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Home : Applicants & Registrants : Evaluation Templates : (USC) Definitions
Use-Site Category (USC) Definitions for Conventional Chemical Pesticides





1. Aquaculture

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs)

- Antifouling products

Plants or animals produced in an aquatic (marine or fresh water) environment for human consumption, including antifouling products for nets and pens.

for hydroponics, see Greenhouse Food Crops (USC # 5) and Greenhouse Non-Food Crops (USC # 6)

2. Aquatic Non-Food Sites

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Piscicides

- Molluscides

- Algicides

- Lampricides

Outdoor natural and man-made environments (marine or fresh water), including, but not limited to:

∙   non-food algae

∙   weeds

∙   lamprey eels

∙   fish

∙   aquatic life stages of insects

∙   zebra mussels and other mollusks

∙   includes once-through treatment of industrial water systems for zebra mussel control

Industrial Process Fluids (USC # 17)

Underwater Structures and Materials (USC # 22)

Swimming Pools (USC # 29)

Other Indoor Surfaces, Water and Air (USC # 19)

treatments of drinking water in municipal systems and private wells

3. Empty Food Storage Areas

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Rodenticides

- Disinfectants

- Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)

- Insect Growth Regulatory (IGRs)

Empty commercial premises where food is to be stored or grown, including, but not limited to:

- disinfection of potato storage bins on farms and cooperatives

- empty food storage or

- empty greenhouses and mushroom houses devoid of growth media

disinfection or sanitization of all other commercial food storage areas subject to the Food and Drugs Act

4. Forests and Woodlots

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs          

Forested areas, including, but not limited to:

- plantations

- forest nurseries

Christmas tree plantations and nurseries

- site preparation

- seed production (seed orchard)

- conifer release

Ornamentals Outdoors (USC # 27)

Greenhouse Non-Food (USC # 6)

5. Greenhouse Food Crops

- Insecticide

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Edible crops growing in greenhouses, including, but not limited to:

- mushrooms growing in mushroom houses

- indoor hydroponically-grown food plants

- greenhouses cleared of edible crops, but containing soil and growth media

for treatment of empty greenhouses and empty mushroom houses devoid of growth media, see Empty Food Storage Areas (USC # 3)

disinfection or sanitization of greenhouses or mushroom houses where a food crop is growing is subject to the Food and Drugs Act

6. Greenhouse Non-Food Crops

- Insecticide

- Herbicides

- Fungicide

- Disinfectants

- PGRs

- IGRs 

Non-food crops growing in greenhouses, including, but not limited to:

- non-food crops growing hydroponically indoors

for treatment of empty greenhouses devoid of growth media, see Empty Food Storage Areas (USC # 3)

7. Industrial Oil Seed Crops and Fibre Crops

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Terrestrial plants being commercially grown only for seed production, including, but not limited to:

- seed crops


8. Livestock for Food

- Insecticide

- Insecticide feed-through

- Insect Repellents

- IGRs

Terrestrial animals and bees raised as a source of food for human consumption, including, but not limited to:

- milk

- meat

- meat by-products

- honey

Also including:

-topical application for ectoparasite control

all methods other than topical application for the control of ectoparasites. All disease control agents, no matter how they are applied, subject to the Food and Drugs Act

for other treatments of animals, see Aquaculture(USC # 1) and Companion Animals (USC # 24)

9. Livestock Non-Food

- Insecticides

Terrestrial animals raised for uses other than as food for human consumption, including, but not limited to:

-fur-bearing animals

Companion Animals

(USC # 24)

Livestock for Food

(USC # 8)

all methods, other than topical application, for the control of ectoparasites

All disease control agents, no matter how they are applied, are subject to the Food and Drugs Act

10. Seed Treatments Food and Feed

- Insecticides

- Fungicides

- Bactericides

Seed for food or feed in a commercial application facility or on a farm to prevent insect infestation or infectious diseases. Includes the planting of treated seed either indoors or outdoors. Including, but not limited to:

seed potatoes




true seed


11. Seed Treatments Non-Food

- Insecticides

- Fungicides

- Bactericides

Seed for a non-food crop in a commercial application facility or on a farm to prevent insect infestation or infectious diseases. Included are the planting of treated seeds either indoors or outdoors. Including, but not limited to:

- rootstock

- corms

- bulbs

- cuttings

- true seeds


12. Stored Food and Feed

- Insecticides

- Fungicides

- Rodenticides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Stored bulk food, including, but not limited to:

- grains in elevators, ships̓ holds, etc.

