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Canadian Geochemical Surveys
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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscience Data Repository > Canadian Geochemical Surveys
Canadian Geochemical Surveys

Approximately 500 surveys are currently catalogued. Metadata for the surveys are presented from several different perspectives:


Each survey page contains the following elements:

1   A top row identifying (a) the sample media, (b) the Province or Territory, and (c) the year of collection
2 A short "title" for the survey, which may be accompanied by a location map
3 The organisation responsible for carrying out the survey, hyperlinked to the organisation's web site
4 An extended description of the survey
5 A chronological list of publications connected to the survey, with hyperlinks to additional information about each publication
6 A list of projects connected to the survey, with hyperlinks to additional information about each project
7 Links to online data for the survey, if available
8 The bounding box for the survey, expressed as latitude/longitude, in NAD83 decimal degrees


1   A short "title" for the project
2 The organisation responsible for the project, hyperlinked to the organisation's web site
3 A row giving the duration of the project, and the project leader(s)
4 A short description of the project
5 A list of surveys connected to the project, with hyperlinks to additional information about each survey
6 A chronological list of publications connected to the surveys, with hyperlinks to additional information about each publication
7 The funding source for the project


The displayed fields will be a subset of the following fields, depending on the information available in the underlying database:

1   The recommended citation for the publication
2 The surveys described by the publication, with hyperlinks to additional information about each survey
3 A hyperlink to the GSC circular release notice for the publication. All GSC publications are advertised via release notices that are issued several times each year. Originally paper documents mailed out to subscribers, they are now released via the WWW. They often contain useful summary information about the publication.
4 A hyperlink to the introductory text of the open file. Many GSC geochemical open files consist of a few pages describing the survey, followed by many pages of raw data. This introductory text is available in PDF format for many open files.
5 A hyperlink to the GEOSCAN entry for the publication. GEOSCAN is a bibliographic database for ESS publications.
6 A hyperlink to the Mirage entry for the publication. Mirage is a database of scanned images of maps from GSC publications.
7 Links to online data related to the publication.

NGR-specific surveys

The metadata presented on these pages is hopefully self-explanatory, except for the analytical method abbreviations, which are described below:

AAS Atomic Absorption spectroscopy
AgCl-E Silver chloride electrode (pH)
Barnstead Barnstead Analyser (organic carbon in water)
CHROM Chromatography
COL Colorimetric
CV-AAS Cold vapour - atomic absorption spectroscopy
DCP Direct Current Plasma (spectrometry)
DIONEX Dionex chromatograph (ion chromatography)
ES Emission spectrometry
FA Fire assay
FA-AAS Fire assay - atomic absorption spectroscopy
FA-DCP Fire assay - direct current plasma
FA-ICP Fire assay - Inductively Coupled Plasma
FA-NA Fire assay - neutron activation
FLU Fluorimetry
FT Fission Track
FUS Fusion
GCM Glass calomel membrane (pH)
Graph-E Graphite electrode (Conductivity)
GRAV Gravimetric
HY-AAS Hydride - atomic absorption spectrometry
IC Ion chromatography
ICP Inductively Coupled Plasma
ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry
INAA Instrumental neutron activation analysis
ISE Ion-selective electrode
LIF Laser-induced fluorimetry
Martek Martek portable water analyser (conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen)
NADNC Neutron activation - delayed neutron counting
NH4 This is an error in Open File 3889 - should be SX-AAS
Orion Orion specific ion meter
RADIO Radiometer TTT81 (pH, alkalinity) meter
SX-AAS Solvent extraction - atomic absorption spectroscopy
TIT Titration
TURB Turbidimetry (sulphate)
XRF X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

2006-10-10Important notices