Pêches et Océans Canada / Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Gouvernement du Canada / Government of Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Région de  l'atlantique

Risk Level /
Niveau de risques
High / Haut
Low / Bas
Title / Titre Scale / Échelle
4114 ATL Campobello Island 1/20000
4115 ATL Passamaquoddy Bay and/et St. Croix River 1/50000
4116 ATL Approaches to/Approches à Saint John 1/60000
4117 ATL Saint John Harbour and Approaches/et les approches 1/15000
4201 ATL Halifax Harbour - Bedford Basin 1/10000
4202 ATL Halifax Harbour Point Pleasant to/à Bedford Basin 1/10000
4203 ATL Halifax Harbour Black Point to/à Point Pleasant 1/10000
4235 ATL Barren Island to/à Taylors Head 1/60000
4237 ATL Approaches to/Approches de Halifax Harbour 1/40000
4266 ATL Sydney Harbour 1/20000
4277 ATL Great Bras D'Or, St. Andrews Channel and/et St. Anns Bay 1/40000
4278 ATL Great Bras D'or and/et St.Patricks Channel 1/40000
4306 ATL Strait of Canso and/et Southern Approaches/les approches sud 1/25000
4307 ATL Canso Harbour to/au Strait of Canso 1/37500
4320 ATL Egg Island to/à West ironbound Island 1/145000
4335 ATL Strait of Canso and Approaches/et les approches 1/75000
4340 ATL Grand Manan 1/60000
4406 ATL Tryon Shoals to/à Cape Egmont 1/75574
4459 ATL Summerside Harbour and Approaches /et les approches 1/25000
4460 ATL Charlottetown Harbour 1/12000
4462 ATL St. George's Bay 1/75000
4524 ATL Botwood Harbour 1/9000
4530 ATL Hamilton Sound Eastern Portion/Partie-est 1/40000
4587 ATL Mortier Bay 1/12000
4617 ATL Red Island to Pinchgut Point 1/37500
4652 ATL Humber Arm Meadows Point to/à Humber River 1/14600
4653 ATL Bay of Islands 1/50000
4722 ATL Terrington Basin 1/6000
4724 ATL Ticoralak Island to/à Carrington Island 1/50000
4728 ATL Epinette Point to/à Terrington Basin 1/50000
4839 ATL Head of/Fond de Placentia Bay 1/40000
4846 ATL Motion Bay to/à Cape St Francis 1/60000
4847 ATL Conception Bay 1/60000
4848 ATL Holyrood and/et Long Pond 1/0
4865 ATL Approaches to/Approches à Lewisporte and/et Loon Bay 1/30000
4885 ATL Port Harmon and Approaches/et les approches 1/40000
4905 ATL Cape Tormentine à/to West Point 1/100000
4920 ATL Plans Baie des Chaleurs / Chaleur Bay Côte sud / South Shore 1/0
5051 ATL Nunaksuk Island to/à Calf Cow and / et Bull Islands 1/60000
5052 ATL Seniartlit Islands to/à Nain 1/60000
5070 ATL Satosoak Island to/à Akuliakatak Peninsula 1/25000
5133 ATL Domino Point to/à Cape North 1/0
5134 ATL Approaches to / Approches à Cartwright 1/75000
5138 ATL Sandwich Bay 1/50000
4021 ATL Pointe Amour à/to Cape Whittle et/and Cape George 1/350000
4118 ATL St.Marys Bay 1/60000
4124 ATL Harbours in the Bay of Fundy/Ports dans la Baie de Fundy Southwest Coast/Côté sud-ouest 1/0
4140 ATL Avon River and Approaches/et les approches 1/37500
4209 ATL Lockeport Harbour and/et Shelburne Harbour 1/0
4230 ATL Little Hope Island to/à Cape St Marys 1/150000
4245 ATL Yarmouth Harbour and Approaches/et les approches 1/10000
4275 ATL St. Peters Bay 1/20000
4279 ATL Bras D'or Lake 1/60000
4281 ATL Canso Harbour and Approaches/et les approches 1/15000
4328 ATL Lunenburg Bay 1/18000
4376 ATL Louisbourg Harbour 1/9600
