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Publications du LCRE

En plus des nombreux rapports techniques qu'il produit chaque année pour ses clients, le personnel du LCRE fait connaître les résultats de ses travaux dans des revues scientifiques et lors de conférences. Ses domaines de recherche sont nombreux. Veuillez cliquer sur l'année pertinente pour obtenir une liste des publications du LCRE.

2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences et de symposiums

Le LCRE présente souvent les résultats de ses travaux récents lors de conférences. Veuillez cliquer sur l'année pertinente pour obtenir une liste des événements auxquels le LCRE a participé.

2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990

Publications externes du LCRE, 2004

Q.S.M. Kwok, P. Kruus and D.E.G. Jones, “Wettability of Ammonium Nitrate Prills”, Journal of Energetic Materials, 22, 2004, p.1.

Q.S.M. Kwok, D.E.G. Jones, G.F. Nunez, J.P. Charland and S. Dionne, “Characterization of Bio-fuel and Bio-fuel ash”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 78, 2004, p. 173.

E. Contestabile, R. Guilbeault, D. Wilson and B. von Rosen, “Fireworks shells subjected to a modified height-to-detonation test”, Journal of Pyrotechnics, Vol. 20, 2004

Publications externes du LCRE, 2003

Jones, D.E.G., Turcotte, A-M. and Fouchard, R.C., “The Construction and Evaluation of a High Pressure Manifold and Vessels for a Calvet Type Microcalorimeter", Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 401(1), p. 63 (2003)

Jones, D.E.G., Turcotte, R., Fouchard, R.C., Kwok, Q.S.M., Turcotte, A.-M. and Abdel-Qader, A., “Hazard Characterization of Aluminum Nanopowder Compositions”, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Vol. 28, p. 120 (2003)

Turcotte, R., Lightfoot, P., Fouchard, R.C. and Jones, D.E.G., “Thermal Hazard Assessment of AN and AN-based Explosives”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 101(1), p. 1 ( 2003)

Turcotte, R., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M. and Jones, D.E.G., “Thermal analysis of black powder”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 73(1), p. 105 (2003)

Abdel-Qader, Z., Kwok, Q.S.M., Fouchard, R.C., Lightfoot, P.D. and Jones, D.E.G., “Thermal Characterization of Smoke Composition”, Journal of Pyrotechnics, Issue 18, p. 23 (2003)

Kwok, Q.S.M. and Jones, D.E.G., “Thermodesorption Studies of Ammonium Nitrate Prills by High-Resolution Thermogravimetry”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 74, p. 57 (2003)

Publications externes du LCRE, 2002

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Kwok, Q., Turcotte, A.-M., and Ridley, W., "Hazard characterization of KDNBF using a variety of different techniques", Thermochimica Acta, 384, 57-69 (2002)

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., and Kwok, Q., "Thermal Properties of DMNB, A Detection Agent for Explosives", Thermochimica Acta, 388, 159-173 (2002)

Kwok, Q.S.M., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., Lightfoot, Bowes, R. and Jones, D.E.G., “Characterization of Aluminum Nanopowder Compositions”, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Vol. 27, p. 229 (2002)

Publications externes du LCRE, 2001

Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., Kwok, Q. and Jones, D.E.G., "Thermal Techniques used in the Hazard Evaluation of Pyrotechnics", Journal of Pyrotechnics, Issue 14, p. 1-15 (2001)

Publications externes du LCRE, 2000

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T. and Fouchard, R.C., "Kinetic Studies of the Thermal Decomposition of KDNBF, a Primer for Explosives”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 60, p. 917 (2000)

Jones, D.E.G., Brousseau, P., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., and Kwok, Q., "Thermal Characterization of Passivated Nanometer Size Aluminium Powders", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61, 805 (2000)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1999

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T., Mintz K.J. and Augsten, R.A., "Parameters Affecting the Thermal Behaviour of Emulsion Explosives", Thermochimica Acta, 331, 37-44 (1999)

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T., Augsten, R.A. and Fouchard, R.C., "Thermal Analysis Studies of Isopropylnitrate", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 55, 9-19 (1999)

