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Democracy at War: The Collection of World War II Newspaper Articles  
Canadian Newspapers and the Second World War
Introduction to WW2 History Canada and the War Battles and Operations The Holocaust
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  - Parliament
  - William Lyon Mackenzie King
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  - The War Economy and Controls
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  - C.D. Howe
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  - Wage and Price Controls
  - Life on the Homefront
  - Women and the War on the Home Front
  - The Family Allowances
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  - Veterans and Veterans' Programmes
  - Hamilton, Ont.; a City at War
  - Axis Prisoners in Canada
  - The Canadian Armed Forces
  - The Royal Canadian Navy
  - The Canadian Army
  - The Royal Canadian Air Force
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Canada and the War

AN19700186-166 [PCDN=3158-2011-0230-086]
Be patient, some goods are scarce

The War Economy and Controls

The government took full control of the economy, and turned it into a war-winning weapon. It established C. D. Howe's Department of Munitions and Supply and the Wartime Industries Control Board, both in the spring of 1940, and applied tough wage and price controls in 1941. It lent money to Britain interest-free, gave it a gift of war supplies in January 1942 and then donated surplus production to Canada's allies through the Canadian Mutual Aid Board. Canada was making war production available to the Allied countries which could not afford to buy it.

The country was wealthy. Everyone who wanted to work could. There were, it was true, limits on wages and restrictions in the choosing and changing of jobs. There were also some shortages and rationing of food and other products. Income taxes, an invention of the First World War, went up. And the government pushed workers to put their money into Victory loans and savings schemes. But what a difference it was from the awful, ragtag, Depression-hounded Dirty Thirties.

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Created: September 19, 2003, Last update: August 20, 2004
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