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Directory November 2, 2006
Department or Agency Mandates
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Organizations 1 through 50 of 159 organization(s) listed for: Justice and Consumer Affairs
Justice and Consumer Affairs
The mandate of the Department of Justice is to promote the impartial administration of justice and to ensure protection of the public interest through the dual offices of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

To carry out its mandate, the Department is organized in the following manner: Attorney General, Court Services, Justice Services,Administrative Services and Research and Planning. Each division is made up of branches with operation responsibility for special programs and services. At times, the administration of justice requires the joint effort and co-operation of several branches, each contributing its own expertise to attain common objectives.
Mandate of Divisions, Branches, Sections and other offices
(Sort order is by Organization Structure)
Minister (Minister's Office)
Last Updated: 3 Oct 2006
Mandate: The mandate of the Department of Justice is to promote the impartial administration of justice and to ensure protection of the public interest through the dual offices of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

To carry out its mandate, the Department is organized in the following manner: Attorney General, Court Services, Justice Services, Administrative Services and Research Planning. Each division is made up of branches with operation responsibility for special programs and services. At times, the administration of justice requires the joint effort and co-operation of several branches, each contributing its own expertise to attain common objectives.
Deputy Minister (Deputy Head's Office)
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2006
Mandate: The mandate of the Department of Justice is to promote the impartial administration of justice and to ensure protection of the public interest through the dual offices of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

To carry out its mandate, the Department is organized in the following manner: Attorney General, Court Services, Justice Services, Administrative Services and Research Planning. Each division is made up of branches with operation responsibilty for special programs and services. At times, the administration of justice requires the joint effort and co-operation of serveral branches, each contributing its own expertise to attain common objectives.
Reception / Information (Section)
Last Updated: 9 Jul 2003
Communications (Section)
Last Updated: 26 May 2006
Mandate: Carries out communication activities with staff and outside clients (media) to improve public knowledge of the Department and the services it provides.
Policy and Planning Branch (Division)
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2006
Mandate: The Policy and Planning Branch provides corporate support services in a number of areas. These include strategic and departmental planning, federal, provincial, and territorial relations, policy development, program design, performance measurement, evaluations and program reviews, public relations and communications, and executive support to the Minister and the Deputy Minister.
Administrative Services  (Division)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Administrative Services Division supports the Department of Justice in meeting its mission, goals and objectives through the provision of quality support, advice, consultation, monitoring and coordinating services to managers and employees in the areas of departmental services, expropriation advisory services, financial services, human resources, information systems and facilities management.
Expropriations (Branch)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: The Expropriations Advisory Officer, pursuant to the Expropriation Act, reviews expropriation proposals and holds public hearings on disputes over proposed property expropriation. The function of the Expropriations Advisory Officer, as an independent advisor on the merits of expropriation proposals, has evolved as an effective, cost-efficient alternative to the earlier Advisory Board. The hearing officer has fulfilled this role on a contractual basis since 1989.
Facilities Management (Branch)
Last Updated: 8 Aug 2006
Mandate: Facilities Management is responsible for planning, co-ordination, budgeting and implementing major capital projects, capital improvement projects and managing office accommodations for the Department throughout the Province.
Financial Services (Branch)
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2006
Mandate: The Financial Services Branch provides advice and support to departmental management and staff in the area of accounting services, budget preparation, financial analysis and reporting, payments and revenues.

