cash-out the current base salary is what the executive was earning on the date of the request for voluntary cash out was made.

4.1.4 Portability

Earned but unused vacation leave credits and Service outside of Part I service will be accepted for determining vacation entitlement while employed in Part I service.

Where an executive is terminating Part I service for employment in another federal Crown organization, accumulated vacation leave may be transferred if the new employer agrees.

4.1.5 Administration

(a) Recovery of salary for advanced leave. When employment is terminated for any reason other than death or layoff, salary paid during any unearned leave taken by the executive is subject to recovery.

(b) Cancellation or recall of vacation leave. An executive recalled to duty from vacation leave, or whose vacation leave is cancelled without notice shall be reimbursed reasonable expenses incurred by the recall or cancellation. Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • travel expenses in accordance with the Treasury Board's travel policy for the Executive Group;
  • expenses related to the cancellation of reservations.

4.2 Furlough leave

An executive who is entitled to furlough leave may, subject to deputy head approval, take that leave or any part of it in any year after the completion of 20 years' Service.

Notwithstanding the provisions in section 1.3.1, executives who are entitled to or who have received furlough leave, will have their vacation leave credits earned under subsection 2.3.1 reduced by five-twelfths (5/12) of a day per month. This reduction begins with the month following the completion of the 20th year of Service and ends with the month of completion of 25 years' Service.

4.3 Sick leave

4.3.1 Entitlement

An executive earns sick leave credits at the rate of one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days for each month the executive is entitled to 10 days' pay.

A deputy head may grant an executive 130 days' sick leave with pay, in addition to the earned but unused sick leave credits already available to the individual. This additional sick leave may only be granted once during an executive's career and will not be recovered from future sick leave credits.

4.3.2 Certification

A medical certificate is required only when requested by the deputy head.

4.3.3 Portability

Unused sick leave credits earned in Service outside of Part I service may be used while employed in Part I service.

4.4 Family related responsibilities

4.4.1 Definition

For the purposes of this section, family is defined as:

  • spouse (including common-law spouse);
  • dependent children (including children of a common-law spouse);
  • parents (including step-parents and foster-parents); and,
  • any relative residing in the executive's household or with whom the executive permanently resides.

4.4.2 Leave with pay (discretionary)

The deputy head may grant a total of one week's leave with pay during any fiscal year for family related responsibilities. This leave is meant to apply to situations such as:

  • care of sick member of the family;
  • needs related to the birth or adoption of a child; and,
  • to take a member of the family to a medical or dental appointment.

4.4.3 Leave Without Pay (mandatory)

(a) General

  1. An executive who requests Maternity and/or Parental Leave and agrees to return to work for a period equal to the period of receipt of maternity and/or parental allowance, and who provides the deputy head with proof that she/he has applied for and is eligible to receive pregnancy and/or parental benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act (EI Act), shall be paid a maternity and/or parental allowance in accordance with the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan. If the executive fails to return to work, for reasons other than death, layoff, or having become disabled as defined in the Public Service Superannuation Act, on a date specified by the deputy head and for a period of work equivalent to the time for which benefits under maternity and/or parental leave were paid, then all monies received by the executive as maternity and/or parental allowance, equivalent to the period for which the executive fails to return to work, will be recovered.
  2. The maternity or parental allowance to which an executive is entitled, as specified below, is limited to that provided under the SUB Plan and an executive will not be reimbursed for any amounts that she/he may be required to repay pursuant to the EI Act.
  3. The weekly rate of pay referred to in the SUB Plan shall be the rate to which the executive is entitled for her/his substantive level; however, if on the day immediately preceding the commencement of maternity or parental leave without pay an executive has been on an acting assignment for at least four (4) months, the weekly rate shall be the rate she/he was being paid on that day.
  4. An executive who fails to satisfy the eligibility requirements under the EI Act, for pregnancy or parental benefits, solely because of a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Long-term Disability (LTD) Insurance Portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or the Government Employees Compensation Act, shall be paid:
  • for a period of maternity leave, not greater than seventeen (17) weeks, the difference between ninety-three percent (93%) of her weekly rate of pay and the gross amount of her weekly disability benefit;
  • for each week the executive would have received a parental allowance had the executive met the eligibility requirements, the difference between ninety-three percent (93%) of her/his weekly rate of pay and the gross amount of her/his weekly disability benefit.
  1. Maternity Leave and Parental Leave shall count for the calculation of Service for the purpose of calculating severance pay and vacation leave.

