Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada


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Aquaculture is farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants in fresh or salt water. - READ MORE


  • Video - Alternate Feed Ingredients
    A balanced, nutritious diet for good health is just as important for fish as it is for human beings. So what do you feed farmed fish such as salmon, cod or halibut to ensure they are healthy and of high quality?  This video, produced by AquaNet, illustrates the development of alternate feeds to produce a diet that is less reliant on fish meal and fish oil from wild pelagic fish species, like herring, and more reliant on readily-available vegetable oils and protein.  Additional information about aquatic animal health and feed and nutrition can be viewed at this link.

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Last Updated : 2006-10-27

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