Accounts Receivable (Section)
Last Updated: 18 Mar 2003
Mandate: Revenue Management provides advice and support to departmental managers and staff in the areas of revenue estimates, projections, revenue reporting and preparing bank reconciliations. Specific functions are distribution of child support payments to beneficiaries, restitution to victims, bail refunds, disbursement of witness fees. Other functions include receiving revenue for fines and court fees, security fees, consumer fees and maintaining and managing accounting records of the Department of Justice's revenue, receivables and trust accounts.
Accounts Payable  (Section)
Last Updated: 8 Aug 2006
Mandate: Expenditures and Accounts Payable provides advice and support to departmental managers and staff and maintains the operational accounting function by providing financial consulting in regards to contracts and tenders, accounting services, payment date policy and various other payment functions. Specific responsibilities include paying vendors, processing expense claims, data entry to TFIS, daily expenditure reconciliation, and managing accounting records for Department of Justice's expenditure accounts.
Human Resources Services (Branch)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: To ensure that management and staff have the human resources, skills and abilities required to meet the changing and demanding mandate of the Department. The Human Resource Services Branch provides leadership on human resource planning, compensation and benefits administration, recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, labour relations, training and development, performance management, change management, Employment Equity and the Official Languages Policy.
Staff Training and Development  (Section)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: To ensure that management and staff have the human resources, skills and abilities required to meet the changing and demanding mandate of the Department. The Human Resource Services Branch provides leadership on human resource planning, compensation and benefits administration, recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, labour relations, training and development, performance management, change management, Employment Equity and the Official Languages Policy.
Compensation and Benefits (Section)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: To ensure that management and staff have the human resources, skills and abilities required to meet the changing and demanding mandate of the Department. The Human Resource Services Branch provides leadership on human resource planning, compensation and benefits administration, recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, labour relations, training and development, performance management, change management, Employment Equity and the Official Languages Policy.
Employee Relations Services (Section)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: To ensure that management and staff have the human resources, skills and abilities required to meet the changing and demanding mandate of the Department. The Human Resource Services Branch provides leadership on human resource planning, compensation and benefits administration, recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, labour relations, training and development, performance management, change management, Employment Equity and the Official Languages Policy.
Information Management & Technology (Branch)
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2006
Mandate: The Information Systems Branch provides technical advice to Departmental management on technological issues and on optimizing the use of technology in service delivery and administrative support. The Branch provides a Help Desk Service to approximately 400 employees and 60 members of the judiciary with assistance.
Applications Delivery (Section)
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2006
Mandate: The Information Systems Branch provides technical advice to Departmental management on technological issues and on optimizing the use of technology in service delivery and administrative support. The Branch provides a Help Desk Service to approximately 400 employees and 60 members of the judiciary with assistance.
Business Systems (Section)
Last Updated: 9 Jul 2003
Infrastructure Support (Section)
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2006
Mandate: The Information Systems Branch provides technical advice to Departmental management on technological issues and on optimizing the use of technology in service delivery and administrative support. The Branch provides a Help Desk Service to approximately 400 employees and 60 members of the judiciary with assistance.
Corporate Information Management (Section)
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2006
Mandate: The Information Systems Branch provides technical advice to Departmental management on technological issues and on optimizing the use of technology in service delivery and administrative support. The Branch provides a Help Desk Service to approximately 400 employees and 60 members of the judiciary with assistance.
Justice Services (Division)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: To ensure the protection and uniform treatment of all citizens as required by various statues.
Insurance  (Branch)
Last Updated: 26 May 2006
Mandate: The Insurance Branch supervises and regulates the business of insurance in New Brunswick. The goal is to protect the public by regulating insurers who carry on business in the province and by requiring individuals who sell insurance products on behalf of these insurers to meet both education standards and licensing requirements. This includes all classes of insurance within the definition of property and casualty, life, accident and sickness, and marine insurance. The Branch is responsible for the administration of the Insurance Act, the Premium Tax Act, the Surety Bonds Act, the Marine Insurance Act, and the Special Insurance Companies Act.
Enforcement and Compliance (Section)
Last Updated: 22 Oct 2003
Mandate: The Insurance Branch supervises and regulates the business of insurance in New Brunswick. The goal is to protect the public by regulating insurers who carry on business in the province and by requiring individuals who sell insurance products on behalf of these insurers to meet both education standards and licensing requirements. This includes all classes of insurance within the definition of property and casualty, life, accident and sickness, and marine insurance. The Branch is responsible for the administration of the Insurance Act, the Premium Tax Act, the Surety Bonds Act, the Marine Insurance Act, and the Special Insurance Companies Act.
Licenses (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Nov 2005
Mandate: The Insurance Branch supervises and regulates the business of insurance in New Brunswick. The goal is to protect the public by regulating insurers who carry on business in the province and by requiring individuals who sell insurance products on behalf of these insurers to meet both education standards and licensing requirements. This includes all classes of insurance within the definition of property and casualty, life, accident and sickness, and marine insurance. The Branch is responsible for the administration of the Insurance Act, the Premium Tax Act, the Surety Bonds Act, the Marine Insurance Act, and the Special Insurance Companies Act.
Policy and Legislation (Section)
Last Updated: 14 Nov 2005
Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Branch)
Last Updated: 26 May 2006
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Enforcement (Section)
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2002
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Licenses (Section)
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2002
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs, Regional Offices (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 8 Aug 2006
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Bathurst, Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Campbellton, Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 2 Jun 2006
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Edmundston, Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Fredericton, Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2006
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Moncton, Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 5 Jul 2006
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Saint John, Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 8 Aug 2006
Mandate: Rentalsmen:
Provides for resolution of certain landlord tenant disputes and the administration of security deposits.
Consumer Affairs:
Consumer Affairs provides day-to-day enforcement and administration of a wide range of consumer legislation including: Auctioneers Licence Act, Collection Agencies Act, Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act, Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, Direct Sellers Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act and Real Estate Agents Act. Activities include investigating consumer complaints, advising consumers of their rights and respsonsibilities, promoting consumer education and information and issuing licences for the regulation of businesses under consumer legislation.

