CBC In Depth
Final words from the cockpit
CBC News Online | April 12, 2006

The transcript of the tape from hijacked Flight 93

A transcript from a flight recorder on United Airlines Flight 93 – one of the four U.S. airliners that were hijacked and turned on American targets on Sept. 11, 2001 – was made public for the first time on April 12, 2006. It was played at a court hearing where jurors were trying to decide whether al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui should be executed for his role in planning the attacks. The cockpit voice recording reveals the final 31 minutes on the plane as al-Qaeda members take control, some of the 40 passengers and crew members beg for their lives, and passengers struggle with the hijackers. That battle foiled al-Qaeda's attempt to use the plane as a human bomb and forced it to crash in a field in Pennsylvania.

9:31:57: Ladies and gentlemen: Here [is] the captain, please sit down, keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.

09:32:09: Er, uh … calling Cleveland Center. You're unreadable. Say again slowly.

09:32:10: Don't move. Shut up.

09:32:13: Come on, come.

09:32:16: Shut up.

09:32:17: Don't move.

09:32:18: Stop.

09:32:34: Sit, sit, sit down.

09:32:39: Sit down.

09:32:41: [Unintelligible] … the brother.

09:32:54: Stop.

09:33:09: No more. Sit down.

09:33:10: That's it, that's it, that's it, down, down.

09:33:14: Shut up.

09:33:20: [Unintelligible.]

09:33:20: We just, we didn't get it clear. …Is that United Ninety-Three calling?

09:33:30: Jassim.

09:33:34: In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

09:33:41: [Unintelligible.]

09:33:43: Finish, no more. No more.

09:33:49: No, no, no, no, no.

09:33:53: No, no, no, no.

09:34:00: Go ahead, lie down. Lie down. Down, down, down.

09:34;06: There is someone. …Huh?

09:34:12: Down, down, down. Sit down. Come on, sit down. No, no, no, no, no. No.

09:34:16: Down, down, down.

09:34:21: Down.

09:34:25: No more.

09:34:26: No more. Down.

09:34:27: Please, please, please.

09:34:28: Down.

09:34:29: Please, please, please.

09:34:30: Down. No more.

09:34:31: Oh, God.

09:34:32: Down, down, down.

09:34:33: Sit down.

09:34:34: Shut up.

09:34:42: No more

09:34:46: This?

09:34:47: Yes.

09:34 47: [Unintelligible.]

09:34:57: One moment, one moment.

09:34:59: [Unintelligible.]

09:35:03: No more.

09:35:06: Down, down, down, down.

09:35:10: [Unintelligible.]

09:35:15: Sit down, sit down, sit down.

09:35:17: Down.

09:35:18: What's this?

09:35:19: Sit down. Sit down. You know, sit down.

09:35:24: No, no, no.

09:35:30: Down, down, down, down.

09:35:32: Are you talking to me?

09:35:33: No, no, no. [Unintelligible.]

09:35:35: Down in the airport.

09:35:39: Down, down.

09:35:40: I don't want to die.

09:35 41: No, no. Down, down.

09:35:42: I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

09:35:44: No, no. Down, down, down, down, down, down.

09:35:47: No, no, please.

09:35:57: No.

09:37:06: That's it. Go back.

09:37:06: That's it. Sit down.

09:37:36: Everything is fine. I finished.

09:38:36: Yes.

09:39:11: Ah. Here's the captain. I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands. So, please remain quiet.

09:39:21: Okay. That's Ninety-Three calling?

09:39:24: One moment.

09:39:34: United Ninety-three. I understand you have a bomb on board. Go ahead.

09:39:42: And center exec jet nine-fifty-six. That was the transmission.

09:39:47: Okay. Ah. Who called Cleveland?

09:39:52: Executive jet nine-fifty-six, did you understand that transmission?

09:39:56: Affirmative. He said that there was a bomb on board.

09:39:58: That was all that you got out of it also?

09:40:01: Affirmative

09:40:03: Roger.

09:40:03: United Ninety-Three. Go ahead.

09:40:14: United Ninety-Three. Go ahead.

09:40:17: Ahhhh.

09:40:52: This green knob?

09:40:54: Yes, that's the one.

09:41:05: United Ninety-Three, do you hear the Cleveland centre?

09:41:14: One moment. One moment.

09:41:15: [Unintelligible.]

09:41:56: Oh, man.

09:44:18: This does not work now.

09:45:13: Turn it off.

09:45:17: Seven thousand.

09:45:19: How about we let them in? We let the guys in now.

09:45:23: Okay.

09:45:24: Should we let the guys in?

09:45:25: Inform them, and tell him to talk to the pilot. Bring the pilot back.

09:45:57: In the name of Allah. In the name of Allah. I bear witness that there is no other God, but Allah.

09:47:31: [Unintelligible.]

09:47:40: Allah knows.

09:48:15: [Unintelligible.]

09:48:38: Set course.

09:49:37: [Unintelligible.]

09:51:27: [Unintelligible.]

09:51:35: [Unintelligible.]

09:52:02: [Unintelligible.]

09:52:31: [Unintelligible.]

