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Your interest in the Senate of Canada, its role and its ongoing activities is greatly appreciated.

Hopefully this site will provide you with useful information about the Senate and the important role it has to play in our democratic society. This website also provides information on Canadian politics, Senator Angus' home province of Quebec as well as some recent political, corporate and environmental issues.  The principal idea in creating this website is to provide an opportunity for interested Canadians and others to examine and discuss current issues and policies which our office is working on.

Please visit our site regularly, as there will be new subjects posted on an ongoing basis.




Senator Angus and recently elected Prime Minister Stephen Harper




Senator Angus' Committee Activities:
Special, new Standing Senate Committee on Conflict of Interest for Senators.  For more information, click here.

Other Activities:

A New Solar Buildings Research Network at Concordia University.

Senator Angus was honoured to represent on May 30, 2006, the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources, at the unveiling of the new Solar Buildings Research Network at Concordia University in Montreal.  Please click here for further information.


New McGill University Health Centre Task Force

Senator Angus is proud to co-chair a new task force for the McGill University Health Centre.  This new task force will develop a comprehensive vision and business plan for a Life Sciences Technopole that will build on our medical research achievements.  Click here for further information.


Senator Angus was honoured to take part in a Canadian delegation  to Charleston, South Carolina.

The Honourable Members of the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group traveled to Charleston, South Carolina for their 47th Annual Meeting held from May 5 – 8, 2006.  The delegation participated in a number of meetings with their American counterparts on a wide range of issues pertaining to: trade and economics; international issues and trans-border issues.  For information on the resolutions agreed to by the delegates, click here.








I would like to thank Montreal Tourism (www.tourism-montreal.org) for allowing me to use some of their beautiful images of Montreal for this website.  On the opening page the two pictures of Montreal are:
     Montréal skyline and St. Lawrence River in wintertime © Tourisme Montréal, Stéphan Poulin and
     Montréal skyline and St. Lawrence River © Tourisme Montréal, Stéphan Poulin


© Copyright Senator W. David Angus 2004
Senate of Canada