Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pacific Region

Risk Level /
Niveau de risques
High / Haut
Low / Bas
Title / Titre Scale / Échelle
3415 Pac Victoria Harbour 1/0
3419 Pac Esquimalt Harbour 1/5000
3440 Pac Race Rocks to/à D'Arcy Island 1/40000
3441 Pac Haro Strait, Boundary Pass and/et Satellite Channel 1/40000
3442 Pac North Pender Island to/à Thetis Island 1/40000
3443 Pac Thetis Island to/à Nanaimo 1/40000
3447 Pac Nanaimo Harbour and/et Departure Bay 1/10000
3461 Pac Juan de Fuca Strait, Eastern Portion/Partie Est 1/80000
3462 Pac Juan de Fuca Strait to/à Strait of Georgia 1/80000
3463 Pac Strait of Georgia, Southern Portion/Partie Sud 1/80000
3473 Pac Active Pass, Porlier Pass and/et Montague Harbour 1/0
3475 Pac Plans - Stuart Channel 1/0
3476 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Tsehum Harbour 1/10000
3478 Pac Plans - Saltspring Island 1/0
3481 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Vancouver Harbour 1/25000
3490 Pac Fraser River/Fleuve Fraser, Sand Heads to/à Douglas Island 1/20000
3491 Pac Fraser River/Fleuve Fraser, North Arm 1/20000
3492 Pac Roberts Bank 1/20000
3493 Pac Vancouver Harbour, Western Portion/Partie Ouest 1/10000
3494 Pac Vancouver Harbour, Central Portion/Partie Centrale 1/10000
3495 Pac Vancouver Harbour, Eastern Portion/Partie Est 1/30000
3512 Pac Strait of Georgia, Central Portion/Partie Centrale 1/80000
3513 Pac Strait of Georgia, Northern Portion/Partie Nord 1/80000
3526 Pac Howe Sound 1/40000
3536 Pac Plans - Strait of Georgia 1/0
3538 Pac Desolation Sound and/et Sutil Channel 1/40000
3539 Pac Discovery Passage 1/40000
3540 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Campbell River 1/10000
3541 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Toba Inlet 1/40000
3543 Pac Cordero Channel 1/0
3544 Pac Johnstone Strait, Race Passage and/et Current Passage 1/0
3545 Pac Johnstone Strait, Port Neville to/à Robson Bight 1/0
3546 Pac Broughton Strait 1/40000
3547 Pac Queen Charlotte Strait, Eastern Portion/Partie Est 1/0
3548 Pac Queen Charlotte Strait, Central Portion/Partie Centrale 1/40000
3549 Pac Queen Charlotte Strait, Western Portion/Partie Ouest 1/40000
3550 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Seymour Inlet and/et Belize Inlet 1/40000
3602 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Juan de Fuca Strait 1/150000
3606 Pac Juan de Fuca Strait 1/110000
3668 Pac Alberni Inlet 1/40000
3671 Pac Barkley Sound 1/40000
3720 Pac Idol Point to Ocean Falls 1/41110
3734 Pac Jorkins Point to/à Sarah Island 1/0
3736 Pac Kitmat and/et Kemano Bay 1/0
3738 Pac Sarah Island to Swanson Bay 1/35768
3739 Pac Swanson Bay to/à Work Island 1/35574
3740 Pac Work Island to/à Point Cumming 1/35467
3742 Pac Otter Passage to/à McKay Reach 1/70920
3743 Pac Douglas Channel 1/0
3772 Pac Grenville Channel, Sainty Point to Baker Inlet 1/0
3773 Pac Grenville Channel, Baker Inlet to/à Ogden Channel 1/36517
3890 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Skidegate Inlet 1/40000
3891 Pac Skidegate Channel 1/40000
3927 Pac Bonilla Island to/à Edye Passage 1/77800
3934 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Smith Sound and/et Rivers Inlet 1/40000
