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Putting Nuclear Safety First

Definition of Ratings

A - Exceeds requirements
A rating of 'A' is merited when assessment topics or programs meet and consistently exceed applicable CNSC requirements and performance expectations. Performance is stable or improving. Any problems or issues that arise are promptly addressed such that they do not pose an unreasonable risk to the maintenance of health, safety, security, environmental protection, or conformance with international obligations to which Canada has agreed.

For topics or programs meriting an 'A' rating, no special compliance activities will typically be required; the usual CNSC compliance program will be applied.

B - Meets requirements
A rating of 'B' is merited when assessment topics or programs meet the intent or objectives of CNSC requirements and performance expectations. There is only minor deviation from requirements or the expectations for the design and/or execution of the programs, but these deviations do not represent an unreasonable risk to the maintenance of health, safety, security, environmental protection, or conformance with international obligations to which Canada has agreed. That is, there is some slippage with respect to the requirements and expectations for program design and execution. However, those issues are considered to pose a low risk to the achievement of regulatory performance requirements and expectations of the CNSC.

For topics or progams meriting a 'B' rating, CNSC compliance activities can typically include the provision of additional information and recommendations to promote better compliance or to suggest improvements. There should be no deficiencies in programs or gaps in performance such that special compliance activities are warranted.

C - Below requirements
A rating of 'C' is merited when either assessment topics or programs deviate from the intent or objectives of CNSC requirements, or performance deteriorates and falls below expectations, to the extent that there is a moderate risk that the programs will ultimately fail to achieve expectations for the maintenance of health, safety, security, environmental protection, or conformance with international obligations to which Canada has agreed. Although the risk of programs and performance falling significantly below requirements in the short term remains low, improvements in performance or programs are required to address identified weaknesses. The licensee or applicant has taken, or is taking appropriate action.

For topics or programs meriting a 'C' rating, CNSC compliance activities can typically include providing further information to promote compliance, the identification of issues to be followed up by CNSC staff in subsequent compliance reviews and inspections, and specific requests and action notices with clear objectives and time frames to be met. Consideration may also be given to recommending the addition of licence conditions to address the identified deficiencies.

D - Significantly below requirements
A rating of 'D' is merited when assessment topics or programs are significantly below requirements, or there is evidence of continued poor performance, to the extent that whole programs are undermined or compromised. Without corrective action, there is a high probability that the deficiencies will lead to an unreasonable risk to the maintenance of health, safety, security, environmental protection, or conformance with international obligations to which Canada has agreed. Issues are not being addressed effectively by the licensee or applicant. The licensee or applicant has neither taken appropriate compensating measures nor provided an alternative plan of action.

For topics or programs meriting a 'D' rating, CNSC compliance activities can typically include progressively more stringent enforcement action, recommending licensing action to add more restrictive licence conditions and, where conditions warrant, the issuing of an order.

E - Unacceptable
A rating of 'E' is merited when there is evidence of either an absence, total inadequacy, breakdown, or loss of control of an assessment topic or a program. There is a very high probability of an unreasonable risk to the maintenance of health, safety, security, environmental protection, or conformance with international obligations to which Canada has agreed. An appropriate regulatory response, such as an order or restrictive licensing action has been or is being implemented to rectify the situation.

Depending on the nature of the risk and topic, CNSC compliance activities for programs with an 'E' rating can typically involve progressively more stringent enforcement action, including formal investigation for the purpose of considering prosecution, as well as recommending licensing action to add more restrictive licence conditions or, where conditions warrant, the issuing of an order to take remedial action or to suspend activities.

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