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.South-East Asia Mission in 2005
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ÿEarth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > International Division
International Activities
International Strategic Framework

The goal of the Earth Sciences Sector's (ESS) international strategic framework is twofold: First, to foster global prosperity through sustainable development projects that use Canada's knowledge and experience in the application of earth sciences. Second, to promote Canada's earth science expertise while encouraging innovation and knowledge sharing through international scientific collaborations.

Who benefits from the development of this framework?

  • Canadian companies gain new business opportunities in the earth sciences related to geomatics and geoscience
  • Developing countries leverage Canadian earth sciences technology and expertise for sustainable development
  • Developed countries increase their earth sciences knowledge and expertise
  • Canada's reputation as a world leader in geomatics and geoscience is enhanced

The Earth Sciences Sector's approach to working with other countries is based on the desire to:

  • Facilitate institutional and business development for Canada and its partner countries through the exchange of best practices, expert information and technology
  • Help Canadian firms develop new markets through sustainable development projects in countries with developing or emerging economies
  • Promote sustainable development principles internationally to ensure environmental sustainability
  • Raise awareness at home and abroad about Canada's contribution to sustainable development through earth sciences
  • Increase Canada's scientific, technological and operational knowledge, experience, leadership and influence

The Earth Sciences Sector in action:

Northeastern Brazil Groundwater Project

A Canadian presence in drought-stricken northeastern Brazil is helping to ease the widespread hardship of the people and the economy of the region. Earth Sciences Sector scientists, working in close collaboration with Canadian industry, have introduced new techniques to identify potential underground sources of potable water based on airborne geophysics and remote sensing, and they are developing new techniques to pump, treat and distribute water over large areas using solar energy. Canadians are also involved in an elaborate social program that provides education on water conservation, protection of groundwater sources, waste disposal and sound agricultural practices.

Key partners: federal, state and municipal levels of government of Brazil, universities and the Earth Sciences Sector. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) contributed $1.6 million to this $8.5 million project.

For more information: PROASNE

GÉONAT: Tunisia's Geomatics Program

ESS is contributing to sustainable development in Tunisia by helping to establish a national infrastructure for digital geographical data. Since 2002, representatives of ten Tunisian government departments have been working with ESS and DMR Conseil Inc. to develop the GÉONAT framework. After conducting a complete inventory of Tunisia's current geomatics capabilities, including technical, legislative and institutional components, a plan for implementing the national framework will be developed. In 2002-2003 Université Laval delivered geomatics courses to 26 managers from various Tunisian government departments that use geospatial information.

Key Partners: Ten Tunisian government departments, the Earth Sciences Sector, Canadian companies and academia, as well as CIDA, which has provided $4.3 million in funding for this project.


2005-06-03Important notices