- post-harvest treatment of crops, e.g., fruits, potatoes, etc.

- stored packaged food and feed

- stored bulk feed

- food processing areas, food processing plants, restaurants and other areas where food is present during treatment


13. Terrestrial Feed Crops

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Crops grown outdoors as a source of feed for livestock, including direct treatment of crops or the soil during one or more of the various growth stages, including pre-plant and pre-emergence.

for crops treated after harvest, see Stored Food and Feed (USC # 12)

14. Terrestrial Food Crops

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Crops grown outdoors as a source of food for human consumption, including direct treatment of crops or soil during one or more of the various growth stages, including pre-plant and pre-emergence. Including, but not limited to:

- non-bearing stages of plants, e.g., pre- and post-bloom fruit trees, non-bearing strawberries, etc.

- crops grown for seeds for subsequent planting

- cranberries

- tobacco

- land to be used for future crop growth, e.g., fallow land



15. Indoor Hard Surfaces

- Hard Surface Disinfectants

- Sanitizers

Indoor hard surfaces, e.g., counters, sinks, toilets and floors, in non-food areas and also in areas such as kitchens where there may be food contact. Food contamination must be avoided by appropriate label precautions.

The following antimicrobial controls are still subject to the Food and Drugs Act:

- food processing and meat packaging

- medical instruments

- medical care facilities, e.g., hospitals and veterinary clinics

- drinking water devices

16. Industrial and Domestic Vegetation Control for Non-Food Sites

- Herbicides

- PGRs

Terrestrial vegetation sites on non-agricultural lands, including, but not limited to:

- industrial sites

- parking lots

- tennis courts

- rights-of-way

- driveways and patios

for agricultural land to be used for a Terrestrial Food or Feed Crop in subsequent years, see Terrestrial Food Crops (USC # 14) and Terrestrial Feed Crops (USC # 13)

17. Industrial Process Fluids

- Slimicides

Industrial process fluids, including, but not limited to:

- water cooling towers (open, once-through and closed systems)

- pulp and paper

- drilling muds

for slime control in other sites see Swimming Pools (USC # 29) and Aquaculture (USC # 1)

- for ornamental ponds, see Aquatic Non-Food Sites (USC # 2)

Material (USC # 18)

18. Material

- Material Preservatives

Products used or added to manufacture or processing to preserve the material or its function, including, but not limited to:

- metal cutting fluid

- leather

- textiles

- fuel

- paint

- canvas

- caulking

Underwater Structures and Materials (USC # 22)

Wood (USC # 23)

19. Other Indoor Surfaces, Water and Air

- Slimicides

- Disinfectants

- Sanitizers

Including, but not limited to:

- laundry

- air ducts

- air

- water beds

- humidifiers

- building-related illness treatment

Food contamination must be avoided by appropriate label precautions.


20. Structural

- Insecticides

- Fungicides

- Rodenticides

- IGRs

Residential, farm and office buildings, air, land and sea transport vehicles, ships and other commercial structures not associated with commercial food production or storage. Food contamination must be avoided by appropriate label precautions.

Indoor Hard Surfaces (USC # 15)

for termite control, see Structures and Surrounding Soil (USC # 21)

products for disinfectant treatments of food storage and processing areas subject to the Food and Drugs Act

21. Structures and Surrounding Soil

- Termiticides

Structures and surrounding soil for preventive treatment or control of termite infestations.

