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Directory November 2, 2006
Department or Agency Mandates
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Organizations 1 through 50 of 103 organization(s) listed for: Education
The mission for New Brunswick public schools is to have each student develop the attributes needed to be a lifelong learner, to achieve personal fulfillment and to contribute to a productive, just and democratic society.
Mandate of Divisions, Branches, Sections and other offices
(Sort order is by Organization Structure)
Minister (Minister's Office)
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2006
Sous-ministre (Deputy Head's Office)
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2002
Deputy Minister (Deputy Head's Office)
Last Updated: 1 Oct 2003
Communications (Branch)
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2004
Mandate: The Communications branch is responsible for the following activities: planning, implementing and evaluating communications strategies; producing public information materials; maintaining media and stakeholder liaison; providing ministerial support; and co-ordinating activities related to the Legislature.

Policy and Planning  (Branch)
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2005
Mandate: The Policy and Planning Branch comprises three sections: Policy & Legislative Affairs, Corporate Data & Analysis, and Strategic Relations. The Policy & Legislative Affairs section is responsible for policy development, analysis and advice, long-range planning, legislative changes and proposals, and federal-provincial relations in education. The Corporate Data & Analysis section is responsible for research and statistical information, and education performance indicators. The Strategic Relations section is responsible for intergovernmental, interdepartmental and stakeholder relations.
Policy & Legislative Affairs (Section)
Last Updated: 24 Nov 2004
Corporate Data Analysis (Section)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2005
Strategic Relations (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Educational Services (Anglophone) (Division)
Last Updated: 26 Nov 2003
Mandate: The Assistant Deputy Minister is responsible for the English Educational Services division which includes two branches: the Educational Programs and Services Branch with responsibilities for Curriculum Development, Student Services and Professional Development and Innovation; and the Evaluation Branch with responsibilities for evaluation and student assessment.
Educational Programs and Services (Curriculum Development, Student Services, Professional Development and Innovation, E- Learning) (Branch)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2004
Mandate: The Educational Services and Programs Branch is made up of five units:

· The Curriculum Development Unit
· The Student Services Unit
· The Professional Development and Innovation Unit
. E-Learning

The Curriculum Development Unit is responsible for identifying the goals and learning expectations of the instructional program for public schools. The branch develops specific curricula in all subject areas and evaluates and recommends both print and non-print instructional resources. Curriculum documents identify expected learning outcomes, possible instructional strategies, assessment tasks and resources to support learning. Although the branch is not charged with the actual implementation of curricula at the school level, staff are responsible for developing a plan that would see curriculum implemented provincially at a predictable and reasonable pace, introducing new curricula to appropriate district personnel, and monitoring curriculum implementation.

The Student Services Unit of the Educational Programs and Services Branch develops, co-ordinates and facilitates special education for students with exceptionalities as defined by the Education Act, comprehensive and developmental guidance, stay-in-school / at-risk programs, programming for the gifted and talented, the Positive Learning Environment initiatives, and school psychology. The unit also monitors the work undertaken by the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority for students who are blind and visually impaired and for those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, and ensures that students are provided with support services in speech and language pathology, educational and clinical psychology, social work and health.

The unit also provides consultative, material and in-service training support through many summer institutes and throughout the year to school districts, other government departments, both federal and provincial, as well as other non-government agencies regarding academic support and facilitates the planning and purchase of courseware and equipment to support the education of pupils with special needs. In addition, the unit is responsible for annual programs for Pearson College, Assistive Technology, Shad Valley, and others. Other specific areas the branch helps to oversee include: Discipline and Classroom Management, Youth Leadership;Healthy Minds School Nutrition Partnership Program; Healthy Learners Program, Comprehensive School Health, Student Government and Inter-departmental Policy and Protocols relating to Government Youth Initiatives.

The mandate of the Professional Development and Innovation Unit is to lead and facilitate system changes that will help create learning organizations that fulfill the mission of public education in New Brunswick.

Social Studies (K-12) and Approvals (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Technology/Vocational Education (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Aboriginal Education (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Lead Responsibility Student Services (Agency)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2004
French Second Language (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Physical Education and Health (K-12) (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Lead Responsibility Curriculum 6-12 / Mathematics (9-12); Science (6-12); School Libraries; Art (K-12) (Section)
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2005
Lead Responsibility Curriculum K-5 / English Language Arts (K-5); Art (K-12) (Section)
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2005
Lead Responsibility E-Learning (Agency)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2004
E-Learning - Program Development (Agency)
Last Updated: 3 Dec 2004
Literacy Learning K-8 (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Literacy Learning 9-12 (Agency)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Exceptionalities (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Visually Impaired (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Guidance and Counselling; Transition (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Hearing Impaired (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
At Risk/Alternative Education Programs and Enrichment; Positive Learning Environment (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Autism Services and Programs (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Improvement Planning (Unit)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Future to Discover Pilot Project (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2006
Mandate: The Future to Discover Pilot Project is funded by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation and includes two components: one focusing on providing information ("Explore Your Horizons") and the other offering financial support ("PSE Learning Accounts"). Explore Your Horizons will test the effectiveness of offering intensive information about career choices, the benefits of PSE, and the different types of PSE (university, college, apprenticeships, etc.) to both students and their parents. It will be offered during Grades 10-12 to a randomly selected group of students from all socio-economic backgrounds. PSE Learning Accounts will also be offered to a randomly selected group of students from low-income families. A total of 4,000 New Brunswick high school students will participate in the Pilot Project, along with 1,000 from Manitoba. Recruitment will begin in the spring of 2004.
Evaluation (Branch)
Last Updated: 6 Mar 2006
Mandate: The Evaluation Branch is responsible for monitoring student achievement for the purposes of public accountability and improving teaching and learning.
English Language Arts Assessments - Middle and High School (Unit)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Elementary Assessments, Middle Level Mathematics Assessments, FSL (Unit)
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2006
Data (Unit)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Educational Review and Accountability (Unit)
Last Updated: 28 Apr 2006
Mandate: The mandate of the Educational Review and Accountability Unit of the Anglophone sector is to develop and implement a process that will provide for ongoing evaluation and monitoring of school performance, and mechanisms for constructive feedback and improvement.
Atlantic Education International (Other)
Last Updated: 3 Nov 2005
Mandate: Atlantic Education International Inc. is an incorporated body whose mission is to develop,market to, and support successful International Education Partnerships.Programs range from socio-cultural exchanges to the marketing of educational products and services developed within the Province of New Brunswick.To date AEI Inc. has international clients from K-12 through Post
Secondary. In addition, we have found employment for qualified teachers overseas, marketed N.B. developed Distance Education courses,delivered N.B. student exchanges, and coordinated Chinese student placements in our Public Schools, Colleges and Universities.

Secteur des services éducatifs francophones (Division)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2003
Services pédagogiques (Branch)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2003
Primaire  (Section)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2004
Secondaire (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Services aux élèves (Section)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2004
Mesure et évaluation (Branch)
Last Updated: 2 Dec 2004
Apprentissage en ligne et technologie/métiers (Agency)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Adaptation scolaire (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Évaluation - Analyse/Statistiques (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Anglais langue seconde et Langues étrangères (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Évaluation - Anglais langue seconde, sciences de la nature au primaire et évaluations pancanadiennes et internationales (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Éducation artistique et Francisation (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
Éducation physique, formation personnelle et sociale (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2006
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Today's Date: 2 Nov 2006   Date Last Updated:
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