3935 Pac Hakai Passage and Vicinity/et Environs 1/40000
3936 Pac Fitz Hugh Sound to/à Lama Passage 1/40000
3938 Pac Queens Sound to/à Seaforth Channel 1/40000
3955 Pac Plans - Prince Rupert Harbour 1/0
3956 Pac Malacca Passage to/à Bell Passage 1/40000
3957 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Prince Rupert Harbour 1/40000
3958 Pac Prince Rupert Harbour 1/20000
3959 Pac Hudson Bay Passage 1/40000
3960 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Portland Inlet 1/40000
3477 Pac Plans - Gulf Islands 1/0
3488 Pac Fraser River/Fleuve Fraser, Crescent Island to/à Harrison Mills 1/20000
3489 Pac Fraser River/Fleuve Fraser, Pattullo Bridge to/à Crescent Island 1/20000
3680 Pac Brooks Bay 1/38317
3682 Pac Kyuquot Sound 1/36676
3683 Pac Checleset Bay 1/36493
3729 Pac Dean Channel, Southern Portion/Partie Sud and/et Burke Channel 1/75000
3730 Pac Dean Channel, (Northern Portion) and North and South Bentinck Arms 1/0
3794 Pac Stewart 1/12000
3802 Pac Dixon Entrance 1/200000
3933 Pac Portland Canal and/et Observatory Inlet 1/0
3994 Pac Portland Inlet, Khutzeymateen Inlet and Pearse Canal 1/0
3000 Pac Juan de Fuca Strait to/à Dixon Entrance 1/1250000
3001 Pac Vancouver Island/Île de Vancouver, Juan de Fuca Strait to/à Queen Charlotte Sound 1/525000
3002 Pac Queen Charlotte Sound to/à Dixon Entrance 1/525000
3050 Pac Kootenay Lake and River 1/75000
3052 Pac Okanagan Lake 1/50000
3053 Pac Shuswap Lake 1/0
3055 Pac Waneta to/à Hugh Keenleyside Dam 1/20000
3056 Pac Hugh Keenleyside Dam to/à Burton 1/40000
3057 Pac Burton to/à Arrowhead 1/40000
3058 Pac Arrowhead to/à Revelstoke 1/20000
3061 Pac Harrison Lake and/et Harrison River 1/40000
3062 Pac Pitt River and/et Pitt Lake 1/25000
3080 Pac Stuart Lake 1/50000
3311 Pac Sunshine Coast, Vancouver Harbour to/à Desolation Sound 1/40000
3312 Pac Jervis Inlet and Desolation Sound and Adjacent Waterways/et les Voies Navigables Adjacentes 1/0
3313 Pac Gulf Islands and Adjacent Waterways/et les Voies Navigables Adjacentes 1/40000
3410 Pac Sooke Inlet to/à Parry Bay 1/20000
3411 Pac Sooke 1/12000
3424 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Oak Bay 1/10000
3458 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Nanaimo Harbour 1/20000
3459 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Nanoose Harbour 1/15000
3514 Pac Jervis Inlet 1/50000
3515 Pac Knight Inlet 1/80000
3527 Pac Baynes Sound 1/40000
3534 Pac Plans - Howe Sound 1/0
3535 Pac Plans - Malaspina Strait 1/0
3537 Pac Okisollo Channel 1/20000
3542 Pac Bute Inlet 1/40000
3552 Pac Seymour Inlet and/et Belize Inlet 1/0
3555 Pac Plans - Vicinity of/Proximité de Redonda Islands and/et Loughborough Inlet 1/0
3559 Pac Malaspina Inlet, Okeover Inlet and/et Lancelot Inlet 1/0
3564 Pac Plans - Johnstone Strait 1/0
3598 Pac Cape Scott to Cape Calvert 1/74490
3601 Pac Juan de Fuca Strait to/à Vancouver Harbour 1/200000
3603 Pac Ucluelet Inlet to/à Nootka Sound 1/150000
3604 Pac Nootka Sound to/à Quatsino Sound 1/150000
3605 Pac Quatsino Sound to/à Queen Charlotte Strait 1/150000
3623 Pac Kyuquot Sound to/à Cape Cook 1/80000
3624 Pac Cape Cook to Cape Scott 1/90000
3625 Pac Scott Islands 1/80000