Structural (USC # 20)

22. Underwater Structures and Materials

- Antifouling coatings

Structures intended for underwater use, including, but not limited to:

- lobster traps

- boat hulls

- fishing nets

- intake pipes

for wood preservation of underwater structures, piers and docks, see Wood (USC # 23)

aquaculture pens and nets

23. Wood

- Heavy duty wood preservatives (HDWPs)

- Anti-sapstains

- Millwork and joinery products

- Remedial treatment products

-  Wood stains and coatings

Preservation and protection of wood and wood products, including, but not limited to, HDWPs for wood used in underwater structures.

Underwater Structures and Materials (USC # 22)

Structural (USC # 20)

Structures and Surrounding Soil (USC # 21)


24. Companion Animals

- Insecticides

- Fungicides

- Molluscides

- Algicides

- IGRs

Indoor and outdoor companion animals and aquatic life forms. Control of pests is solely by topical application or directly to aquarium water.

Livestock for Food (USC # 8) and Non-Food (USC # 9)

all other prescribed veterinary drugs

all methods other than topical application for the control of ectoparasites. All disease control agents, no matter how they are applied, are subject to the Food and Drugs Act

for products to be used on pet sleeping areas, see Structural (USC # 20)

25. Human Habitat and Recreational Areas

- Insecticides

-  Insect Repellents

Outdoor commercial treatment of urban or rural habitation and recreational areas, including, but not limited to control/ repel / attract of:

- adult biting flies

- black flies

- mosquitoes

- other insects

for aquatic larval stages, see Aquatic Non-Food (USC # 2)

26. Human Skin, Clothing and Proximal Sites

- Insecticides

- Insect Repellents

- Personal Insect Repellents

Direct application, placement in close proximity to or prolonged contact with humans, (e.g., indoor use of coils, candles, mats, etc.); impregnation into, or a spraying onto materials, (e.g., clothing, tablecloths and canvas).

products intended to repel or control ectoparasites, e.g., lice, subject to Food and Drugs Act

27. Ornamentals Outdoor

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Non-food plants growing outdoors, including, but not limited to:

- flowers

- trees

- shrubs

- seed crops on non-agricultural land

for grass, lawns, turf soil, sod farms, see Turf (USC # 30)

28. Indoor Plants and Plantscapes

- Insecticides

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Plants grown indoors, including, but not limited to:

- shopping malls

- commercial buildings

- residences

see also Terrestrial Food Crops (USC # 14)

29. Swimming Pools

- Algicides

- Bactericides

Water in public or private swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.

for ornamental ponds, see Aquatic Non-Food (USC # 2)

30. Turf

- Insecticides

-  Insect Repellents

- Herbicides

- Fungicides

- PGRs

- IGRs

Grass sites, including, but not limited to:

- lawns

- golf courses

- parks

- recreational areas

- sod farms

- turf soil

for natural grassland and pastures, see Terrestrial Feed Crops (USC # 13)

Residential Outdoors (USC # 33)

31. Various Indoor and Outdoor Sites

- Animal Repellents

Products used indoors or outdoors in small quantities to repel dogs, cats, birds, bears and other vertebrate pests.

Terrestrial Food Crops (USC # 14)

Terrestrial Feed Crops (USC # 3)

32. Various Outdoor Sites

- Vertebrate Pest Control Products

- Rodenticides

- Avicides

Commercial products used outdoors to control animal pests, including, but not limited to:

- gophers

- coyotes

- wolves

- birds

Terrestrial Food Crops (USC # 14)

Terrestrial Feed Crops (USC # 13)

33. Residential Outdoors

- Insecticides

-  Insect Repellents

- Insect Attractancts

- IGRs

Outdoor domestic residential use to control / repel/ attract of domestic home and yard (e.g., outdoor use of coils, candles, mats, misters, etc.) nuisance insects and ticks, including, but not limited to:

- wasps

- hornets

- ticks

- mosquitoes and black flies

any food use

for termite control, see Structures and Surrounding Soil (USC # 21)

for personal insect repellents, see Human Skin, Clothing and Proximal Sites (USC # 26)

Turf (USCs # 30)

Ornamental Outdoors (USC # 27)

- for larval stages, see Aquatic Non-Food (USC# 2)


Last updated: 2006-07-21

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