4379 ATL Liverpool Harbour 1/8400
4381 ATL Mahone Bay 1/38900
4396 ATL Annapolis Basin 1/24000
4419 ATL Souris Harbour and Approaches/et les approches 1/12000
4422 ATL Cardigan Bay 1/24311
4437 ATL Pictou Harbour 1/12000
4483 ATL Caribou Harbour 1/0
4514 ATL St. Anthony Bight and Harbour 1/15000
4522 ATL Tilt Cove and/et La Scie Harbour 1/0
4594 ATL Thimble Tickles to/à Bagg Head including/y compris New Bay 1/24600
4595 ATL Bay of Exploits Sheet/Feuille I (North-Nord) 1/24500
4596 ATL Bay of Exploits Sheet/feuille II (Middle/centre) 1/24600
4597 ATL Bay of Exploits Sheet/feuille III (South/sud) 1/24600
4616 ATL Burin Harbours and Approches / et les approches 1/20000
4622 ATL Cape St. Mary's to/à Argentia Harbour and/et Jude Island 1/80000
4633 ATL Ramea Islands to/à Bonne Bay 1/75000
4638 ATL Wreck Island to/à Cinq Cerf Bay 1/24318
4639 ATL Garia Bay and / et Le Moine Bay 1/25000
4641 ATL Port aux Basques and Approaches/et les Approches 1/7500
4644 ATL Bay D'Espoir and Hermitage Bay 1/50000
4667 ATL Savage Cove to/à St. Barbe Bay 1/24300
4679 ATL Hawkes Bay, Port Saunders, Back Arm 1/25000
4701 ATL Ship Harbour Head to/aux Camp Islands 1/75000
4702 ATL Corbett Island to/à Ship Harbour Head 1/75000
4703 ATL White Point to/à Corbet Island 1/75000
4744 ATL Approaches to/approches à Spotted Island Harbour 1/30000
4745 ATL White Point to/à Sandy Island 1/30000
4823 ATL Cape Ray to/à Garia Bay 1/75000
4825 ATL Burgeo and/et Ramea Islands 1/30000
4830 ATL Great Bay de l'Eau and Approaches/et les Approches 1/30000
4831 ATL Fortune Bay Northern Portion/Partie nord 1/60000
4832 ATL Fortune Bay - Southern Portion/Partie sud 1/60000
4845 ATL Renews Harbour to /à Motion Bay 1/60000
4849 ATL Plans, Conception Bay, Trinity Bay and/et Bonavista Harbour 1/0
4851 ATL Trinity Bay Southern Portion/Partie sud 1/60000
4852 ATL Smith Sound and/et Random Sound 1/40000
4855 ATL Bonavista Bay Southern Portion/Partie sud 1/60000
4856 ATL Bonavista Bay Western Portion/Partie ouest 1/60000
4857 ATL Indian Bay to/à Wadham Islands 1/60000
4858 ATL Greenspond Harbour to/à Pound Cove 1/20000
4862 ATL Carmanville to/à Bacalhao Island and/et Fogo 1/40000
4863 ATL Bacalhao Island to/à Black Island 1/40000
4886 ATL Twillingate Harbour 1/15000
4909 ATL Ports / Harbours STRAIT-WESTERN PORTION 1/30000
4911 ATL Entrée à/Entrance to Miramichi River 1/25000
4912 ATL Miramichi 1/25000
5030 ATL Green Bay to/à Double Island 1/60000
5031 ATL St.  Lewis Sound and/et Inlet 1/40000
5032 ATL Approaches to / à White Bear Arm 1/30000
5033 ATL Hawke Bay and / et Squasho Run 1/30000
5042 ATL Cut Throat Island to/à Quaker Hat 1/60000
5043 ATL Quaker Hat to/à Cape Harrison 1/60000
5044 ATL Cape Harrison to/à Dog Island 1/60000
5045 ATL Dog Islands to/à Cape Makkovik 1/60000
5047 ATL Winsor Harbour Island to/aux Kikkertaksoak Islands 1/60000
5048 ATL Cape Harrison to/aux Kidlit Islands 1/60000
5049 ATL Davis Inlet to/aux Seniartlit Islands 1/60000
5080 ATL Punchbowl inlet and Approaches/et les approches 1/25000
5135 ATL Approaches to/Approches à Hamilton Inlet 1/75000
5140 ATL South Green Island to/à Ticoralak Island 1/50000
