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Searching for a Publication
Reviewing the Details of a Publication
About PDF Files and Adobe Reader
Ordering a Publication
Viewing And Changing the Contents of Your Cart
Submitting your Order

Searching for a Publication

The Online Bookstore allows you to search for a publication using a variety of criteria such as the title, authors, and the year published. In order to search for a publication you must enter keywords into the appropriate text boxes on the search form and click on the "Search" button. You can also search for newly published items directly by clicking on the button is labeled "Search for New Publications". This button is the second button on the navigation bar to the left of the screen.

The online search page provides the user with a lot of flexibility in creating searches allowing them to use various symbols in the text boxes in order to modify the search. Here is a list of possible symbols, and their meanings, that can be used in the search fields.

"" Phrase
Using the quotes around a group of words will ensure that the search looks for occurrences of the group instead each word separately. In this case it would search for the publications with the phrase "biocontrol agent" in the title instead of titles that contain "biocontrol" and "agent" individually.
< Less than
Year Published:
Finds all publications published before 1998
<= Less than or equal to
Year Published:
Finds all publications published before or during 1998
> Greater than
Year Published:
Finds all the publications published after 1994
>= Greater than or equal to
Year Published:
Finds all the publications published both during and after 1994
= Exact match

This symbol ensure you only find the following word by itself and not part of another word. In this case =Fir would return instances where "fir" occurred but not words like fire or Douglas-fir.
== Field content match

This will return only the publications that have Duncan, R.W. as the sole author. The quotation marks are only necessary if the search item contains spaces or punctuation marks.
... Range
Year Published:

Finds all publications created between 1996 and 1998, inclusively

After clicking on the "Search Button" one of two pages will appear. If there were no publications matching the search criteria were found then a message to that effect will appear and the search form will be redisplayed. If there were publications found then a list of the results will appear detailing the publication’s title, author and year published. Sometimes there might be a large number of publications found as a result of a search, when this happens the results are broken up into pages of 25. A "Next 25 Results" button is displayed at the bottom of the list if there is another page of results, click on the button and the next page will appear. To go back to the previous page of results from a later page click on the "Previous 25 Results" button which also sits at the bottom of the list.

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Reviewing the Details of a Publication

Once you have successfully completed a search and you have found a list of publications, you are able view more specific details about each publication. By clicking on a publication’s Title you will open up a web page which describes the publication. This page contains information about the publication including when the publication was published, whether it was published in English or in French or in both languages, its catalog number, and an abstract if there is one available. The detail page also informs you if there is a downloadable Acrobat version of the publication available; if there is an Acrobat file available, you can download this file from the detail page. For some publications, the detail page also contains one or several links to related information available on the Internet. If you wish to order the publication there is an order form on the right hand side of the page. For more information on ordering see "Ordering a Publication".

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About PDF Files and Adobe Reader

Note: to read the PDF version you need Adobe Adobe Reader 5.0 (or later) on your system. Adobe Reader is available from www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html. If the Adobe download site is not accessible to you, you can download Adobe Reader from an accessible page at: www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/alternate.html. If you choose not to use Adobe Reader you can have the PDF file converted to HTML or ASCII text by using one of the conversion services offered by Adobe at access.adobe.com/onlinetools.html.

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Ordering a Publication

Ordering a publication is quite easy. First, make enter the detail page for the publication you wish to order (see "Reviewing the Details of a Publication" above for more information). On the detail page there is a form on the right hand side that contains a pop-up menu and an order button. To order the publication select the appropriate quantity from the pop-up menu (1 or 2 copies) and click once on the order button. A new page will appear which will confirm that the publication has been added to your shopping cart (i.e. "ordered"). From this confirmation page you may either return to the details page by clicking on the "back" button or view the current contents of your shopping cart by clicking on the "View Shopping Cart Contents" button.

NOTE: You may only order a maximum of two copies of each publication. Should you attempt to add multiple versions of the same item to your shopping cart then duplicate items will be deleted during order processing and you will receive only two. To order more than two copies of a publication, contact our Publication Distribution Office at (250) 363-0771 (Fax: (250) 363-0775). We reserve the right to limit the quantity of a publication supplied to any one individual or organization.

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Viewing And Changing the Contents of Your Cart

By clicking on the "View Shopping Cart Contents" button you may view the current contents of your shopping cart. This button brings up a page that has a list of the various publications you have ordered during the current session. To the right of each item are two buttons. The first one, labeled "Change", allows you to change the quantity of publications you wish to order. Use the pop-up menu, to the left of the item’s title, to alter the quantity of an ordered publication. Then use the change button to register this new quantity. A new page will appear confirming that the quantity has been changed. Click the "Back" button to return to the cart. Next to the Change button is the "Delete" button. This button enables you to remove an item from your shopping cart. If you delete an item from the shopping cart, a new page will appear confirming that the publication has be taken out the cart. Again, use the "Back" button to return to the shopping cart.

Once you are satisfied with the items in your shopping cart click on the "Place Your Order" button above the list to finalize the order.

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Submitting your Order

After clicking the "Place Your Order" button on the Shopping Cart page you will arrive at a page requesting some basic customer information which is needed for processing your order. There are two ways to provide this information, depending on whether you have used the Pacific Forestry Centre Bookstore before or not. If you are a new user the "New Customer" form at the bottom of the Customer ID and Registration page must be filled out. All fields with red labels are required and your order cannot be processed without this data. Should you neglect to fill one of these required fields an error message will appear. Once you have completed the form, click on the submit button at the bottom of the form.

If you have used the Pacific Forestry Center Bookstore before then you would have been assigned a Customer ID. Enter this Customer ID and your password into the form at the top of page and press the Submit button. All your information will be filled in automatically.

The next page that will appear, once the Submit button has been pressed, is the Customer Confirmation page. It displays all of the personal data you have entered and provides you with the opportunity to check and see if there are any errors. If there are errors, please correct them and press the "Submit Changes" button. When all the data is correct, click the "Continue" button.

Once the customer information entered and saved a new page will appear. This web page is the invoice for your order and contains your customer data, the invoice number, and the items you have ordered. We recommend that you print out and keep this invoice as proof that you placed the order. After printing out the invoice, click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page to send your order. You will then see a page thanking you for using the Pacific Forestry Centre Bookstore. A few minutes after placing your order you should receive an E-mail message confirming that your order has been received and is awaiting processing.

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