Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Annex I

Annex II

Annex III

Annex IV

Annex V
Annex VI
Annex VII

Commercial Fisheries Licensing Policy For Eastern Canada - 1996

Annex IV - Footnotes


1. Clams:

No licence required for soft-shell clam except for mechanical and hydraulic harvesters where each application is ruled on separately. Limited entry for other clam species.

2. Squid:

Open access under 19.8m (65') LOA , except for trap licences, providing applicant is head of a core enterprise and is licensed for same gear type e.g. groundfish otter trawl may be licensed for squid otter trawl. Licences available for all groundfish licence holders operating vessels 19.7m (65') LOA or greater.

3. Mackerel:

Limited entry except for fixed gear licences which may be issued to any head of core enterprises who holds a herring fixed gear licence for a vessel less than 15.2m (50') LOA and handline licences which may be issued to any head of a core enterprise.

4. Mussels:

No licence required except for mechanical and hydraulic harvesters where each application is ruled on separately.

5. Seals: Licences issued as per chapter 6 of this document.


1.  Clams:

No licence required for soft-shell clam except for mechanical and hydraulic harvesters where each application is ruled on separately. Limited entry for other clam species.

2. Mackerel:

Purse seine is limited entry; fixed gear licences are available to any head of a core enterprise.

3. Squid:

Limited entry for inshore mobile gear licences. Trap or jigger licences available to heads of a core enterprise who have a vessel less than 19.8m (65') LOA registered. Licences available for all groundfish licence holders operating vessels 19.7m (65') LOA or greater.

4. Seals: Licences issued as per chapter 6 of this document.

MARITIMES - Scotia-Fundy Sector

1. Clams: Open access for soft-shell clam except for mechanical and hydraulic harvesters where each application is ruled on separately. Limited entry for other clam species.

2. Marine Plants: Drag rakes are Limited entry; hand raking is open access.

3. Squid: Open access under 19.8m (65') LOA , except for trap licences, providing applicant is head of a core enterprise and is licensed for same gear type e.g. groundfish otter trawl may be licensed for squid otter trawl. Licences available for all groundfish licence holders operating vessels 19.7m (65') LOA or greater.

4. Mackerel: Limited entry except for fixed gear licences which can be issued to any head of a core enterprise.

5. Seal: Licences issued as per chapter 6 of this document.

6. Mussels: Open access for hand harvesting only. Limited entry for other gear.

MARITIMES - Gulf Sector

1. Mussels:

Limited entry except licences to fish by hand or with hand held tools which are available to residents of the Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI Administrative Areas of the Gulf Sector who do not have full-time employment.

 2. Gaspereau:

New licences may be issued to heads of core enterprises using vessels less than 15.2 m (50") LOA who are resident of the Nova Scotia Administrative Area of the Gulf Sector. New dip net licences may be issued to residents of this Administrative Area. However, new licences may not be issued for:

a) Pictou Harbour or coastal waters from Broad Cove March to Cape North;

b) Margaree Harbour or Margaree River.

3. Oyster:

Limited entry except in the Nova Scotia Administrative Area of the Gulf sector, where commercial oyster licences are available to persons who are resident of this Administrative Area and who hold a commercial licence for another species valid for the Gulf Nova Scotia waters, or for 1996 only, to persons who held an oyster licence for this Administrative Area in either 1993 or 1994.

4. Squid:

Open access under 19.8m (65') LOA , except for trap licences, providing applicant is head of a core enterprise and is licensed for same gear type e.g. groundfish otter trawl may be licensed for squid otter trawl. Licences available for all groundfish licence holders operating vessels 19.7m (65') LOA or greater.

5. Mackerel:

Limited entry except for fixed gear licences which may be issued to any head of core enterprises who holds a herring fixed gear licence for a vessel less than 15.2m (50') LOA and handline licences which may be issued to any head of a core enterprise.

6. Silverside: New licences may be issued to head of core enterprise.

7. Seal: Licences issued as per chapter 6 of this document.

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Last updated : 2004-09-02

Important Notices