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Ressources naturelles Canada
Atlas environnemental de la région littorale de la mer de Beaufort
.Faune sauvage
.Formes de relief et processus
.Hydrates de gaz naturel
.Processus littoraux
.Cartes des dépôts superficiels dans la zone littorale
.Répercussions du réchauffement climatique

Commission géologique du Canada
Commission géologique du Canada

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 Le développement du Nord
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Le développement du Nord > Région littorale de la mer de Beaufort
Atlas environnemental de la région littorale de la mer de Beaufort
Espèces et groupes écologiques de poissons

Version PDF (partie 1) [PDF, 285.5 ko, lecteur]
Version PDF (partie 2) [PDF, 242.0 ko, lecteur]

Esocidae (Pikes)
Esox lucius - northern pike P 1
Esocidae (Pikes)
Esox lucius - northern pike P 1

Laparinae (Snailfishes)
Liparis cyclostigma - dusky seasnail B 5
L. herschelinus - bartail seasnail B 5
L. koefoedi - gelatinous seasnail B 5
L. tunicotus - greenland seasnail B 5
Laparinae (Snailfishes)
Liparis cyclostigma - dusky seasnail B 5
L. herschelinus - bartail seasnail B 5
L. koefoedi - gelatinous seasnail B 5
L. tunicotus - greenland seasnail B 5

Zoarcidae (Eelpouts)
Cymolus viridis - fish doctor  B 5
Lycodes jugorious - shulupaoluk B 4
L. mucosus - saddled eelpout B 6
L. pallidus - pale eelpout B 5
L. polaris - polar eelpout B 5
L. ross - threespot eelpout B 6
L. sagittarius - archer eelpout  B 6
L. seminudus - longest eelpout B 6
Lycenchyles sp.  B 4
Zoarcidae (Eelpouts)
Cymolus viridis - fish doctor B 5
Lycodes jugorious - shulupaoluk B 4
L. mucosus - saddled eelpout B 6
L. pallidus - pale eelpout B 5
L. polaris - polar eelpout B 5
L. ross - threespot eelpout B 6
L. sagittarius - archer eelpout B 6
L. seminudus - longest eelpout B 6
Lycenchyles sp. B 4

Anarhichadidae (Wallfishes)
Anarhicus sp. B 5
Anarhichadidae (Wallfishes)
Anarhicus sp. B 5

Stichaeidae (Pricklebacks)
Acantholumpenus mackayi - backline prickleback  B 4
Anisarchus medius - stout eelbleny  B 5
Lumpensus fabricli - slender eelbleny  B 5
Stichaeidae (Pricklebacks)
Acantholumpenus mackayi - backline prickleback B 4
Anisarchus medius - stout eelbleny B 5
Lumpensus fabricli - slender eelbleny B 5

Ammodytidae (Sand lances)
Ammodytes hexaplerus - stout sand lance B-P 4
Ammodytidae (Sand lances)
Ammodytes hexaplerus - stout sand lance B-P 4

Cottidae (Sculpins)
Artediellus scaber - pough  B 5
Gymnocanthus tricuspis - arctic staghorn sculpin B 5
Icelus bicornis - two horn sculpin B 5
I. spatula - spatulate sculpin B 5
Myoxocephalus quadricornis - four horn sculpin B 4
M. scorpeoides - arctic sculpin B 5
M. scorpeus - short horn sculpin B 5
Triglops nybelini - bigeye sculpin B-P 6
T. pingelli - ribbed sculpin B 5
Cottidae (Sculpins)
Artediellus scaber - pough B 5
Gymnocanthus tricuspis - arctic staghorn sculpin B 5
Icelus bicornis - two horn sculpin B 5
I. spatula - spatulate sculpin B 5
Myoxocephalus quadricornis - four horn sculpin B 4
M. scorpeoides - arctic sculpin B 5
M. scorpeus - short horn sculpin B 5
Triglops nybelini - bigeye sculpin B-P 6
T. pingelli - ribbed sculpin B 5

