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Required Configuration

1. Recommended browser
2. Required plug-ins for:
    a. Playing audio and video clips
       (Windows Media Player)
    b. Using the Flash-based Archives Timeline
3. Recommended Internet Connection Speed 4. Features that use "pop-up" windows:
    Quiz, Timeline, Personal Bookmarks and
    Send This Page to a Friend

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Required Configuration
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  1. Recommended browser
    The CBC Archives Web site is optimized for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher) for PC or Mac. You'll get best performance with the most recent version of Explorer. The site can also accessed using Internet Explorer 4.0, Netscape 4.0 (or higher), Mozilla, Safari, Opera and other browsers, but some features (such as our video clips) may not function properly.

  2. Required plug-ins for:

    1. Playing audio and video clips (Windows Media Player)

      Audio and video clips at the CBC Archives Website are currently only available in the Windows Media format. You will need the Windows Media Player plug-in installed on your computer. This is a free program that is often included with newer versions of browsers and computer operating systems. Windows Media Player is regularly updated and it's recommended you have the most recent version installed (Version 7 or higher). You can download it free from the Microsoft Windows Media website.

    2. Using the Flash-based Archives Timeline / playing the Flash-based Archives Quiz
      If you just clicked on one of our Timelines or on the Archives Quiz link and were brought to this page, that probably means that you don't have Flash installed on your computer - or perhaps you have an older version. Flash is a FREE add-on for your web browser. It can be easily downloaded from the web and installed onto your computer. It will enable you to use our Timelines and our Quiz - as well as other features on many other web sites.

      If you prefer not to install Flash, you can still enjoy all the radio and TV clips on our site; however you won't be able to use our Timelines. To get Flash, go to the Macromedia Flash site and follow the instructions.⟪=english

      After you've downloaded and installed Flash, please come back and enjoy our Timelines and Quiz.

  3. Recommended internet connection speed
    Audio and video clips on the site will play better with faster internet connections. Users with a high-speed connection (DSL or cable) should experience high quality audio and video with relatively few problems (unless the internet is unusually busy).

    Users with a dial-up 56 Kbps modems (or slower) and an older computer with less RAM will experience longer delays while the clip buffers before playing, and may experience interruptions as it plays. You should be able to access the audio clips without problem.

  4. Features that use "pop-up" windows: Quiz, Timeline, Personal Bookmarks and Send This Page to a Friend
    Some features of the Archives Website utilize "pop-up" windows. These include the Archives Quiz, the Archives Timeline, Personal Bookmarks and the Send This Page to a Friend function. If you click on a link to use one of these features and nothing happens, make sure your browser accepts pop-ups. For example, the Google Toolbar, which can block pop-ups, must be set to:

    "Site popups allowed" Site popups allowed

    and not "(Number of elements) blocked" pop-ups blocked


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