09:53:20: The best thing: The guys will go in, lift up the [unintelligible] and they put the axe into it. So, everyone will be scared.

09:53:27: Yes.

09:53:28: The axe.

09:53:28: [Unintelligible.]

09:53:29: No, the axe.

09:53:29: [Unintelligible.]

09:53:29: No, not the …

09:53:35: Let him look through the window. Let him look through the window.

09:53:52: [Unintelligible.]

09:54:09: Open.

09:54:11: [Unintelligible.]

09:55:06: You are … one ….

09:56:15: [Unintelligible.]

09:57:55: Is there something?

09:57:57: A fight?

09:57:59: Yeah?

09:58:33: [Unintelligible.] Let's go, guys. Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest. Oh guys. Allah is greatest.

09:58:41: Ugh.

09:58:43: Ugh.

09:58:44: Oh, Allah. Oh, Allah. Oh the most Gracious.

09:58:47: Ugh. Ugh.

09:58:52: Stay back.

09:58:55: In the cockpit.

09:58:57: In the cockpit.

09:58:57: They want to get in there. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold.

09:59:04: Hold the door.

09:59:09: Stop him.

09:59:11: Sit down.

09:59:13: Sit down

09:59:15: Sit down

09:59:16: [Unintelligible.]

09:59:17: What?

09:59:18: There are some guys. All those guys.

09:59:20: Let's get them.

09:59:25: Sit down.

09:59:29: What?

09:59:30: What.

09:59:31: What?

09:59:36: [Unintelligible.]

09:59:37: What?

09:59:39: [Unintelligible.]

09:59:41: [Unintelligible.]

09:59:42: Trust in Allah, and in him.

09:59:45: Sit down.

09:59:47: [Unintelligible.]

09:59:53: Ahh.

09:59:55: [Unintelligible.]

09:59:58: Ahh.

10:00:06: There is nothing.

10:00:07: Is that it? Shall we finish it off?

10:00:08: No. Not yet.

10:00:09: When they all come, we finish it off.

10:00:11: There is nothing.

10:00:13: [Unintelligible.]

10:00:14: Ahh.

10:00:15: I'm injured.

10:00:16: [Unintelligible.]

10:00:21: Ahh.

10:00:22: Oh, Allah. Oh, Allah. Oh Gracious.

10:00:25: In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.

10:00:29: Up, down. Up, down, in the cockpit.

10:00:33: The cockpit.

10:00:37: Up, down. Saeed, up, down.

10:00:42: Roll it.

10:00:55: [Unintelligible.]

10:00:59: Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

10:01:01: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:08: Is that it? I mean, should we pull it down?

10:01:09: Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.

10:01:10: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:11: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:12: …engine…

10:01:13: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:16: Cut off the oxygen.

10:01:18: Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen.

10:01:34: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:37: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:41: Up, down. Up, down.

10:01:41: What?

10:01:42: Up, down.

10:01:42: Ahh.

10:01:53: Ahh.

10:01:54: [Unintelligible.]

10:01:55: Ahh.

10:01:59: Shut them off.

10:02:03: Shut them off.

10:02:14: Go.

10:02:14: Go.

10:02:15: Move.

10:02:16: Move.

10:02:17: Turn it up.

10:02:18: Down, down.

10:02:23: Pull it down. Pull it down.

10:02:25: Down. Push, push, push, push, push.

10:02:33: Hey. Hey. Give it to me. Give it to me.

10:02:35: Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.

10:02:37: Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.

10:02:40: [Unintelligible.]

10:03:02: Allah is the greatest.

10:03:03: Allah is the greatest.

10:03:04: Allah is the greatest.

10:03:06: Allah is the greatest.

10:03:06: Allah is the greatest.

10:03:07: No

10:03:09: Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.

10:03:09: Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.


THE ATTACK: Timeline of events The World Trade Center Flight 93 Transcript
THE AFTERMATH: Personal accounts Canadian casualties Stranded in Gander New Yorkers after the attacks Homeland Security Act
9/11 COMMISSION: The 9/11 Commission Report Condoleezza Rice Richard Clarke Transcript: Rice Transcript: Clarke
THE PLAYERS: Zacarias Moussaoui Mullah Mohammed Omar
REFLECTIONS: Zarqa Nawaz: 9/11 and my Muslim friends Anne Bayin: Ground Zero Mario Tkalec: A Canadian in the WTC Martin O'Malley: Sept. 10, 2001
PHOTOS: Zacarias Moussaoui: Evidence photos Photogallery: Attack and aftermath Photo log: Sep 11, 2003 Memorial
RELATED: Osama bin Laden Iraq Afghanistan Guantanamo Bay Airport security U.S. Security

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9/11 Commission

Testimony of Richard A. Clarke [pdf]

Final report of 9/11 Commission

9/11 Congressional inquiry report

The Gander Connection
Set up by passengers of Delta Flight 37

Set up by passengers of Air France Flight 004

Set up by passengers of United Airlines Flight 929

Flight 929's Magical Mystery Tour
Set up by passengers of United Airlines Flight 929

Jo Hopkins, passenger of Delta Flight 15, tells her story

September 11th Web Archive
Full list of September 11 Web sites from around the world

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