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  Around Alberta
  Business Feature
March 2006 - Issue 46
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An Export Minute

If you plan to sell to U.S. customers from your website, plan your banking accordingly.

It's not possible to have an account that receives deposits in both Canadian and U.S. currencies. Banks exercise this practice because the interest rates on a U.S. account will differ from those on a Canadian account.

There are a few options you have such as opening a U.S. as well as a Canadian account and have the respective transactions conducted as such. The alternative is to engage a foreign exchange intermediary to handle the U.S. account on your behalf.

Find out more by contacting your financial institution, or by contacting The Business Link's Export Link at 1-888-811-1119 or visiting

E-Future Bytes

As a small business owner, if you understand how consumers make purchases you can be more effective in making sales. In the past, a sales representative’s job would often involve educating the client on a product, creating interest and then making the sale.

Today, the Internet provides a new way for consumers to access almost limitless information, and is starting to change the way many consumers shop. Now, consumers can research their options on the Internet to gain a better understanding before they make the purchase.

This new trend may mean your company will have to adjust its sales practices and look at new channels to get information about your products or services into the hands of potential clients.

To read more about the effect of the Internet on consumers, click here (

For more information on e-business, contact The Business Link's Alberta E-Future Centre by phone at
1-800-272-9675, by e-mail at or visit our website at

Resource Feature

Financial management is critical in business because it's not only how much you make, but how much you keep that counts. Our library can help.
Beat the Taxman: Easy Ways to Save Tax in Your Small Business (2006 ed.) / Stephen Douglas Thompson is a perennial favourite for tax tips.

Do you find your company running short of cash from time to time? You will want to read Winning the Cash Flow War by Fred Rewey. The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course In Finance For Nonfinancial Managers by Robert Cooke will help you understand basic concepts and help answer your accountant's questions.

If you're a retail business, Merchandising Mathematics for Retail / Cynthia R. Easterling [et al] could be very useful.

These are just a few of the many items on financial management that you can get through our library. For more information, visit the library catalogue on our website.


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The Business Link
Business Service Centre
100-10237 104 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 1B1
Business Info Line:
780-422-7722 or
Fax: 780-422-0055

Click, call, or visit us for your Alberta business information needs.

Latest from the Link
Succession Planning

Do you have a succession plan for your business? If you don't, you're certainly not alone. At a recent Symposium, organized by The Business Link and the Community Futures offices of Taber, Medicine Hat, High River, Lac La Biche and Hinton, it became clear that many Canadian small business owners plan to retire in the next ten years, and surprisingly few have a plan in place for their exit.

Many small business owners tend to start thinking of succession just months before their retirement. Having invested so much time and energy building their business, will a few months of "last minute" planning allow for a smooth transition of business ownership to a family member or new owner? What about unforeseen circumstances that push that "retirement" date to the present?

Without good planning, current owners are likely to risk maximizing their financial rewards, and in many cases, seeing their businesses close rather than transfer to a next generation of ownership.

To heighten awareness of this important issue, our "Business Feature" in the next few issues of E-News! will discuss various aspects of business succession preparedness and planning.


Mark Your Calendar - Events

spacerMarch Opportunities for Learning and Training

Our superb line-up of spring seminars and brown bag sessions continues in March! If you live outside of Edmonton, you can take in any of our brown bag presentations through an Entrepreneurship Learning Centre (ELC) site via video conferencing; for Edmonton residents, you can see our presentations in person at The Business Link office in downtown Edmonton. Of special note, our March 29 session on "After One Year in Business" comes from the ELC network site in Red Deer at the Centre for Business Development. For information on the events and registration, check out For locations of ELC sites, visit

Events at The Business Link
Date Time Topic Cost  
March 1 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Ignite Powerful Sales Results $32.10 VC Logo
March 2 noon to 1 p.m. Profit Through Word of Mouth FREE

VC Logo

March 2 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Promoting Yourself and Your Business $32.10  
March 7 noon to 1 p.m. "What's In It for Me?" - WCB FREE VC Logo
March 9 noon to 1 p.m. Importing Basics FREE VC Logo
March 14 noon to 1 p.m. Reduce Your Export Risks FREE VC Logo
March 15 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. The Business Link's Monthly Networking Event FREE  
March 16 noon to 1 p.m. Finding and Engaging the Right Partner for Exporting FREE VC Logo
March 16 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Export Documentation Basics FREE VC Logo
March 17 noon to 1 p.m. Passport to Excellence - Process Management (NQI brown bag session) FREE VC Logo
March 21 noon to 1 p.m. E-Business Basics FREE VC Logo
March 22 noon to 4 p.m. Do's and Don'ts of Business Entry into the U.S. $32.10 VC Logo
March 23 noon to 1 p.m. E-Mail Marketing for Small Business FREE VC Logo
March 23 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tax Saving Tips for the Entrepreneur $32.10  
March 28 noon to 1 p.m. Introduction to Trademarks FREE VC Logo
March 29 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. After One Year in Business $32.10 VC Logo
March 30 noon to 1 p.m. What New Business Owners Should Know About GST FREE VC Logo
VC Logo Video-Conferenced Event  

