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Welcome to the Liberal RSS feeds

The RSS feeds allow you to be notified anytime the Party puts out new information. The mostly commonly updated feed is the ‘Press Releases’ feed. This is the only way to be assured you receive all releases put out by the Party. At most the Party puts out five releases a day but much more common is an average of one release per day.

RSS is short for (Really Simple Syndication) and is a lightweight multipurpose XML-based format for distributing and aggregating Web content. All Liberal releases are posted on the web.
Using the RSS reader of your choice allows you the latest liberal news stories in your preferred environment.

How to use RSS feeds:

Generally, in order to view our RSS feeds on your computer, you will first need to acquire an RSS Reader ( To add a Liberal RSS feed, click on the appropriate button above, copy the URL and paste it into your RSS application. It's simple!

An alternative to downloading a dedicated news reader is to use a Web-based news reader. For example, My Yahoo or Gmail users can now add RSS feeds directly to their personal page.

How to get Liberal RSS feeds:

Get your RSS feeds here! Just click on the orange RSS button for the feed you want, copy the URL from the address bar and then paste it in the appropriate field of your RSS Reader. The RSS feed will check for new releases every 15 minutes and notify you of their prescence.

Accessing an RSS feed is just like podcasting, in that you subscribe to a feed. The difference between RSS feeds and podcast feeds is that you receive text content instead of audio content.