(b) Maternity

  1. An executive who is pregnant shall, at her request, be granted maternity leave without pay for a period beginning before, on or after the date of childbirth, and ending not later than seventeen (17) weeks after the date of childbirth or the expected date of childbirth.
  2. Where the executive's new-born child is hospitalised within the period defined above, the deputy head may extend the period of maternity leave without pay beyond the date falling seventeen (17) weeks after the date of termination of pregnancy by a period equal to that portion of the period the new-born child was hospitalised. The executive must return to work during the period of hospitalisation and the extension shall end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the termination of pregnancy.
  3. Maternity allowance payments made according to the SUB Plan will consist of the following:
  • for the two (2) week waiting period (where there is one) before receiving EI maternity benefits, ninety-three percent (93%) of her weekly rate of pay for each of the two (2) weeks; and/or
  • the difference between the gross weekly benefit rate payable under the EI Act and ninety-three percent (93%) of her weekly rate of pay, payable for each week the employee receives a pregnancy benefit under the EI Act.

(c) Parental

  1. An executive who becomes a parent through the birth of a child or adoption of a child shall be granted parental leave without pay for a single period of up to thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks in the fifty-two (52) week period beginning on or after the date of the child's birth, or the date of acceptance of custody of the child for adoption.
  2. The period of parental leave without pay shall end no later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the child is born or the acceptance of custody.
  3. Where a period of maternity leave without pay has been extended due to the hospitalisation of the new-born child and is followed by a period of parental leave without pay, the period of parental leave without pay will end no later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the day the child is born.
  4. Parental leave allowance payments made according to the SUB Plan will consist of the following:
  • for the two (2) week waiting period (where there is one) before receiving EI parental benefits, ninety-three percent (93%) of his/her weekly rate of pay for each week of the waiting period, less any other monies earned during this period; and/or
  • the difference between the gross weekly benefit rate payable under the EI Act and ninety-three percent (93%) of his/her weekly rate of pay, payable for each week the employee receives a benefit under the EI Act.
  1. Parental leave without pay taken by a Public Service couple shall not exceed a total of 
    thirty-seven (37) weeks for both employees combined.
  2. Employees who on March 22, 2001, were currently on parental leave without pay or had requested a period of such leave without pay, but had not commenced the leave, shall upon request, be entitled to these revised provisions. Any application must be received before the termination date of the leave period originally requested.

(d) Care and Nurturing

At the executive's request, leave without pay, in one or more periods (minimum six months) not exceeding five years in total, for the care and nurturing of pre-school age children. In special circumstances the deputy head may authorize such leave for periods of less than six months. Leave exceeding three months does not count as Service.

(e) Spousal relocation

At the executive's request, leave without pay of up to one year if the executive's spouse is permanently relocated, and up to five years if the spouse is temporarily relocated. Leave exceeding three months does not count as Service.

4.4.4 Leave without pay (discretionary)

Leave without pay for the long-term care of a parent

At the discretion of the deputy head, an executive may be granted leave without pay for the long-term personal care of the executive's parents, including step-parents or foster parents, provided that:

  • the executive notifies the deputy head at least four (4) weeks in advance of the commencement date of such leave, unless because of an urgent or unforeseeable circumstance such notice cannot be given;
  • the leave is for a period of at least six (6) weeks;
  • the total leave granted under this clause shall not exceed two (2) years during an employee's total period of employment in the Public Service.

