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Publisher affiliation

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  • Benefits of affiliation
  • Creator affiliation
  • Deceased rightsholders
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  • Rights Management System
  • Royalty distribution
  • Unlocatable rightsholders

  • Affiliation agreement
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  • Request for Repertoire form

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  • rightsholders > publisher affiliation
    Be sure your company is fairly compensated for copying

    Under Canada's copyright law, copyright owners have the right to decide when and how their work is reproduced, whether it's being copied with a photocopier, electronically or through other means. In the past, though, it's been difficult for copyright owners to protect their rights when copying was done illegally.

    Access Copyright is helping to change that. Under Access Copyright's licensing system, users of copyrighted material can conveniently and easily obtain legal permission to copy, and copyright owners can be compensated for that copying.

    Affiliation benefits: Royalties, legal protection and information. Any Canadian publisher who has published copyrighted works in Canada in print form and is a registered business can apply to become an Access Copyright publisher affiliate. It costs nothing to become an Access Copyright affiliate, although there is an administrative holdback on royalties collected. As well, your agreement with Access Copyright is non-exclusive, which means that you may continue to license your work to users through other, non-collective, means, including issuing permission yourself.

    As a Access Copyright publisher affiliate, you will receive royalties for your published works that are copied under Access Copyright licences where that copying is reported to Access Copyright. As well, each year Access Copyright receives royalties that, due to insufficient information, can't be attributed to specific Canadian copyright owners. These royalties are pooled and divided among copyright owners who were affiliates of Access Copyright at the start of the fiscal year in which the royalties were collected. Most Access Copyright publisher affiliates receive payments from this pool, but the amount per affiliate varies from year to year and is determined by a point system that is based on your company's total revenues.

    There are other benefits as well: Access Copyright may act on your behalf to protect your rights by following up on reported infringements of your copyright and taking action which is necessary or advisable. And you'll be kept in the loop about copyright issues through Access Copyright's various publications and educational sessions.

    Steps to become an affiliated rightsholder
    • Download and print the affiliation agreement and form to the left of this page
    • Complete the form and mail us the original signed copy.
    • We will only process orginal froms. They may not be faxed or emailed
    • Keep a copy of the form for your records
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