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Treating Injuries

Minor Injury Diagnostic and Treatment Process

"Rochelle from Calgary" almost lost her leg in a collision. She wrote to ask whether the reforms would treat people like her fairly.
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"Joanna from Lloydminster" was in a collision, suffered whiplash, and had difficulty getting fast, effective treatment. She wanted to know how the new system would treat people like her with similar injuries.
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"William from Fort McMurray" wrote about his wife and daughter, who were in a collision and had trouble getting the treatment to which they were entitled. He wondered if the new system will be better.
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"Robert from Edmonton" was rear-ended, and suffered severe whiplash. He worried that he would be penalized due to the carelessness of others.
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The diagnostic and treatment process focuses on delivering fast and effective treatment to Albertans with injuries from motor vehicle accidents.

This diagnostic and treatment process helps medical professionals determine the extent of the injury and begin the required treatment immediately.

These treatments are pre-approved, and medical practitioners direct-bill the insurance companies; this eliminates financial barriers to treatment for the injured person receiving the specified therapies.

The treatment process was developed because early diagnosis and treatment is essential to improving recovery times.

The process provides injured people with direct access to treatment. It means standardized best practices will be used to diagnose and treat injuries.

» More information about the treatment process

Treating Major Injuries
Medical and rehabilitation Section B benefits were increased from $10,000 to $50,000 to improve access to care and treatment. Several components of Section B benefits have also been pre-approved for treatments for more serious injuries.

You do not need a referral from a doctor or your insurance company’s approval to obtain initial access to these benefits if you are seeking treatment related to your collision, though the pre-approval is subject to dollar limits:

  • psychological services ($600 per person)
  • chiropractic services (maximum $750 per person)
  • physical therapy ($600 per person)
  • occupational therapy ($600 per person)
  • massage or acupuncture therapy (maximum $250 each per person)
  • grief counselling ($400 per family)

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