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Access Copyright provides access to copyright protected works. Our licences provide users with immediate, legal and economic access to published works while ensuring that publishers and creators are fairly compensated.

Corporate Licensees: New Digital Uses!
Access Copyright corporate licensees can now purchase a digital licence to meet their digital copying needs. For more information on how you can start using this digital copying and sharing solution for business, contact digital

* Already have a digital licence? To verify that a title is covered by your digital license, click on the green "Find Title" button.

Access Copyright 2005 Annual Report
Click here to download the PDF of our 2005 Annual Report.

Access Copyright and Creative Commons Canada Announce Public Domain Registry
Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency and Creative Commons Canada, in partnership with Creative Commons Corporation in the US, announced on March 3, 2006 the development of a Canadian public domain registry. The ground-breaking project – the most comprehensive of its kind in Canada – will create an online, globally searchable catalogue of published works that are in the Canadian public domain. Click here for details.

Important Notice for All Affiliation Applicants
Access Copyright has recently changed its submission criteria for affiliation. In order to ensure your application is processed, please complete both sides of the affiliation form, in ink, and include the list of your published works and photocopy sample as described in our Providing a Works List to Access Copyright guide sheet. We are unable to process incomplete applications.

Post Secondary Institutions: Obtain Clearance Codes Online!
Post Secondary institutions will now be able to receive clearances codes from Access Copyright for clearance requests to photocopy from 15% - 25% of Works included in coursepacks under the terms and conditions of the post-secondary licence. (Reminder: Textbooks have special limits of a maximum of 5% or one entire chapter.)

Clearance codes can be obtained by using the Rights Management System (RMS) to obtain clearance codes in real time. You can access RMS by clicking on the RMS tab at the top of the page. You may also email your requests to or fax them to 416-868-1621.

For your convenience, we have provided step-by-step instructions on how to obtain your clearance codes using the RMS. To download the instructions, click here.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Access Copyright's Post Secondary Licence Posters
Click here to download the PDF of Access Copyright's Post Secondary Licence Poster.

Statement Regarding Captain Copyright
Earlier this year Access Copyright launched a website directed at Canadian educators to help them teach their students about copyright. Because copyright has become a high-profile topic over the past few years, this website also attracted the attention of many people outside of the educational community and as a result we have received a great deal of feedback, both positive and negative, regarding the site and its contents. We take all of this feedback seriously. Click here for more.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Culture Online Program.
Nous reconnaissons le soutien financier du government du Canada par l’entremise du Programme de culture canadienne en ligne.


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