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Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements
Issues covered by the WTO?s committees and agreements

Government procurement

There are three areas of work in the WTO on government procurement:

  • Transparency in government procurement, addressed by a working group of all WTO members
  • Government procurement in services — handled by the Working Party on GATS Rules
  • The Government Procurement Agreement — a “plurilateral” agreement signed by some WTO members, administered by a plurilateral committee

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Starting point: no commitments on market access in basic instruments

Extracts from GATT (goods) and GATS (services) exempting government procurement regulations from governments’ market access commitments.

The three areas: back to top

Transparency: the Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement Practices (WGTGP)
A multilateral working group set up to study transparency in government procurement practices and to develop elements for inclusion in a future agreement. Material includes: introduction, mandate, and work of the Working Group
Services: the Working Party on GATS Rules (WPGR)
Established, among other purposes, for negotiations on government procurement of services as required under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Material includes: mandate, work of the Working Party
Plurilateral: Government Procurement Agreement
An agreement signed by a limited number of WTO members. Material includes: explanations, legal text, countries’ commitments and notifications, work of the Committee.

Other links… back to top

International instruments on government procurement.
Coverage of government procurement under regional initiatives and bilateral agreements.
Details of national procurement systems.
Links to sites offering procurement opportunities.

Events back to top

  • 14-17 January 2003: joint WTO-World Bank workshop on public procurement
    A joint WTO-World Bank regional workshop on procurement reforms and transparency in public procurement for English speaking African countries was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
    Programme and background materials


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