Do's and Don'ts of Business Entry into the U.S. - Wednesday March 22, 2006

If you need to cross the border to do business in the United States, this event is a "must attend"! It will provide information to business people and exporters on the regulations governing business entry into the U.S. under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

This seminar will feature live presenters in Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, and Lethbridge, and will all be joined by way of video conference with Medicine Hat, Taber, Two Hills, Vegreville, and Warburg. Times may vary for this session, depending on hosting location. The cost to attend in Edmonton and Calgary is $30 (+ GST) and includes training materials and a light lunch. Please note: fees and times may vary at other locations.

For more information or to register, contact The Business Link's Export Link at 1-888-1119 or visit

Around Alberta
2010 Business Opportunity Workshop

The Olympic torch has been passed to Canada! This FREE 3 hour workshop will provide you with an understanding of the range of business opportunities associated with the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In addition, you will be provided with suggestions and advice on how your business can be successful within the competitive bidding process to be a goods or service provider for the Games.

There will be 2 workshops held in Alberta, in Edmonton at The Business Link on Monday, March 13 (9 a.m. to noon), and in Calgary on Monday, March 20 (1 p.m. to 4 p.m.) at the Calgary Business Information Centre. To register for the Edmonton session, please contact The Business Link at 1-800-272-9675; for the Calgary session, please contact the Calgary Business Information Centre at (403) 221-7800.

Winners of 2006 Alberta Business Awards of Distinction
The Alberta Chambers of Commerce announced the recipients of their 2006 Alberta Business Awards of Distinction in Calgary on Wednesday, February 22. In addition to the 13 categories presented, the Premier's Award of Distinction went to Edmonton based Upside Software Inc.

More details on the awards are available at, with the full media release of the recipients at

Exporting Your Services
Come to this one day event in Calgary on Tuesday, March 7, and get information from experts pertaining to: visas and business entry into foreign markets, finding partners abroad, building credibility in new markets, and preparing to deal with the challenges service exporters face. It will take place at the Calgary Zoo from 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information, please refer to:

Aboriginal Business Circle
ABSN Alberta Aboriginal Business Directory

How would you like to make the connection with other Alberta Aboriginal businesses? The Business Link’s Alberta Aboriginal Business Service Network (Alberta ABSN) has an online tool which can help: the ABSN Alberta Aboriginal Business Directory. Linked to AlbertaFirst’s Business Directory, this tool can assist you in locating different types of businesses whose majority ownership is First Nation, Métis, or Inuit. Also, you can increase the visibility of your Aboriginal business to other entrepreneurs. Registration is FREE.

For more information on this online search tool, or to register your business in the ABSN Alberta Aboriginal Business Directory, please visit The Business Link’s ABSN website.

Business Feature
Succession - the long-term plan to succeed

Succession is defined as "the act or process of following a sequence of order". In the business sense, a succession plan will prepare you--as the business owner--to exit the business comfortably, financially sound, and confident that your business will continue as a viable part of your community, albeit under someone else's ownership. It could also help save the business in the event of an unexpected illness or death.

So why is there such an aversion to creating a plan to "pass the torch" to the next owner?
There are most likely a number of reasons, but a few come to mind…

I can't let go. When you've put your own blood, sweat and tears into making your business successful, it's hard to think you'll no longer be involved in the day-to-day operations. What would you do with your spare time if you didn't have a business to run? Besides, who could possibly manage the business as well as you do?

I can't choose between my children. For family businesses, nominating one family member over another to take over the business may cause friction. Joint ownership may be out of the question if family members don't get along, or don't see eye to eye on aspects of the business.

I can't find a successor. Perhaps that family member isn't interested in carrying on the family business. Others may not be financially or emotionally prepared to take it on, at least not now.

The key is to face those doubts and fears, and realize that planning now will alleviate pressures when the time comes to succeed the business to someone else.

Next issue: Things to consider when preparing a succession plan.

Top 10 List

Top Ten Free Statistical Websites for Alberta Entrepreneurs (in alpha order)

  1. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
  2. Alberta Economic Development
  3. Canadian Federation for Independent Business
  4. Canadian Tourism Commission
  5. CIBC Small Business Reports
  6. Export Source
  7. GDSourcing
  8. Performance Plus
  9. Statistics Canada
  10. Strategis

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