5179 ATL Alexis Bay and/et Alexis River 1/0
4000 ATL Gulf of Maine to/à Baffin Bay / Baie de Baffin 1/4500000
4001 ATL Gulf of Maine to Strait of Belle Isle au Détroit de Belle Isle 1/3500000
4003 ATL Cape Breton to/à Cape Cod 1/1000000
4006 ATL Newfoundland and Labrador/Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador to Bermuda / aux Bermuda 1/3500000
4010 ATL Bay of Fundy / Baie de Fundy (Inner portion / partie intérieure) 1/200000
4011 ATL Approaches to/Approches à Bay of Fundy/Baie de Fundy 1/300000
4012 ATL Yarmouth to/à Halifax 1/300000
4013 ATL Halifax to/à Sydney 1/350000
4015 ATL Sydney to/à Saint-Pierre 1/350000
4016 ATL Saint-Pierre to/à St. John's 1/350000
4017 ATL Cape Race to/à Cape Freels 1/350000
4020 ATL Strait of Belle Isle/Détroit de Belle Isle 1/150000
4022 ATL Cabot Strait and approaches / Détroit de Cabot et les approches, Scatarie Island to/à Anticosti Island / Île D'Anticosti 1/350000
4023 ATL Northhumberland Strait / Détroit de Northumberland 1/300000
4045 ATL Sable Island Bank/Banc de I'lle de Sable to/au St.Pierre Bank/Banc de Saint Pierre 1/400000
4047 ATL St. Pierre Bank/Banc de Saint-Pierre to/au Whale Bank/Banc de la Baleine 1/400000
4049 ATL Grand Bank, Northern Portion Grand Banc, Partie Nord to/à Flemish Pass/Passe Flamande - 1/400000
4098 ATL Sable Island/Île de Sable 1/100000
4099 ATL Sable Island/Île de Sable Western Portion/Partie ouest 1/100000
4130 ATL Petitcodiac River and/et Cumberland Basin 1/50000
4141 ATL Saint John to/à Evandale 1/30000
4142 ATL Evandale to/à Ross Island 1/30000
4145 ATL Mactaquac Lake - Saint John River / Rivière Saint-Jean 1/30000
4170 ATL Glace Bay Harbour 1/6000
4210 ATL Cape Sable to/à Pubnico Harbour 1/30000
4211 ATL Cape Lahave to/à Liverpool Bay 1/37500
4227 ATL Country Harbour to/au Ship Harbour 1/150000
4233 ATL Cape Canso to/à Country Island 1/60000
4234 ATL Country Island to/à Barren Island 1/60000
4236 ATL Taylors Head to/à Shut-In Island 1/60000
4240 ATL Liverpool Harbour to/à Lockeport Harbour 1/60000
4241 ATL Lockport to/à Cape Sable 1/60000
4242 ATL Cape Sable Island to/aux Tusket Islands 1/60000
4243 ATL Tusket Islands to/à Cape St. Marys 1/60000
4244 ATL Wedgeport and Vicinity/et les Abords 1/30000
4255 ATL Georges Bank/Banc de Georges Eastern Portion/Partie Est 1/175000
4276 ATL Little Bras D'or 1/0
4308 ATL St. Peters Bay to/à Strait of Canso 1/37500
4321 ATL Cape Canso to Liscomb Island 1/108836
4337 ATL Alma (and Approaches/et les Approaches) 1/25000
4342 ATL Grand Manan (Harbours / Havres) 1/0
4363 ATL Cape Smokey to/à St. Paul Island 1/74474
4365 ATL Ingonish Harbour and/et Dingwall Harbour 1/0
4367 ATL Flint Island to/à Cape Smoky 1/75185
4374 ATL Red Point to/à Guyon Island 1/75000
4375 ATL Guyon Island to/à Flint Island 1/75733
4377 ATL Main-à-Dieu Passage 1/18000
4384 ATL Pearl Island to/à Cape La Have 1/39023
4385 ATL Chebucto Head to/à Betty Island 1/39000
4386 ATL St.Margaret's Bay 1/39416
4391 ATL Lahave River Conquerall Bank to/à Bridgewater 1/6000
4394 ATL Lahave River West Ironbound Island to/à Riverport 1/12150
4395 ATL Lahave River Riverport to/à Conquerall Bank 1/12150
4399 ATL Parrsboro Harbour and Approaches/et les approches 1/12154
