Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Tips on Reading Your Nautical Chart...

Looking at a nautical chart for the first time can be very confusing. There is so much information; it can become very complicated if you don't know what you are looking at and what it means.

The nautical chart is the mariner's road map. Effective use of a chart helps you identify the best route to your destination and prevents accidents.

Water travel allows freedom of movement. You can travel in whichever direction you choose. With frequent reference to a chart, you can identify obstacles not apparent to the naked eye. Rocks and sandbars can stop your boat in its wake, not to mention the harm it can cause you, your boat, or the environment.

  • The most important publication you must have on-board (aside from your nautical chart) is Chart No. 1; Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms (Fig. 1)This book contains all the symbols, abbreviations, and terms used on navigation charts published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. There are hundreds of these symbols and abbreviations used on charts and they are based on international specifications so that nations around the world can use our charts without confusion.

Fig. 1

  • The first thing you should take notice of when looking at your nautical chart is the title block (Fig. 2). It's often overlooked when referring to a chart.

Chart title block image
Fig. 2

Several things you should take note of in the title block include:

  • The Crest (Fig. 3): the CHScrest is located at the top of the chart title. CHS is responsible for producing the marine navigation charts of Canada. Noting the crest will ensure that your chart is official!

Canadian Hydrographic Service Crest

  • Regional Identification
    CANADA / LAKE ONTARIO states the general geographic area of the chart.
  • Main Title
    TORONTO HARBOUR AND APPROACHES states the specific geographic area of the chart.
  • Scale Identification: "Natural Scale" means the relationship between the size of the chart and the earth. For example, 1:15 000 means that one unit on the chart equals 15 000 units on the earth. The different types and scales of charts and their uses are:

    Harbour Charts: are large scale, 1:5 000 - 1:15 000 and are used for navigation in harbours or intricate, hazardous, shoal-infested waters.
    Approach Charts
    : 1:15 001 - 1:50 000, are used for approaching coasts where a lot of detail is required.
    Coastal Charts
    : 1:50 001 - 1:150 000, are used to show continuous extensive coverage with sufficient inshore detail to make landfall sightings easy. Fisheries charts use these scales.
    General Charts
    : 1:150 001 - 1:500 000, give extensive offshore coverage with sufficient inshore detail to make landfall sightings easy. Fisheries charts use these scales.
    Sailing Charts
    : 1:500 001 and smaller, are used for offshore navigation beyond sight of land.

  • Projection Identification: MERCATOR, chart projection is a method by which a curved surface, the earth, can be represented on a flat piece of paper, the chart. The Mercator projection is the most commonly used for nautical charts. It virtually reduces the shape and direction distortions that occur during the flattening process. It's important when boating to be able to recognize features by their shape such as points of land or shapes of islands. These shapes can be compared to the charted features in an attempt to determine your position.
  • Depths Note: the depths note indicates what units are used for the depths on the chart. Charts have depths shown in feet and fathoms 
    (1 fathom=6 feet) or metres and decimetres. Eventually all Canadian charts will show depths in metres. It is important to know what units the depths on the chart are in. You don't want to confuse 3 metres of water with 3 feet of water.
  • Elevations Note: describes the datum that is used to show the elevation of structures and the clearance of bridges and overhead cables. You can use this note to determine if the boat has enough clearance to travel under the overhead cables and bridges.

Chart Elevations Note image
Fig. 4

  • Horizontal Datum: describes the stating point that is used for positioning objects on the surface of the earth. (Fig. 4) A detailed description of horizontal datums is a complex topic. To learn more, please see Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms/Chart No. 1(Fig. 1)
  • Source Classification Diagram: this note identifies where data on the chart has come from and how old it is.
  • Symbol Reference Note: the symbol reference note is the last note in the Title Block and states: For Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms, see Chart No. 1.(Fig. 1)
  • Bar Scales: a bar scale is a graphic scale represented by a line or a bar that is subdivided into nautical miles, feet, or metres. This bar is used for measuring distances on the chart.
  • Depths: the depth of water is indicated in feet and fathoms 
    (1 fathom=6 feet) or metres and decimetres. The unit used on a chart will be indicated in the title block. (Fig. 5)

Chart Depths image
Fig. 5

  • Elevation Contours: lines connecting points of equal elevation. It's a graphic way of showing the shape and slope of hills and mountains that might be helpful in identifying them on the chart. Once identified, it can help identify your location on the water.
  • Insets: used when a particular area of the chart cannot be represented with enough detail to be safely used by the mariner. Such things as small islands and channels or marinas and yacht clubs may be of interest but cannot always be shown on a chart with a scale of 1:15 000.
  • Hydrographs: a graph that is used on charts in tidal and non-tidal waters and indicates the fluctuations in water level over a one-year period. This graph gives the boater an indication of the amount of water to expect above chart datum during any month of the year. It also indicates the highest and lowest water level ever recorded for each month.
  • Place Names: names of places shown on the chart such as points of land, islands, cities, and towns, etc., of interest to the mariner.

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Page last updated : 2006-3-30 13:53

ISO 9001

Important Notices

This site is maintained by the Canadian Hydrographic Service.