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E-Future CentreThe Business Link Business Service Centre: Alberta Business Information and Resources

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Funding Partners
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Government of Canada
A Member of the Pan-Western E-Business Team


Below you will find a copy of our recent presentations:

ABSN Conference

The following presentation was delivered at the ABSN conference, "It's All About Opportunities," held in Edmonton on May 5-6, 2003:

1) E-Business Essentials (PDF, 495 KB)

Alberta Business Connects

The Alberta Business Connects initiative was designed to help business and service providers in several regional communities understand e-business. We offered the following presentations in a series of half-day and full-day seminars:

1) E-Business Planning (PDF, 296 KB)
2) Business to Consumer E-Commerce (PDF, 1.4 MB)
3) Success Stories (PDF, 1.5 MB)
4) Business to Business E-Commerce (PDF, 2.2 MB)
5) Web Design and Marketing (PDF, 315 KB)
6) Cyberlaw (PDF, 309 KB)
7) Fraud and Security (PDF, 255 KB)
8) Return on Investment (PDF, 243 KB)

Additional Resources:

25 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website (PDF, 74 KB)
E-Commerce Fraud (PDF, 175 KB)
A Sample Site Map (PDF, 99 KB)

Brown Bag Presentations

Below you'll find the presentations from a couple of our free,
lunch-hour "brown bag" presentations. Engaging, informative, and practical. Don't miss out on these gems.

1) Web Usability: What is it and Why You Need it (PDF, 918 KB)
2) Protecting Your Business Online (PDF, 191 KB)
3) The Power of Search Engine Marketing (PDF, 1.2 MB)
4) What Users Want from Your Website (PDF, 2.7 MB)
5) Selling to the Alberta Government: Electronic Tendering (PDF, 1.3 MB)

David Papp - Internet Security

Help! Spim & Spam? Viruses & Worms? Firewalls? What does it all mean and how can I protect myself? This presentation covers all this along with the anatomy of a "hack", domain names, IP addresses, email headers, whois lookups, and how to protect you and your computer—all presented in a way that is applicable to a wide range of technical abilities.

1) Internet Security (PDF, 526 KB)
2) Minimum Windows Protection (PDF, 16 KB)
3) Wireless Security (PDF, 6 KB)

Jon Larson - E-mail Marketing for Small Business

E-mail marketing can be an effective and inexpensive way to promote your products, services or website. During this session, you will learn about electronic newsletters, the required tools and how to ensure that your message will not be blocked by spam filters. All this information will help your small business get the most out of e-mail marketing.

1) E-mail Marketing for Small Business (PDF, 816 KB)

Junior Chamber of Commerce

The E-Future Centre provided a two-hour presentation in Spanish on e-business essentials at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Area C Conference held in Edmonton on May 8, 2003:

1) Lo esencial del negocio electrónico (PDF, 3.0 MB)

Marilyn Jones - Website Maintenance

A poorly maintained web site reflects poorly on a business and most small businesses’ budgets do not allow for someone specially trained to do the maintenance. So if you have a new site or have taken over the maintenance from a third party and don’t know what to do, then this session gives you a “do-it-yourself” solution to your problem. Here you will receive knowledge and tips on how to do maintenance as well as guidance on what is most important to maintain.

1) Website Maintenance (PDF, 204 KB)

SPAN-RAPS Conference (Saskatchewan)

The following presentation was delivered at the recent SPAN-RAPS Conference in Saskatoon on Saturday, March 27, 2004:

1) E-Business Essentials: A Practical Approach (PDF, 3.3 MB)

Additional Resources:

Useful E-Business Links (PDF, 56 KB)
E-Business Options Info-Guide (PDF, 676 KB)
Sample Site Map (PDF, 23 KB)
20 Ways to Build Trust (PDF, 17 KB)
29 Ways to Promote Your Web Site (PDF, 46 KB)

Access our 11 Mini E-Future Centres

Popular Topics
e-business basics | e-exporting | internet marketing | attracting and keeping the customer | planning your online store | e-business partners | online legal issues | pages of interest | integrating e-business | search engine optimization | e-business glossary | building an effective website