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Did You Know?
  • On Tuesday, September 12, 2006, San Diego Judge John Houston granted the original Supernova group a preliminary injunction preventing the new band from performing, recording or selling merchandise with the Supernova name.
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In the News

Canada ranked #2 in the world for privacy efforts
Canada receives top marks for data protection initiatives.

Internet spending reaches $7.9B/online security concern for consumers
Consumers still concerned about online security despite rise in Internet sales.

New “rehiring” law major worry for British ad agencies
British ad agencies that win a new account must hire staffers who worked primarily on the business from the agency that lost it.

Marketing Intelligence

This Website Sucks
Avoid these words being said about your website by following two guiding principles.

The Importance of a Trade-mark Search
A lesson on why a trade-mark search should preceed any marketing campaign.

Anti-Phishing Strategies
Arm staff with clear strategies to prevent phishing attacks - at home and in the workplace.

Upcoming CMA Events
Upcoming Events

Nov. 14
Data Mining Seminar - Intermediate

Nov. 16
Advanced E-mail Marketing Seminar

Nov. 21
Direct Marketing Conference
Enlighten your DM practice

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CMA Consumer Trends Forum for Business and Marketing Leaders

Nov. 9
Consumer Trends Forum for Business and Marketing Leaders

Is there such a thing as old and new media or is that a red herring too? Experience the best thinking on what's hype and what's not on November 9th at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramics. Find out what the best are doing to captivate, understand and effectively reach their consumers. Register Now