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Change of name

The Registrar of Civil Status has the power to authorize a change of name or designation of sex on the act of birth of anyone who requests it.   However, procedures in both cases are very strict and must be followed to the letter.Papillon

Change of name
Change of designation of sex
Cost of an application
How to file an application


Change of name

Changing a surname or given name is a move with significant consequences since you are, in a way, adopting a new identity.

Here are some examples of SERIOUS REASONS for changing your surname or given name:

  • you bear a name different from the name on your act of birth
  • your name is too hard to pronounce or write (foreigh name, complicated spelling).

Here are some other serious reasons:

  • your name lends itself to ridicule or is associated with infamy
  • you want your child to have a surname other than that entered on his/her act of birth.

A married woman who wants to take back her maiden name
does not need to apply for a name change.

After authorizing a name change, Le Directeur de l'état civil automatically issues a  certificate of change of name (french only).

Application for change of name by a person of full age:

To apply to Le Directeur de l'état civil for a name change, you must be an adult Canadian citizen domiciled in Québec for at least one year.

Application for change of name by on behalf of a minor:

The father, mother or guardian may apply for a change of name for a minor child.

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Change of designation of sex

Application for a change of designation of sex:

Any person who has successfully undergone medical and surgical treatments resulting in a structural modification of the sexual organs may obtain a change in the designation of sex which appears on his/her act of birth and, if necessary, a change of given names.

This person must be an adult Canadian citizen and domiciled in Québec for least one year. He or she must send a certificate from the attending doctor and an attestation from another doctor practicing in Québec stating that the treatments and operations were successful.

After granting approval, Le Directeur de l'état civil automatically issues a certificate of change of designation of sex  (french only).

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Cost of an application

Tariff grid

Change of surname or given name of a single person (adult or child)


Additional application for a child


Change of designation of sex


Additional copy of a certificate of change of name or certificate of change of designation of sex.
For information, see the “additional copy of certificate” section


* including issue of first certificate of change of name.

In addition to administrative fees, there is a charge for publishing notices.

The law requires the applicant to publish notices in the Gazette officielle du Québec and in a local newspaper.

Publication fee

Two notices in the Gazette officielle du Québec cost

$ 96 *

Two notices in a newspaper :

Variable fee

* Subject to change

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How to file an application

Applications for a change of name or designation of sex must be made in writing to Le Directeur de l'état civil using a form. Payment (by cheque or money order payable to Le Directeur de l'état civil) must accompany the application.

There are 3 forms (for persons of full age, minors and those wanting to change designation of sex).  Contact us and we will tell you which one concerns you.

The forms may be obtained by mail:

New address since October 12, 2004, the phone and fax numbers remain unchanged.

Service du changement de nom

Le Directeur de l'état civil
2535, boulevard Laurier
Sainte-Foy (Québec) G1V 5C5
Or phone our Call Centres:
  in Québec City (418) 643-3900
in Montréal (514) 864-3900
Elsewhere in Québec 1 800 567-3900 (toll free)
Or e-mail us: etatcivil@dec.gouv.qc.ca

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