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Economic studies in the Landscape Analysis and Applications Section


The Canadian Forest Service provides support for forest management research and policy development at local, regional and national scales. An important aspect of this is the economics of forests and forestry. In fact, forest economics is a broad field. It includes subjects ranging from demand and supply analysis of wood products, to non-timber valuation and forest management planning inclusive of wood and non-wood values. The Landscape Analysis and Applications section was formerly called the Forest Resource Economics Section and continues to have an interest and capacity in certain types of economic studies.

Over time the Section has been involved in a broad range of economics-related studies addressing the following objectives:

  • to develop generic planning tools, methodologies and an understanding of forest resource production functions for both wood and non-wood values, trade-off analysis and non-market valuation;
  • to undertake studies in research evaluation and decision support for research priority setting;
  • to encourage the dissemination of economic logic and principles including undertaking miscellaneous duties for CFS management

The following publication list (by year) indicates economic-related studies that have been completed in the past. For further information please contact

Journal articles

McKenney, D.W., van Vuuren, W., and G. Fox. 1989. An economic comparison of alternative tree improvement strategies: a simulation approach. Can. J. Agr. Econ., 37:211-232.

McKenney, D.W. 1990 Multiple-use planning: an application of FORPLAN to an Australian forest. Australian Forestry. 53: 113-123.

McKenney, D.W. and Common, M. 1990. The economic analysis of public sector forest management using linear programming: an Australian application. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 32: 137-142.

McKenney, D.W., Fox, G. and W. van Vuuren. 1992. An economic comparison of black spruce and jack pine tree improvement. Forest Ecology and Management, 50: 85-101.

McKenney, D.W., Davis, J.S. Turnbull, J.J. and S. Searle. 1993. The impact of Australian tree species selection research in China. Forest Ecology and Management 60: 59-76.

Davis, J., McKenney, D.W., and J. Turnbull. 1994. The international impact of forestry research and a comparison with agricultural and fisheries research. Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 24:321-336.

McKenney, D.W., and Sarker R. 1994. An overview of non-wood valuation efforts in Ontario. Forestry Chronicle Vol. 1:47-54.

McKenney, D.W. 1994. On the cost of chasing research dollars. Can. J. Agr. Econ. 42: 105-112.

McKenney, D.W. and Lindenmayer, D.B. 1994. An economic assessment of a nest-box strategy for the conservation of an endangered species. Can. J. For. Res. 24: 2012-2019.

Common, M.S. and McKenney, D.W. 1994. Investigating the reliability of a hedonic travel cost model: a Monte Carlo approach. Can. J. For. Res. 24: 358-363.

Macdonald, H. and McKenney, D.W. 1996. Varying levels of information and the embedding problem in contingent valuation: the case of Canadian wilderness. Can. J. For. Res. 26: 1295-1303.

McKenney, D.W., Nippers, B., Racey, G., and R. Davis. 1997. Trade-offs between wood supply and caribou habitat in northwestern Ontario. Rangifer, Special Issue 10: 1-8.

Beke, N., Fox, G. and D.W. McKenney 1997. A financial analysis of using sawmill residues for cogeneration in Northern Ontario. Energy Studies Review, 8(1) 1-11.

Fox, G., Beke, J., Hopkin, T. and D.W. McKenney 1997. A framework for the use of economic thresholds in Forest Pest Management. Forestry Chronicle Vol 73(3).

McKenney, D.W., Beke, N., Fox, G. and A. Groot. 1997. Does it pay to do silviculture research on slow growing species? For. Ecology & Mgmt. 95: 141-152.

MacDonald, H, McKenney, D.W. and V. Nealis. 1997. A bug is a bug is a bug: symbolic responses to contingent valuation questions about forest pest managment control? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 45(19): 145-163.

MacDonald, H., McKenney, D.W. and V. Nealis. 1998. A survey on attitudes toward control of forest insects. Forestry Chronicle. 74(4): 554-560.

McKenney, D.W. 2000. What's the economics of intensive silviculture? Forestry Chronicle Vol. 76, No. 2: 275-281.

McKenney, D.W. 2001. Thinking about the economics of genetic resource management for Canadian forestry. Forestry Chronicle Vol. 77 (1) 105-109.

Kidon, J., Fox, G., McKenney, D.W., Rollins, K. 2001. Economic impact of the 1998 ice storm on the eastern Ontario maple syrup industry. Forestry Chronicle 77 (4) 667-675.

McKenney, D.W. 2001. Economies of scale for a national research organization: looking for opportunities beyond the nose hairs on bears. Forestry Chronicle 77(5) 860-865.

Kidon, J., Fox, G., McKenney, D.W., Rollins, K. 2002. An enterprise-level economic analysis of losses and financial assistance for eastern Ontario maple syrup producers from the 1998 ice storm. Forest Policy and Economics 4: 202-211.

Heigh, J., Fox, G., McKenney, D.W., Rollins, K. 2003. The economic impact of the 1998 ice storm on eastern Ontario woodlots; Case studies of red pine and white cedar. The Forestry Chronicle 79(1): 31-46.

McKenney, D.W., Yemshanov, D., Fox, G., Ramlal, E. 2004. Cost estimates for carbon sequestration from fast growing poplar plantations in Canada. Forest Policy and Economics, 6:345-358.

