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 Secteur des sciences de la Terre
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Citation : Bow River Basin Waterscape: protecting and conserving the shared waters of our Bow River; Turner, R J W; Franklin, R G; Grasby, S E; Nowlan, G S. Commission géologique du Canada, Rapport divers 90, 2005; 1 feuille

Taille du fichier : 16663 Ko.
Temps approximatif de téléchargement (modem 56,6) : 47 min.
Métadonnées et prix de vente tirés de GEOSCAN


Erratum :
La section intitulée « Storing our water: nature's water towers and cisterns » se lit comme suit :

« Water flows the entire length of the Bow River in less than two weeks. Why then doesn't the Bow River dry up between rainstorms? Because nature stores and slowly releases water throughout the basin. Water is stored in snowpacks, glaciers, wetlands, and groundwater. »

La dernière phrase devrait se lire comme suit : « Water is stored in snowpacks, glaciers, wetlands, and aquifers. »

La section intitulée « What is groundwater? » se lit comme suit :

« Rain and snowmelt infiltrate the ground. Soil and rock act as giant sponges full of tiny pores and cracks that are usually less than millimetres in size. Below the water table, these holes are full of water. This is groundwater. Groundwater slowly travels through connected pores and cracks, just centimetres to hundreds of metres per year. Any rock or sediment that yields useful amounts of water is an aquifer. The volume of groundwater below us dwarfs the volume of water stored in glaciers, lakes, wetlands, and rivers. »

Il faudrait enlever le mot « glaciers, ».

La section intitulée « Climate change: what is the future for our water? » se lit comme suit :

« Agriculture: ncreased demand for irrigation and a change in crop types due to a longer growing season »

Le mot qui suit les deux points devrait être « increased ».

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2006-07-26Avis importants