Leave granted under this clause for a period of more than three months does not count as Service.

4.5 Holidays

The following days are paid holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Remembrance Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day
  • A provincial or civic holiday.

When a holiday coincides with a day of rest, the holiday is moved to the first scheduled working day following the day of rest.

An executive will not be paid for a holiday during any period when that executive is on leave without pay, absent without leave, or under suspension.

4.6 Special leave

4.6.1 Special leave with pay (mandatory)

The deputy head shall grant an executive leave with pay for:

  • jury duty;
  • appearing before any body authorized by law to compel the attendance of witnesses, when summoned or subpoenaed to do so;
  • participating in a personnel selection process, or an appeal process, for any position in an organization in the Government of Canada.

4.6.2 Special leave with pay (discretionary)

The deputy head may grant an executive leave with pay for any purpose not otherwise specified in these terms and conditions. Examples where such leave might be granted are bereavement and marriage.

4.6.3 Special leave without pay (discretionary)

The deputy head may grant an executive leave without pay for any purpose not otherwise specified in these terms and conditions. Examples where such leave might be granted include assignment with an international organization, or to accept an appointment in a Minister's office.

4.7 Personal leave

At the executive's request, the deputy head shall grant one day of leave with pay per fiscal year, for reasons of a personal nature. This leave, if not requested, cannot be carried forward or otherwise accumulated from one fiscal year to the next.

5. Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP)

5.1 Life insurance

(a) Member
  1. Basic

Benefit: twice the adjusted annual salary (rounded to the nearest $1,000).

Premiums: employer paid.

  1. Optional (available upon application and submission to the insurer of satisfactory evidence of insurability).

Benefit: one year's adjusted salary.

Premiums: employee paid.

  1. Post retirement (optional)

Benefit: 100% of adjusted final salary during first year of retirement, 75% during second year of retirement, 50% during third year of retirement and 25% thereafter for life.

Premiums: employer paid.

(b) Dependants


  • $5,000 for death of spouse and $2,500 for death of each dependent child;
  • various payments for dismemberment.

Premiums: employer paid.

5.2 Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D)

(a) Member

Benefit: up to $250,000 for accidental loss of life, limb, use of limb, vision, speech, or hearing.

Premiums: employer paid.

(b) Dependants

Benefit: up to $5,000 and $2,500 for spouse and each dependent child respectively, for accidental loss of life, limb, use of limb, vision, speech, or hearing.

Premiums: employer paid.

5.3 Long term disability (LTD)


  • 70% of annual salary;
  • annually adjusted by increase in CPI to a maximum of 3%;
  • payable after all sick leave credits are used;
  • Payment up to 24 months if totally disabled for essential functions of own job; thereafter until age 65, if totally disabled for any reasonably commensurate occupation, i.e. occupation for which one is qualified by training, education, or experience and for which the pay rate is at least 2/3 of the current rate for one's former job.

Premiums: employer paid.


PSMIP benefits are not available to managers working one-third or less of full-time hours. They are pro-rated for those working more than one-third of the full-time hours.

For further details see Treasury Board Policies and Publications on Human Resources Management, Insurance and Related Benefits.

6. Supplementary death benefit

This forms part of the PSSA.


  • until age 65, compulsory life insurance equal to two year's salary;
  • the insurance coverage reduces by 10% each year following the executive's 66th birthday;
  • minimum coverage is $10,000 for employees and retirees with unreduced pensions, or with reduced pensions payable within 30 days of ceasing employment;
  • post-retirement coverage is optional.

Premiums: employee paid ($0.15/$1,000 coverage) and employer paid.


Supplementary death benefit is not recalculated as a result of a retroactive salary adjustment.

See Treasury Board Policies and Publications on Human Resources Management, Insurance and Related Benefits for further details.