Agonides (poachers)
Aupidophoroides drikii - arctic alligator fish B 5
Agonides (poachers)
Aupidophoroides drikii - arctic alligator fish B 5

Gasterasteidae (Stickleback)
Pungitius pungitius - ninespine stickleback P 4
Gasterasteidae (Stickleback)
Pungitius pungitius - ninespine stickleback P 4

Pleurenectidae (Flounders)
Liopsetta glacialis - arctic flounder B 4
Platichthys stellatus - starry flounder B 4
Pleurenectidae (Flounders)
Liopsetta glacialis - arctic flounder B 4
Platichthys stellatus - starry flounder B 4

Rajidae (Skates)
Raja sp. B 6
Rajidae (Skates)
Raja sp. B 6

Cyclopteridae (Lumpfishes and Snailfishes)
Cyclopterinae - lumpfishes P 5
Eumicrotremus derjugini - leatherfin lumpsucker P 5
Cyclopteridae (Lumpfishes and Snailfishes)
Cyclopterinae - lumpfishes P 5
Eumicrotremus derjugini - leatherfin lumpsucker P 5

Petromyzonidae (Lampreys)
Lampetra japanica - arctic lamprey P 2
Petromyzonidae (Lampreys)
Lampetra japanica - arctic lamprey P 2

Clapeidae (Herrings)
Clupea harengus pallasii - pacific herring P 4
Clapeidae (Herrings)
Clupea harengus pallasii - pacific herring P 4

Salmonidae (Trouts)
Caragoninae - whitefishes P 3
Caragonus autumnalis - arctic cisco B 3
C. clupeaformis - lake whitefish B 3
C. nasus - broad whitefish P 3
Prosopium aylindraceum - round whitefish P 1
Stenodus leucichthys - inconnu P 3
Salmonidae (Trouts)
Caragoninae - whitefishes P 3
Caragonus autumnalis - arctic cisco B 3
C. clupeaformis - lake whitefish B 3
C. nasus - broad whitefish P 3
Prosopium aylindraceum - round whitefish P 1
Stenodus leucichthys - inconnu P 3

Salmonidae (Trouts and Salmons)
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - pink salmon P 2
O. keta - chum salmon P 2
O. nerka - sockeye salmon P 2
O. tshawytscha - spring salmon P 2
Salvelinus alpinus - arctic char P 3
S. namaycush - lake trout P 3
Salmonidae (Trouts and Salmons)
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - pink salmon P 2
O. keta - chum salmon P 2
O. nerka - sockeye salmon P 2
O. tshawytscha - spring salmon P 2
Salvelinus alpinus - arctic char P 3
S. namaycush - lake trout P 3

Thymalline (Graylings)
Thymallus arcticus - arctic grayling P 1
Thymalline (Graylings)
Thymallus arcticus - arctic grayling P 1

Osmeridae (Smelts)
Mallotus villosus - copelin P 4
Osmerus mordax - rainbow smelt B-P 3
Osmeridae (Smelts)
Mallotus villosus - copelin P 4
Osmerus mordax - rainbow smelt B-P 3

Catostomidae (Suckers)
catostomus catostomus - longnose sucker B 1
Catostomidae (Suckers)
catostomus catostomus - longnose sucker B 1

Gadidae (Codfishes)
Gadinae - codfishes
Arcticgadus borisovi - toothed cod B-P 5
A. glacialis - polar cod B-P 5
Boreogadus saida - arctic cod B-P 5
Eliginus gracilis - saffron cod B-P-I 4
gradus ogae - ogae cod B-P 5
Gadidae (Codfishes)
Gadinae - codfishes
Arcticgadus borisovi - toothed cod B-P 5
A. glacialis - polar cod B-P 5
Boreogadus saida - arctic cod B-P 5
Eliginus gracilis - saffron cod B-P-I 4
gradus ogae - ogae cod B-P 5

Lota lota (Turbot)
Lota lota (Turbot)

2005-12-30Avis importants