3646 Pac Plans - Barkley Sound 1/0
3647 Pac Port San Juan and/et Nitinat Narrows 1/0
3651 Pac Scouler Entrance and/et Kyuquot 1/0
3670 Pac Broken Group 1/20000
3673 Pac Clayoquot Sound, Tofino Inlet to/à Millar Channel 1/40000
3674 Pac Clayoquot Sound, Millar Channel to/à Estevan Point 1/40000
3675 Pac Nootka Sound 1/40000
3676 Pac Esperanza Inlet 1/40000
3679 Pac Quatsino Sound 1/50000
3681 Pac Plans - Quatsino Sound 1/0
3685 Pac Tofino 1/20000
3686 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Winter Harbour 1/0
3710 Pac Plans - Vicinity of/Proximité de Laredo Sound and/et Milbanke Sound 1/0
3711 Pac Plans - Vicinity of/Proximité de Princess Royal Island 1/0
3717 Pac Approaches to/Approches à Skeena River 1/25000
3719 Pac Inlets in Campania and Princess Royal Islands 1/0
3721 Pac Plans Pitt Island 1/0
3722 Pac Union Passage and Tuwartz Inlet 1/18257
3723 Pac Plans - Hecate Strait, East Shore/Côte Est 1/0
3724 Pac Caamaño Sound and Approaches/et les approches 1/71594
3726 Pac Laredo Sound and Approaches 1/72217
3727 Pac Cape Calvert to Goose Island including Fitz Hugh Sound 1/73584
3728 Pac Milbanke Sound and Approaches/et les approches 1/76557
3733 Pac Catala Passage 1/20000
3737 Pac Laredo Channel including/y compris Laredo Inlet and/et Surf Inlet 1/77429
3741 Pac Otter Passage to Bonilla Island 1/72860
3744 Pac Queen Charlotte Sound 1/365100
3745 Pac Gardner Canal 1/73050
3746 Pac Petrel Channel and Approaches/et les approches 1/0
3747 Pac Browning Entrance 1/39058
3753 Pac Plans in the Vicinity of Pitt and Banks Islands 1/0
3761 Pac Kitkatla Inlet 1/36530
3781 Pac Dean Channel, Cousins Inlet to Elcho Harbour 1/36507
3795 Pac Langley Passage, Estevan Group 1/12000
3807 Pac Atli Inlet to/à Selwyn Inlet 1/37500
3808 Pac Juan Perez Sound 1/37500
3809 Pac Carpenter Bay to/à Burnaby Island 1/37500
3811 Pac Harbours in Queen Charlotte Islands 1/0
3825 Pac Cape St. James to/à Houston Stewart Channel 1/40000
3853 Pac Cape St. James to/à Cumshewa Inlet and/et Tasu Sound 1/150000
3854 Pac Tasu Sound to/à Port Louis 1/141935
3855 Pac Houston Stewart Channel 1/20000
3857 Pac Louscoone Inlet 1/18275
3858 Pac Flamingo Inlet 1/18247
3859 Pac Tasu Sound 1/24340
3860 Pac Harbours on the West Coast of Graham Island 1/0
3863 Pac Port Chanal 1/18258
3864 Pac Gowgaia Bay 1/18254
3865 Pac Englefield Bay and Vicinity 1/36600
3868 Pac Port Louis to Langara Island 1/72921
3869 Pac Skidgate Channel to/à Tian Rock 1/0
3892 Pac Masset Harbour and/et Naden Harbour 1/40000
3893 Pac Masset Inlet 1/40000
3894 Pac Selwyn Inlet to/à Lawn Point 1/73026
3895 Pac Plans - Dixon Entrance 1/0
3902 Pac Hecate Strait 1/250000
3909 Pac Plans Chatham Sound 1/0
3920 Pac Nass Bay, Alice Arm and Approaches/et les approches 1/0
3921 Pac Fish Egg Inlet and/et Allison Harbour 1/0
3931 Pac Smith Inlet, Boswell Inlet and/et Draney Inlet 1/40000
3932 Pac Rivers Inlet 1/40000
3937 Pac Queens Sound 1/40000
3940 Pac Spiller Channel and/et Roscoe Inlet 1/40000
3962 Pac Mathieson Channel, Northern Portion/Partie Nord 1/40000
3963 Pac Work Channel 1/0
3964 Pac Tuck Inlet 1/20000
Page last updated : 2006-2-9 11:42

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