4402 ATL Wallace Harbour 1/24000
4403 ATL East Point to/à Cape Bear 1/75000
4404 ATL Cape George to/à Pictou - 1/75957
4405 ATL Pictou Island to/aux Tryon Shoals 1/75730
4420 ATL Murray Harbour 1/18233
4421 ATL Boughton River 1/18000
4425 ATL Harbours on the North Shore /  Havres sur la Côte Nord 1/0
4426 ATL Rivière Ristigouche / Restigouche River 1/36360
4443 ATL East River of Pictou Indian Cross Point to/à Trenton and/et New Glasgow 1/7200
4445 ATL Merigomish Harbour 1/18232
4446 ATL Antigonish Harbour 1/12000
4447 ATL Pomquet and Tracadie Harbours 1/25000
4448 ATL Port Hood, Mabou Harbour and/et Havre Boucher 1/0
4449 ATL Chéticamp Harbour Grand étang Harbour Margaree Harbour 1/0
4450 ATL St. Paul Island 1/24300
4463 ATL Chéticamp to/à Cape Mabou 1/75000
4464 ATL Chéticamp to/à Cape St. Lawrence 1/74488
4466 ATL Hillsborough Bay 1/36500
4467 ATL Rustico Bay and/et New London Bay 1/0
4486 ATL Baie des Chaleurs/Chaleur Bay 1/150000
4491 ATL Malpeque Bay 1/37500
4492 ATL Cascumpeque Bay 1/25000
4497 ATL Amet Sound 1/28850
4498 ATL Pugwash Harbour and approaches/et les approches 1/24000
4504 ATL Great Cat Arms and/et Little Cat Arm 1/20000
4505 ATL Plans on the East Coast of Newfoundland / Plans - Côte est de l'Île de Terre-Neuve 1/0
4506 ATL Plans - Vicinity of Canada Bay/Environs de Canada Bay 1/0
4507 ATL Plans - Northeast Coast/Côte Nord-Est Newfoundland/Terre-Neuve 1/0
4509 ATL Pistolet Bay 1/45000
4510 ATL Cape Bauld to/à White Bay 1/243620
4511 ATL Sacred Bay 1/15000
4512 ATL Quirpon Harbour and Approaches/et les approches 1/15000
4515 ATL Hare Bay 1/45000
4516 ATL Harbours in / Havres dans Hare Bay 1/0
4518 ATL Ariege Bay 1/25000
4519 ATL Maiden Arm, Big Spring Inlet and/et Little Spring Inlet (and approaches/et les approches) 1/15000
4520 ATL Orange Bay to/à Cape Bonavista 1/286000
4521 ATL Baie Verte 1/25000
4523 ATL Little Bay Arm and Approaches / et les approches 1/6000
4529 ATL Fogo Harbour Seal Cove and Approaches/et les approches 1/20000
4538 ATL Canada Bay including / y compris Chimney Bay 1/18290
4540 ATL Anchorages in White Bay/Mouillages dans White Bay 1/0
4541 ATL Sops Arm 1/13000
4542 ATL Hampden Bay 1/12160
4582 ATL Plans - Notre Dame Bay 1/0
4583 ATL St. Julien Island to/à Hooping Harbour including/y compris Canada Bay 1/73500
4584 ATL White Bay - Southern Part / Partie Sud 1/73500
4585 ATL Green Head to/à Little Bay Island 1/150000
4591 ATL Pilley's Island Harbour - Halls Bay and/et Sunday Cove 1/37400
4592 ATL Little Bay Island to/à League Rock 1/24400
4593 ATL Sunday Cove Island to/à Thimble Tickles 1/24500
4615 ATL Harbours in Placentia Bay Petite Forte to Broad Cove Head 1/25000
4619 ATL Presque Harbour to/à Bar Haven Island and/et Paradise Sound 1/37500
4624 ATL Long Island to/à St. Lawrence Harbours 1/80000
4625 ATL Burin Penninsula to/à Saint-Pierre 1/75000
4626 ATL Saint-Pierre and/et Miquelon (France) 1/75000
4640 ATL Isle aux Morts and Approaches/et les approches 1/10000
4642 ATL Great St. Lawrence Harbour and/et Lamaline Harbour 1/0
4643 ATL Ile Saint-Pierre (France) 1/15000
4654 ATL Lark Harbour and/et York Harbour (Bay of Islands) 1/12000