Credit Unions, Cooperatives, and Trust Companies (Branch)
Last Updated: 26 May 2006
Mandate: Credit Unions: The Branch is responsible for the supervison of credit unions and caisses populaires in New Brunswick. It administers the Credit Unions act and Regulations and carries out the duties and responsibilities of the Superintendent of Credit Unions. Along with providing incorporation services for credit unions and caisses populaires, the Branch oversees the financial stability and solvency of credit unions for the protection of depositors and recommends policy and legislative changes concerning credit unions.

Co-operatives: The Branch administers the Co-operative Associations Act and Regulations. The Branch provides incorporation and related services and recommends policy and legislative changes concerning co-operatives. Co-operatives are classified under seven catergories: agricultural, forest products, fisheries, consumer stores, housing, service and worker co-operatives.

Loan and Trust Companies: The Branch also administers the Loan and Trust Companies Act. The activities involve incorporation and licensing of provincial loan and trust companies, licensing of extra-provincial loan and trust companies and monitoring the financial stability and solvency of licensed companies for the protection of depositors. The Branch recommends policy and legislative changes concerning loan and trust companies.

Examinations (Branch)
Last Updated: 26 May 2006
Mandate: The Examinations Branch is responsible for examining financial institutions, corporations and individuals licensed by other branches in the Department of Justice. The Branch operates a comprehensive examination framework in order to provide regulators of financial institutions and licensees with assessments of whether those being regulated are financially healthy, observing sound business practices, and meeting compliance requirements under the following statutes: the Securities Act, Insurance Act, Credit Unions Act, Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act, Loan and Trust Companies Act and the Collection Agencies Act.
The Branch is also responsible for providing advisory services and recommending policy changes affecting the regulation of financial institutions and licensees for solvency, stability, and sound financial management practices.
Office of the Superintendent of Pensions (Branch)
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2006
Mandate: Enforcement of standards provided under the Pension Benefits Act, investigation of alleged violations, and provision of information. Among other services, the branch monitors private sector pension plans to ensure compliance with the Act and the regulation, reviews and registers pension plans and amendments to pension plans, responds to complaints, and provides information and support to plan administrators, their agents and to pension plan members.
Provide minimum benefits, rights and options to pension plan members; to ensure that benefits will be used for retirement purposes.
Court Services  (Division)
Last Updated: 26 May 2006
Mandate: To ensure the uniform access by all citizens to civil and criminal courts.
Program Support Services (Branch)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Provides divisional operational management, planning and support to a regional delivery system of court administration.
Registrar Services (Branch)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: The Office of the Registrar is the registry for the Court of Appeal and provides support services to the Chief Justice and judges of the Court of Appeal. In addition, this office processes all adoptions, acts as a registry for bankruptcies and is a central filing office for all divorces processed in the Province. The Registrar's Office processes all reciprocal enforcement of maintenance order requests received from participating states, countries, territories and provinces.
Bankruptcy (Section)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: The Office of the Registrar is the registry for the Court of Appeal and provides support services to the Chief Justice and judges of the Court of Appeal. In addition, this office processes all adoptions, acts as a registry for bankruptcies and is a central filing office for all divorces processed in the Province. The Registrar's Office processes all reciprocal enforcement of maintenance order requests received from participating states, countries, territories and provinces.
Divorce (Section)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: The Office of the Registrar is the registry for the Court of Appeal and provides support services to the Chief Justice and judges of the Court of Appeal. In addition, this office processes all adoptions, acts as a registry for bankruptcies and is a central filing office for all divorces processed in the Province. The Registrar's Office processes all reciprocal enforcement of maintenance order requests received from participating states, countries, territories and provinces.
Court of Appeal (Section)
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: The Office of the Registrar is the registry for the Court of Appeal and provides support services to the Chief Justice and judges of the Court of Appeal. In addition, this office processes all adoptions, acts as a registry for bankruptcies and is a central filing office for all divorces processed in the Province. The Registrar's Office processes all reciprocal enforcement of maintenance order requests received from participating states, countries, territories and provinces.
Court Services, Regional Offices  (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Court Attendance Services: Includes providing support for the scheduling of cases and assignment of courtrooms, providing attendance at court, preparing transcripts of evidence for criminal and family proceedings, typing decisions of the court and providing support services to provincially and federally appointed judiciary.

