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The True Blue Quiz
Take One Whale of a Test!

(Answers at bottom of page)

1.  A Blue Whale's tongue is comparable to the size and weight of:

  • A Refrigerator
  • Two grown men
  • A Full-grown African Elephant
  • 100 cans of soup

2.  If you were to stretch out Canada's coastline in one single straight line, it would circle the earth how many times?

  • 2 times
  • 4 times
  • 6 times
  • 10 times

3.  In which country's coastal region can you find the world's highest tides?

  • The United States
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Greenland

4.  The amount of fish harvested in the world is more than that of sheep, poultry or eggs

  • True or False

5.  How much pollution in the oceans comes from the land?

  • 33%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 80%

6.  How much oil pollution found in our oceans comes from the land?

  • Over one third
  • Over one half
  • Over three quarters
  • Just under one third

7.  How many people in the world live near the coastline?

  • 2,700
  • 2.7 Million
  • 2.7 Billion
  • 270,000

8.  All whales have dorsal fins

  • True or False

9.  Which of these species do not have scales?

  • Sockeye Salmon
  • Arctic Char
  • Sharks
  • Turbot

10.  Where is the deepest part of the ocean?

  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Peggy's Cove
  • Hudson Bay
  • Mariana's Trench


  1. A full grown African Elephant.  The Blue Whale's heart is compared to the size of a Volkswagen Beetle!
  2. 6 times. Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the World!
  3. Canada.  You can find the highest tides in the world at the Bay of Fundy on the East Coast of Canada, which separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia.
  4. True.  Many people depend on fish as their primary source of protein.
  5. 80%.  Land-based sources of pollution include: agricultural run-off, municipal and industrial sewage, and air borne pollutants from factories.
  6. Over a third.  You can help reduce oil pollution by making sure you recycle and properly get rid of the used oil from your family's car.
  7. 2.7 Billion.
  8. False.  The Beluga whale, white in color, has NO dorsal fin... and its neck is very flexible enabling it to turn its head independently of its body, unlike many other whale species.
  9. Sharks.  Sharks have skin instead of scales.  Their skin is rough and feels like sandpaper.
  10. Mariana's Trench in the Pacific Ocean is over 36,000 feet deep or nearly 11km from the surface to bottom - deep enough to swallow the tallest mountain in the world.

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Updated: 2006-05-25