Jones, D.E.G., Handa, P. and Feng, H.T., "A New Type of High Pressure System for a Tian-Calvet Calorimeter", Journal of Thermal Analysis, 53, 3-10 (1999)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1998

Feng, H.T., Mintz, K.J., Augsten, R.A. and Jones, D.E.G., "Thermal Analysis of Branched GAP", Thermochimica Acta, 311, 105-111(1998)

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.-M., "Thermal Reduction of steel-making secondary materials. Part 1: Basic-oxygen-furnace dust", Thermochimica Acta, 311, 113-119 (1998)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1997

Feng, H.T., Mintz, K.J., Augsten, R.A. and Jones, D.E.G., "Thermal analysis of branched GAP", Thermochimica Acta, 311, 105-111 (1997)

Jones, D.E.G., Handa, Y.P. and Feng, H.T., "A new type of high pressure system for a Tian-Calvet calorimeter", Journal of Thermal Analysis, 53, 3-10 (1997)

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.-M., "The determination of low levels of crystalline silica in slag and silica fume", Thermochimica Acta, 292 (1-2) 111-114 (1997)

Pegg, M.J., Amyotte, P.R., Lightfoot, P.D. and Lee M.C., "Dust Explosibility Characteristics of Azide-based Gas Generants", J. Loss Prev. Process Ind., 10, 101-111 (1997)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1996

Jones, D.E.G. and Augsten. R.A., "Evaluation of Systems for use in DSC measurements on energetic materials", Thermochimica Acta 286, 355-373 (1996)

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.-M., " Thermoanalytical study of EAF dust and its vetrification product", Thermochimica Acta, 1996, 287 (1) pp71-79

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.-M., "Application of thermal techniques in the recovery of heavy minerals from oil-sand tailings", Thermochimica Acta, 1996, 273 pp103-111

Mintz, K.J. and Jones, D.E.G., "Thermal analysis of monomethylammonium nitrate", Thermochimica Acta, 284, 229-240 (1996)Début

Publications externes du LCRE, 1995

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A. and Feng, K.K., "Detection Agents for Explosives", Journal of Thermal Analysis, 44 533-546 (1995)

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A., Murnaghan, K.P., Handa, Y.P. and Ratcliffe, C.I. "Characterization of DMNB, a detection agent for explosives, by thermal analysis and solid state NMR", Journal of Thermal Analysis, 44 547-561 (1995)

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A-.M., "Thermal behaviour of basic oxygen furnace waste slag, Thermal analysis applied to environmental problems", Thermochimica Acta, 263 87-94 (1995)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1994

Jones, D.E.G., Malechaux, L. and Augsten, R.A., "Thermal analysis of GAPTRIOL, an energetic azide polymer", Thermochimica Acta, 242, 187 (1994)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1993

Amyotte, P.R., Mintz, K.J., Pegg, M.J. and Sun, Y.H., "The ignitability of coal dust-air and methane-coal dust-air mixtures", Fuel , 72, 671-679 (1993)

Jones, D.E.G. and Phelps, B.F., "Calculation of reduced second virial coefficient parameters for angle independent intermolecular potential energy functions", Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics 18,
201-209 (1993)

Mintz, K.J "Upper explosive limit of dusts: experimental evidence for its existence under certain circumstances", Combustion and Flame, 94 125-130 (1993)

Nagy, E., Contestabile, E., and Augsten, R., Quality Control of Fireworks Shells Part II, Pyrotechnic Guild International, Inc., 84, July (1993)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1992

Feng, K.K., Jones, D.E.G. and Chan, S.K. “Shock Initiation of Bubble Sensitized Commercial Explosives”, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 691-694, 1992.

