Canadian Flag   Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat


Mandate and Objectives,

Advanced Card Technologies (ACT) Working Group


The TBITS ACT Working Group was re-formed in April 1996 to address the results and recommendations of the CAR Information Technology Security Strategy Steering Committee (ITSSSC) report on Advanced Card Technologies. The mandate and objectives of the TBITS ACT Working Group was to identify a standards based, common systems approach for the use of Advanced Card Technology in the Government of Canada (GoC).

Top of Page Re-focus of TBITS ACT Working Group:

Treasury Board's EAA policy states that a physical token is required for EAA to be implemented effectively. This token can be in the form of a diskette, Smart Card or PCMCIA Card. In addition to this policy, the delays encountered in the work of the TBITS ACT Working Group and the initial results of the pilots to implement a multi-application card, it has become evident that the work of the TBITS Working Group required a re-focus and the mandate restated including specific objectives.

It is felt that the use of Digital Signatures and Encryption through PKI will form the basis of activating and using multiple applications within the GoC thus focusing the TBITS ACT Working Group on this specific issue will provide the base to build future ACT applications and uses.

Top of Page New Mandate

To develop GoC standards (functional and technical) for ACT in response to the requirements for a PKI token.

Top of Page Objectives

  1. Develop functional standards for use of Smart Cards as the token for Electronic Commerce utilizing PKI and the ENTRUST products.
  2. Develop technical standards for use of Smart Cards as the token for Electronic Commerce utilizing PKI and the ENTRUST products and PKCS #11.
Government of Canada
Last updated: 2003-12-15
Date reviewed: 2000-08-24