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the fifth estate

By popular demand, the fifth estate introduces video to its website. Now you can watch some of our more popular fifth estate documentaries online.

The videos are available as Windows Media Player files. If you need to upgrade your player visit Microsoft's website to download the latest player for free.

Most of the videos for the 2005/2006 & 2006/2007 seasons are available online and can be found by visiting the web features. Look for the video link on the right side.

Here are a few from past years:

NOTE: The running time for all videos is approximately 41:30.

American Vice-President Dick Cheney has walked the corridors of world power for three decades.

Cheney's remarkable life story involves the relentless accumulation of power in every form. Elected for a second term, he continues to be one of the most powerful and well-connected men in the world. The fifth estate will show how he accomplished this, what it involved in terms of costs for others and what history's judgement could be.
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Benny Hinn may be the most popular personality in the Christian world today. Thousands pack arenas to see him heal the sick and the afflicted. Tens of thousands more watch his television program. Millions of dollars are donated every year to his ministry, none of which he says goes to him personally. But, what about those miracles? And where does all that money go? Bob McKeown investigates.
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The United States is in the midst of a very un-civil war. It's a war of words that's pitting conservative against liberal, that's already divided the country into red and blue. The new gladiators are commentators like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter and their forum is the television studios of networks like Fox. It's loud, it's raucous, but does it have anything to do with the truth?
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Almost everyone has the same feeling: there may be a few bad doctors out there, doctors who harm their patients, but not MY doctor. My doctor's terrific. But, what if that wasn't the case? What would happen then?

Gillian Findlay investigates the case of one doctor, Errol Wai-Ping, a gynecologist accused of mistreating, misdiagnosing and botching the surgeries of dozens of women. And yet, complaints from patients to medical authorities went unheeded for more than a decade.
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Sweeping across the towns and cities of western Canada and headed eastward at an alarming pace is the drug known as crystal meth. It's more addictive than heroin or cocaine at a fraction of the cost and the high it gives can last for days. And, unlike heroin or cocaine, it can be cooked up in an kitchen or basement lab using a recipe posted on internet sites and with ingredients found on the shelves at the local pharmacy.

Gillian Findlay investigates how two towns in British Columbia's interior are dealing with a crystal meth epidemic among their young people.
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NOTE: the fifth estate is now making some of its programs available online as a service to its viewers. Although we would like to offer all of our programs, this is not possible. Internet rights cannot be obtained as it would be cost prohibitive to clear stock footage and music rights for some of our shows.

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