Family Support Services: Include the Family Support Orders Service and the Domestic Legal Aid program. The Family Support Orders Service provides for the collection of support payments and also the enforcement of support orders when payments are not made. Support orders filed within the court for purposes of enforcement are automatically enforced.

Client Services: Includes receiving documents to be filed with the court, collecting fees, fines and payments into court and maintaining court records and files.
Bathurst/Campbellton/Tracadie, Court Services (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Court Attendance Services: Includes providing support for the scheduling of cases and assignment of courtrooms, providing attendance at court, preparing transcripts of evidence for criminal and family proceedings, typing decisions of the court and providing support services to provincially and federally appointed judiciary.

Family Support Services: Include the Family Support Orders Service and the Domestic Legal Aid program. The Family Support Orders Service provides for the collection of support payments and also the enforcement of support orders when payments are not made. Support orders filed within the court for purposes of enforcement are automatically enforced.

Client Services: Includes receiving documents to be filed with the court, collecting fees, fines and payments into court and maintaining court records and files.
Bathurst, Court Services (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Court Attendance Services: Includes providing support for the scheduling of cases and assignment of courtrooms, providing attendance at court, preparing transcripts of evidence for criminal and family proceedings, typing decisions of the court and providing support services to provincially and federally appointed judiciary.

Family Support Services: Include the Family Support Orders Service and the Domestic Legal Aid program. The Family Support Orders Service provides for the collection of support payments and also the enforcement of support orders when payments are not made. Support orders filed within the court for purposes of enforcement are automatically enforced.

Client Services: Includes receiving documents to be filed with the court, collecting fees, fines and payments into court and maintaining court records and files.
Bathurst, Clerk's Office (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Court Attendance Services: Includes providing support for the scheduling of cases and assignment of courtrooms, providing attendance at court, preparing transcripts of evidence for criminal and family proceedings, typing decisions of the court and providing support services to provincially and federally appointed judiciary.

Family Support Services: Include the Family Support Orders Service and the Domestic Legal Aid program. The Family Support Orders Service provides for the collection of support payments and also the enforcement of support orders when payments are not made. Support orders filed within the court for purposes of enforcement are automatically enforced.

Client Services: Includes receiving documents to be filed with the court, collecting fees, fines and payments into court and maintaining court records and files.
Bathurst, Court Attendance (Regional Office )
Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Mandate: Court Attendance Services: Includes providing support for the scheduling of cases and assignment of courtrooms, providing attendance at court, preparing transcripts of evidence for criminal and family proceedings, typing decisions of the court and providing support services to provincially and federally appointed judiciary.

Family Support Services: Include the Family Support Orders Service and the Domestic Legal Aid program. The Family Support Orders Service provides for the collection of support payments and also the enforcement of support orders when payments are not made. Support orders filed within the court for purposes of enforcement are automatically enforced.

Client Services: Includes receiving documents to be filed with the court, collecting fees, fines and payments into court and maintaining court records and files.
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