7. Additional death benefit

Where an executive, employed for at least two years and not a participant within the meaning of Part II of the PSSA, dies, two month's salary shall be paid to either the surviving spouse or such person as the Treasury Board determines.


Additional death benefit is not recalculated as a result of a retroactive salary adjustment.

8. Provincial health insurance programs

Coverage: insures executives and eligible dependants for specific medical expenses; including charges for standard-ward hospital accommodation and physicians' services.

Premiums: shared 50/50 in provinces which levy direct premiums (i.e. British Columbia and Alberta).

See Treasury Board Policies and Publications on Human Resources Management, Insurance and Related Benefits for further details.

9. Public service health care plan (PSHCP)

9.1 Extended health care


  • 80% of specified expenses (beyond the annual deductible) not covered by provincial medical insurance plans;
  • annual deductibles are $60 (single) and $100 (family).

Premiums: employer paid.

9.2 Supplementary hospital accommodation

Coverage: Level III (up to $150/day).

Premiums: employer paid.


This benefit is not available to executives working one-third or less of full-time hours. It is not pro-rated for those working more than one-third of the full-time hours.

See Treasury Board Policies and Publications on Human Resources Management, Insurance and Related Benefits for further details.

10. Dental insurance plan


  • annual deductible $25 (single) and $50 (family);
  • after the annual deductible, 50% of specified major restorative, prosthodontic, and orthodontic services are reimbursed; 90% of all other expenses are reimbursed;
  • maximum reimbursements are $2,500 lifetime per child for orthodontic, and $1,250 per person per year for other expenses.

Premiums: employer paid.


This benefit is not available to executives working one-third or less of full-time hours. It is not pro-rated for those working more than one-third of the full-time hours.

See Treasury Board Policies and Publications on Human Resources Management, Insurance and Related Benefits for further details.

11. Severance

11.1 Entitlement

Executives earn one week's pay for each completed year of Service in a Crown employer whose severance plan is identical to that for the former Management Category or Executive Group at the time of appointment thereto, to a maximum entitlement of 28 weeks, payable on termination of employment.

The maximum entitlement of 28 weeks' pay is reduced by the number of weeks of severance pay, retiring leave, or cash gratuity in lieu of retiring leave, previously granted.

11.2 Portability

If an executive is leaving Part I service for another federal Crown employer, severance will only be paid in cash if the new employer does not have an identical severance plan or will not accept the accumulated severance liability.


Service outside of Part I service which, before January 1, 1989, was considered to be "continuous employment" will be deemed to be Part I service for this benefit.

12. Parking

The Employer pays 50% of:

  • the monthly rate charged for Crown parking facilities; or
  • the monthly rate charged for commercial facilities, limited to a maximum of the equivalent Crown rate.

13. Discipline

Subject to any enactment of the Treasury Board, the deputy head may:

  • establish standards of discipline for executives; and,
  • prescribe, impose, and vary or rescind, in whole or in part, financial and other penalties, including suspension and discharge, that may be applied for breaches of discipline or misconduct by executives.

Appendix B - Retroactive Remuneration Directives


  1. These directives are made pursuant to Section 11 of the Financial Administration Act (TB 801603, approved April 17, 1986, effective December 11, 1986)


  1. In these directives,

employee (employé) - means any person employed by a department or agency listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act;

Public Service (fonction publique) - means the departments and agencies listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act;

remuneration (rémunération) - means compensation payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund;

retroactive period (période de rétroactivité) - means the period beginning on the effective date of the retroactive upward revision in remuneration and ending on the day approval is given, a collective agreement is entered into or an arbitral award is rendered.

  1. A retroactive upward revision in remuneration shall apply to employees, former employees or in the case of death, the estates of former employees who were employed in the Public Service during the retroactive period.
  2. Remuneration shall be paid in an amount equal to what would have been paid had the revision been approved on the effective date.
  3. (1) In order to be eligible to receive payment in accordance with section 4, employees who have changed occupational groups and former employees, or in the case of death, the former employees' representatives, shall submit a written application as specified in subsection 2.