Yemshanov, D., McKenney, D.W., Hatton, T. Fox, G. 2005. Investment Attractiveness of Afforestation in Canada Inclusive of carbon sequestration benefits. Canadian Journal of Agriclutural Economics 53:307-323.

Departmental Reports

Sarker, R. and McKenney, D.W. 1992. Measuring un-priced values in Ontario's forests: An economic perspective and annotated bibliography. Forestry Canada, Information Report O-X-422.

McKenney, D.W., Davis, J.S. and K.L. Campbell. 1994. Towards an information system to support forestry research priority setting: some preliminary results for Canada. Nat. Resour. Can., Canadian Forest Service - Ontario, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Inf. Rep 0-X-433.

McKenney, D.W., Sims, R.A., Soule, M.E., Mackey, B.G. and K.L. Campbell. eds. 1994. Towards a set of biodiversity indicators for Canadian forests. Proceedings of a Forest Biodiversity Indicators Workshop, Nov. 29 - Dec.1, 1993, in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service - ON. 133 pp.

Mackey, B.G. and McKenney, D.W. 1994. The bio-environmental indices project: An overview. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, Ontario Region. NODA Note No. 1.

Sarker, R.S., D.W. McKenney, and D. Joyce. 1996. The cost of tree seed collection and processing in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Forest Research Institute General Technical Report #2 Sault Ste. Marie.

Mussell, A., Fox, G. and D.W. McKenney. 1996. Trade-offs in protecting woodland caribou habitat in northwestern Ontario. NODA/NFP TR file report.

Simkus, G., Fox, G. and D.W. McKenney Maple: 1996. A scoring model for forest research priority setting. NODA Note No. 29.

McKenney, D.W. Campbell, K.L, Fox, G., Beke, N. Simkus, G. 1997. Issues in realizing economic benefits from research: Lessons from case studies. Canadian Forest Service - Sault Ste. Marie, NODA Note No. 33.

Book chapters or reviews

McKenney, D.W. 1990. Implications for public forestry. Chapter 9 in Norton, T., Williams, O. eds. Climate change and Australia: environmental, socio-economic and political implications. CRES Studies Series, 3, Canberra.

McKenney, D.W. 1994. Book review -- Ecological Integrity and the Management of Ecosystems. Eds. S. Woodley, J. Kay and G. Francis. Delray Beach Florida. St. Lucie Press. 1993, 220 pp. Can. J. Agr. Econ. 42: 421-422.

McKenney, D.W., Mackey B.G. and H. Macdonald. 1999. Biodiversity conservation and economic preferences. In Modelling Change in Economic and Environmental Systems, eds. M. McAleer, S. Mahendrarajah and A.J. Jakeman. Chapter 9.

McKenney, D.W., Campbell, K.L., Puttock, D. and G. Lawrance. 2001. The evolving economics of Ontario forestry. Chapter 2 in Regenerating Ontario's Forests, Principles and Practice for Ontario, Eds B. Wagner and S. Colombo. Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd, Markham, Ontario.

Conference Proceedings

McKenney, D.W. and Mackey, B.G. 1992. The use of bio-environmental indices for trade-off analysis: An economic perspective. In Proceedings of an International Conference, Forestry and the Environment: Economic Perspectives, Jasper, Alberta, March 9-12, 1992. University of Alberta, Department of Rural Economy.

Sarker, R. and McKenney, D.W. 1992. Relevance and reliability of un-priced valuation studies for forest management planning. In Proceedings of an International Conference, Forestry and the Environment: Economic Perspectives, Jasper, Alberta, March 9-12, 1992. University of Alberta, Department of Rural Economy.

Mackey, B. and McKenney, D.W. 1992. Quality control in data base development and spatial analysis. In Proc. Sixth Annual GIS Symp. 10 - 13 February, 1992. Vancouver, B.C. For.Can., Pac.Reg., Victoria, B.C. FRDA Rep. 173. Cl. 7p.

Stephens, M. McKenney, D.W., Campbell, K.L. Afforestation potential in Canada: A spatial analysis of economic land suitability with carbon sequestration benefits. In The Role of Boreal Forests in Forestry in the Global Carbon Budget. 2000. Edmonton, AB.

McKenney, D.W., Mussell, A., Fox, G. 2004. What are the economics of emulation forestry? In Emulating natural forest landscape disturbances: concepts and applications, ed., Ajith H. Perera, Lisa J. Buse, and Michael G. Weber. Columbia University Press, New York.

McKenney, D.W., Mussell, A., Fox, G. 2004. An economic perspective on emulation forestry and a case study on woodland caribou-wood production trade-offs in Northern Ontario, in In Emulating natural forest landscape disturbances : concepts and applications, ed., Ajith H. Perera, Lisa J. Buse, and Michael G. Weber. Columbia University Press, New York.


Campbell, K,L. and McKenney, D.W. 1996. Research on research priorities: a bibliography for forestry. File report NODA/NFP.

McKenney, D.W. 1998. Resource economists should do more cost analysis and less benefit analysis. The Australian National University CRES Ecological Economics Program Working Paper Series #9801.

McKenney, D.W. 1998. Australian tree species selection research in China. Published by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra, Australia. ACIAR impact assessment Series 8, ACIAR Project 8457 and 8848.

(McKenney D.W. co-author) 1999. The Finnish Biodiversity Research Programme FIBRE Mid-term Evaluation Panel Report. Academy of Finland 4/99 Helsinki.

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