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The World at Six

About the Show

The World at Six is brought to CBC listeners each weeknight by hosts Bernie McNamee.

The first goal of the team of editors and writers is to provide comprehensive coverage of the top stories from across Canada and around the world. Each day's stories are carefully selected and crafted, and presented in a style that aims to reach out and inform the audience.

The World at Six is broadcast in six time zones across the country. The program often undergoes extensive renovation for each hour as news develops - or to give stories important to sepcific parts of the country, the coverage they deserve.

The World at Six's half-hour format allows reporters and correspondents to craft more detail and texture into their reports than is possible on shorter newscasts. It also allows the program to go beyond breaking news and present in-depth features on developing issues, both domestic and international.

The World at Six is also a vehicle for special documentary reports from time to time throughout the year. These are normally broadcast on the Friday or Monday of a long weekend.

In addition to CBC Radio One and CBC Radio Two broadcasts, The World at Six can also be heard on Radio Canada International and on the internet in RealAudio.