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(Photo: Harry Foster  © Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation)

- What nationality are you?

- Canadian.

- I mean, where do you come from?

And so we begin again to explain: I was born in Yemen, I spent my childhood in Saudi Arabia, my adolescence in Egypt, I lived for a time in England, immigrated ... carrying, in the guise of "home," the persistent image of a small red house.

Mirella Aprahamian Laila Binbrek Camille Zakharia

And so we begin again to put together fragments of our past and present life, our social, family and personal experiences; to summon up the different "homes," those stopping-off places, testimonies to our multiple ties and to a mixed identity. We place the letter from a mother who has stayed behind, in a Lebanon wounded by war, side by side with the innocent houses of an adopted Nova Scotia, and next to a landscape in Bahrain, country of refuge, work and love. Mirrors passed through, splinters of collected images, speak of our need to remake an identity from journeys, roots, and a sense of belonging to multiple cultures.

- Where do you come from?

- I come from many places; I belong to many symbolic worlds; I am one of theirs, I am one of yours. What I live, what I express, is a line that comes to be added to the great text that all of us, born here or elsewhere, are in the process of writing.
Created: October 17, 2001. Last update: October 7, 2002
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Government of Canada