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Home : Advisory Bodies : PMAC : Terms of Reference
PMAC Terms of Reference


The Pest Management Advisory Council (PMAC) is a multi-stakeholder group that fosters communication and dialogue among stakeholders and with PMRA, and provides advice directly to the Minister of Health on policies and issues relating to the federal pest management regulatory system. Decision making remains the responsibility of the PMRA.


  • To provide recommendations on broad strategic directions, management, and overall priorities for the PMRA;
  • To provide a challenge function to ensure that PMRA programs are consistent with the needs of Canadians within the overall national and global environmental, social, and economic context;
  • To provide advice and a forum for the exchange of views of all key stakeholders on issues affecting the management of pest control products in Canada;
  • To receive and review reports from Council working groups.


Membership of the Council will consist of individuals providing a balanced representation of interests in pest management issues, including pesticide manufacturers, users and environmental and health groups and individuals with appropriate expertise. The PMRA will be represented by the Executive Director. The first past provincial co-chair of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Pest Management and Pesticides will provide provincial participation in the Council. The Health Canada Science Advisory Board will be represented by the Chair, or an appropriate designate.

The number of Council members will be approximately 26. Members will have an appropriate balance of gender, regional and linguistic backgrounds, to the extent possible.

The Minister will appoint Council members and the Chair. The Minister will also appoint a Vice-Chair to act in the absence of the Chair.

Council members representing associations may nominate one permanent alternate. (Throughout the terms of reference, the word “member” should be read as “member/alternate”.)

Secretariat functions will be provided by the PMRA.


The Minister will be advised through a written report from the Council.

The Secretariat will prepare draft meeting reports for review by Council members and will then finalize the report after incorporating comments received. Final meeting reports will be provided to the Minister of Health by the Chair and will be posted on the PMRA website by the Secretariat.


There will be at least two meetings a year. Meetings may be more frequent, at the call of the Chair. In setting meeting dates, the Secretariat will make every attempt to accommodate the availability of as many members as possible, especially those who are unable to name an alternate.

All members of the Council will have equal status during discussions. PMRA staff, other than the Executive Director, may not serve as members of the Council, but will respond to questions and provide information at the call of the Chair.

Meetings will be open to any observers who indicate their attendance in advance. Interested persons may submit written comments before or after meetings, or make short statements at a specified time during meetings, to the extent that time permits. Observers will not be provided with the documentation provided to members. The Council may meet in closed session where necessary to discuss confidential information. Meeting agenda will indicate any closed sessions.

The Council may set up working groups to examine specific issues and develop proposed solutions for the Council’s consideration. Issues to be examined may be raised by the Minister, by the PMRA or by Council members. Each working group will be co-chaired by a senior official of the PMRA and another member of the working group. Council members and non-members may serve on working groups.


The Chair will be appointed for two years; the Minister may extend the term.

Members will be appointed for terms of two years; the Minister may reappoint sitting members.


Non-PMRA Council and working group members will not be required to undergo a security clearance. The documentation/information accessed as a member will not contain any information which would require a security clearance.

All information provided by the PMRA to the Council members for the purpose of performing their function on the Council, and identified as confidential by the PMRA, must be kept secured and not be disclosed by the members, or any officer, servant or agent of the members, until such time as the information has been officially released for public distribution. Disclosure of unreleased information for the purpose of obtaining advice or input from non-members for the benefit of the Council requires the consent of the Executive Director, PMRA. Unless officially released for public distribution, any information provided must be returned, including documents in electronic form.

Where a document or information is received by the Council under agreement that the members are not to have, make or cause any public discussion, disclosure or use of the document or information without the Council’s consent, Council members shall be deemed to have undertaken to comply with that agreement.

Council members may distribute and/or discuss documentation provided in advance of meetings that is not identified as confidential as necessary to properly represent their association or sector at the meeting.

It is a condition of Council membership that the members shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to avoid any conflict of interest. For this purpose, it is not a conflict of interest for a member to provide advice that is intended to produce results that are beneficial to the body or interest which the member represents on the Council. As well, the fact that advice provided by a member for the benefit of the body which the member represents on the Council may also benefit the member in other respects does not constitute a conflict of interest.

It is a conflict of interest for a member to provide advice that is intended to benefit an interest of the member that is inconsistent with the interests of the body which the member represents on the Council. As well, it is a conflict of interest for a member to use knowledge or information acquired as a member of the Council for the purpose of gaining a direct or indirect financial benefit or business advantage, or to advise special interest groups, before such knowledge or information is acted on by the PMRA or is otherwise disclosed to the interested public by the PMRA.

Each member of the Council will receive complete information on obligations with respect to conflict of interest and will be required to complete and sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.


Members of the Council will be compensated for travel and living expenses according to Treasury Board Guidelines. Honoraria will not be paid.

Last updated: 2006-09-28

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