<%@ Page codebehind="aboutus.aspx.vb" Language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" Inherits="CUDGC.aboutus" %> CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION

about us

The Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation monitors and regulates the performance of credit unions in Alberta and the compliance of Alberta credit unions with the Credit Union Act. The primary role of the Corporation is to guarantee deposit protection to deposit holders with credit unions in Alberta.

To have the strongest, most successful credit union system in Canada.

To provide regulatory oversight and guarantee of deposits to enable a strong, viable credit union system in Alberta.

Primary Roles
  • Provide a 100% guarantee of deposits held with Alberta credit unions.
  • Regulate credit unions and enforce the Credit Union Act.
  • Review, advise and direct on credit union sound business practices.
  • Monitor credit union performance and implement appropriate actions to improve performance and reduce risks.
  • Establish individual credit union loan approval limits and provide an approval function for loans exceeding these limits.
Photos courtesy of Travel Alberta