4658 ATL Bonne Bay 1/40000
4659 ATL Port au Port 1/41700
4661 ATL Bear Head to/à Cow Head 1/147300
4663 ATL Cow Head to/à Pointe Riche 1/144000
4665 ATL St. Margaret Bay and Approaches/et les approches 1/18295
4666 ATL St Barbe Point to/à Old Férolle Harbour 1/25000
4668 ATL Anchorages / Mouillages in the / dans le Strait of Belle Isle / Détroit de Belle Isle 1/0
4669 ATL Red Bay 1/12000
4670 ATL Forteau Bay 1/24440
4680 ATL Hawkes Bay to/à Ste Genviève Bay including/ycompris St John Bay 1/73000
4682 ATL Larkin Point to/à Cape Anguille 1/20000
4700 ATL Belle Isle to/à Resolution Island 1/1000000
4712 ATL Plans on the Coast of Labrador/Plans sur la côte du Labrador 1/30000
4725 ATL Carrington Island to/à Etagaulet Bay 1/50000
4730 ATL Nain to/à Domino Point 1/588000
4731 ATL Forteau Bay to/à Domino Run 1/250000
4732 ATL Approaches to/Approches à Hamilton Inlet 1/223975
4763 ATL Vicinity of / Environs de Port Manvers 1/104500
4764 ATL Vicinty of / Environs de Cape Mugford 1/103114
4765 ATL Saglek Bay to/à Hebron Fiord 1/100000
4766 ATL Saglek Bay 1/35000
4767 ATL Saglek Bay Anchorage/Mouillage 1/17500
4769 ATL Nachvak Bay to/à Saglek Bay Entrance 1/100000
4771 ATL Eclipse Harbour to/à Cape White Handkerchief 1/82030
4773 ATL Vicinity of/Environs de Cape Chidley 1/100000
4774 ATL Approaches to/approches à Williams Harbor 1/30000
4775 ATL Nain to / à Saglek Bay 1/250000
4776 ATL Saglek Bay to/aux Button Islands 1/250000
4817 ATL Bay Bulls to/à St. Mary's Bay 1/150000
4824 ATL Garia Bay to/à Burgeo 1/75000
4842 ATL Cape Pine to/au Cape St. Mary's 1/60000
4843 ATL Head of / Fond de St Mary's Bay 1/60000
4844 ATL Cape Pine to/à Renews Harbour 1/60000
4850 ATL Cape St. Francis to/à Baccalieu Island and/et Heart's Content 1/60000
4853 ATL Trinity Bay - Northern Portion/Partie nord 1/60000
4854 ATL Catalina Harbour to/à Inner Gooseberry Islands 1/60000
4906 ATL West Point à/to Baie de Tracadie 1/100000
4913 ATL Caraquet Harbour, Baie de Shippegan and/et Miscou Harbour 1/40000
5001 ATL Labrador Sea/Mer du Labrador 1/3500000
5054 ATL South Aulatsivik Island to/à Fenstone Tickle Island 1/60000
5143 ATL Lake Melville 1/100000
8005 ATL Georges Bank 1/300000
8006 ATL Scotian Shelf/Plate-Forme Néo-Écossaise, Browns Bank to Emerald Bank/Banc de Brown au Banc D'Emeraude 1/300000
8007 ATL Halifax to/à Sable Island/Île de Sable, Including/y compris Emerald Bank/Banc d'Émeraude and/et Sable Island Bank/Banc de l'Île de Sable 1/300000
8010 ATL Grand Bank/Grand Banc Southern Portion/Partie sud 1/350000
8011 ATL Grand Bank, Northern Portion/ Grand Banc, Partie Nord 1/350000
8012 ATL Flemish Pass/Passe Flamande 1/350000
8013 ATL Flemish Cap/Bonnet Flamand 1/350000
8014 ATL Grand Banc/Grand Bank (Northeast Portion/Partie-nord-est) 1/350000
8015 ATL Funk Island and Approaches / et les approches 1/350000
8046 ATL Button Islands to/à Cod Island 1/500000
8047 ATL Cod Island to/à Cape Harrison 1/500000
8048 ATL Cape Harrison to/à St. Michael Bay 1/500000
8049 ATL St. Michael Bay to/aux Gray Islands 1/500000


Mise à jour : 2006-2-9 12:09

ISO 9001

Avis importants

La maintenance du site est assurée par le Service hydrographique du Canada.