(2) Following notification by the Employer in the form of a registered letter to the last known address of the person, the addressee shall have thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of this letter to request in writing a retroactive payment. Thereafter, any obligation upon the Employer to provide payment ceases.

  1. No payment shall be made under these directives for one dollar or less.

Appendix C - Executive Group Equivalent Service for Vacation Entitlement

I. Part I Public Service

Group/Groupe Level(s) Niveau(X)
Deputy Minister/Sous-ministres DM 1, 2, 3
General Executive/Direction supérieure GX
Executive/Direction EX 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Senior Management/Gestion supérieure SM
Governor in Council/Gouverneur en conseil GIC 1-11
Senior Executive/Haute direction SX
Administrative Services/Services administratifs AS 8
Commerce/Commerce CO 4
Computer Systems Administration/Gestion des systèmes d'ordinateurs CS 5
Financial Administration/Gestion des finances FI 7
Foreign Service/Service extérieur FS 3, 4, 5
Information Services/Services d'information IS 7
Organization and Methods/Organisation et méthodes OM 6
Personnel Administration/Gestion du personnel PE 7
Program Administration/Administration des programmes PM 7
Purchasing and Supply/Achat et approvisionnement PG 7
Translation/Traduction TR 6
Welfare Programs/Programmes de bien-être social WP 7
Actuarial Science/Actuariat AC 3
Agriculture/Agriculture AG 5, 6
Architecture and Town Planning/Architecture et urbanisme AR 7, 8, 9
Auditing/Vérification AU 6, 7
Biological Sciences/Sciences biologiques BI 5, 6
Chemistry/Chimie CH 5, 6
Defence Scientific Service/Services scientifiques de la défense DS 6, 7, 7A, 7B, 8
Dentistry/Art dentaire DE 3, 4
Education - Education Services/Enseignement - Services d'enseignement ED-EDS 6, 7
Engineering and Land Survey - Engineering/Génie et arpentage - Génie EN-ENG 6, 7, 8
Engineering and Land Survey - Survey/Génie et arpentage - Arpentage EN-SUR 6, 7, 8
Economics, Sociology and Statistics/Économique, sociologie et statistique ES 7, 8
Forestry/Sciences forestières FO 4, 5
Historical Research/Recherche historique HR 5
Law/Droit LA 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C
Library Science/Bibliothéconomie LS 6
Mathematics - Chief Statistician/Mathématiques - Statisticien en chef MA-CST 1, 2
Mathematics - Statistician/Mathématiques - Statisticien MA-STA 5
Mathematics - Senior Statistician/Mathématiques - Statisticien principal MA-SRS 1
Medicine - Medical Officer/Médecine - Médecin fonctionnaire MD-MOF 4, 5
Medicine - Medical Specialist/Médecine - Médecin spécialiste MD-MSP 3
Meteorology/Météorologie MT 8, 9
Nursing - Community Health Nursing/Sciences infirmières - Infirmières communautaires NU-CHN 8
Nursing - Hospital Nursing/Sciences infirmières - Infirmières d'hôpital NU-HOS 8
Physical Sciences/Sciences physiques PC 5, 6
Pharmacy - Advisory and Regulatory/Pharmacie - Consultation et réglementation PH-ADR 4
Psychology/Psychologie PS 5
Scientific Research - Research Manager/Recherche scientifique - Directeur de recherches SE-REM 2, 3
Scientific Regulation/Réglementation scientifique SG 9, 10
University Teaching/Enseignement universitaire UT 5, 6, 7
Veterinary Medicine/Médecine vétérinaire VM 5, 6
Air Traffic Control/Contrôle de la circulation aérienne AI 8
Social Science support/Soutien des sciences sociales SI 8
General Technical/Techniciens divers GT 8
Technical Inspection/Inspection technique TI 9

II. Other service

Groups and levels equivalent to those in section I.


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