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Design your own commemorative stamp

Stamp from Canada Some stamps celebrate or honour people, places, special events, or important issues. These stamps are called commemorative stamps. Stamp from Canada Only a limited number are printed.

Design a commemorative stamp of your own.

To design a commemorative stamp of your own, you can print our form and draw the subject that you want to represent. You may choose to honour:

  • A person, such as a friend or a family member

  • A place, such as the place where you live or a place you have visited

  • A special event, such as someone’s birthday

  • An important issue, something that concerns you or to our world

Send us your commemorative stamp and this form and you could win a Stamp Quest TM starter kit (courtesy of Canada Post) and see your design displayed at the Canadian Postal Museum. Each month one entry will be selected by the Canadian Postal Museum Committee.

Place your entry in the mailbox, located in the Stamp Quest TM exhibition at the Canadian Postal Museum or mail it to:

Stamp QuestTM Stamp Design Contest
Canadian Postal Museum
100 Laurier Street
Box 3100, Station B
Hull, Quebec
J8X 4H2

This activity is largely based on that of the National Postal Museum, Smithsonian Institution, published in Postal Pack for Elementary School Students.

* © Canada Post. 1998.
  Reproduced with permission.

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 TM Canada Post

Created: December 1, 1999. Last update: July 18, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Government of Canada