Kumar, K.K., Bowles, E.M. and Mintz, K.J. "Large-scale Dust Explosion Experiments to Determine the Effects of Scaling on Explosion Parameters" Combustion and Flame 89 320-332 (1992)

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.M. "Thermal decomposition of arsenopyrite in the presence of calcium oxide" Thermochimica Acta, 212, 27-37 (1992)

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.M. "Microstructure and thermophysical characteristics of PbTiO SUB 3 –based ceramics" Journal of materials science, 27 (7) 1772-1780 (1992)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1991

Mikhail, S.A., Turcotte, A.M., McNamara, V.M. "A thermoanalytical study of the decomposition of a cyanide precipitate in inert and reducing atmospheres" Thermochimica Acta, 178 pp213-221(1991)

Contestabile, E., "Fireworks Mortar Plugs and Fasteners", Pyrotechnic Guild International, Inc., 78, December (1991)

Publications externes du LCRE, 1990

Mikhail, S.A. and Turcotte, A.M. "A TG method of analysis for use in monitoring the efficiency of fluidized-bed coal combustion processes" Thermochimica Acta, 166, 357-367 (1990)

Nagy, E., Contestabile, E., and Augsten, R., "Quality Control of Fireworks Shells Part I", Pyrotechnic Guild International, Inc., 71, July (1990)


Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 2004

R. Turcotte, C. Badeen, P.D. Lightfoot, and D.E.G. Jones, “Minimum Burning Pressures of Commercial Explosives”, 30th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers, February 1-4, 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

R.C. Ripley, B. von Rosen, D.V. Ritzel, and D.R. Whitehouse, “Small-Scale Modeling of Explosive Blasts in Urban Scenarios”, 21st International Symposium on Ballistics, April 19-23, 2004, Adelaide, Australia

D.E.G. Jones, “Thermal Analysis of Energetic Materials” Keynote Lecture 14th Annual Technical Meeting and Exhibition of the Canadian Thermal Analysis Society, May 11-12, 2004, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

D.E.G. Jones, “Application of Simultaneous and Combined Techniques to Material Characterization” Training Lecture 14th Annual Technical Meeting and Exhibition of the Canadian Thermal Analysis Society, May 11-12, 2004, Mississauga, ON, Canada.

R. Turcotte, C.M. Badeen, D.E.G. Jones, and L. Elias, “Emission of 2,3 Dimethyl - 2,3 dinitrobutane from Marked C-4”, 8th International Symposium on the Analysis and Detection of Explosives, June 6-10, 2004, Ottawa, Canada.

D.E.G. Jones and Q.S.M. Kwok, “Application of Thermal Techniques to Energetic Materials”, Pyrotechnic Seminar, June 15-17, 2004, Chestertown, Maryland, USA.

D.E.G. Jones, Q.S.M. Kwok, M. Vachon, C. Badeen and W. Ridley, “Characterization of ADN and ADN-based Propellants”, 35th International ICT-Conference, June 29 – July 2, 2004, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany.

C.M. Badeen, R. Turcotte, and D.E.G. Jones, “Modeling the Loss of a Marking Agent from Detonating Cord”, 8th International Symposium on the Analysis and Detection of Explosives, June 6-10, 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

D.E.G. Jones, R. Turcotte, M. Vachon, Q.S.M. Kwok, and R.C. Fouchard, “Thermal Study of Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20)”, 31st International Pyrotechnics Seminar, July 11-16, 2004, Fort Colins, Colorado, USA.

E. Contestabile, B. von Rosen, R. Guilbeault, K. King, L. Lim, and P. Drygala, “TNT Equivalency of Fireworks Shells: an Insight to the Carmel Explosion”, 31st Department of DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, August 24-26, 2004

K.W. Wing, J.H. Waclawczyk, B. von Rosen, and R. Guilbeault, “Sealed Blast Containment Vessel Development and Testing”, 31st Department of DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, August 24-26, 2004

A.O. Abd El Halim, M.M. Eshafei, and E. Contestabile, “Fall out from September 11th – A Glimpse from a Passenger Survey (before and after) at Canadian Airports, 31st Department of DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, August 24-26, 2004

J.H. Waclawczyk, Jr., K.W. King, B. von Rosen, and R. Guilbeault, “Development and Final Proof Testing of the Urban Explosives Storage Magazine”, 31st Department of DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, San Antonio, Texas, August 24-26, 2004

R. Turcotte, C.M. Badeen, D.E.G. Jones, and L. Elias, “Emission of 2,3 Dimethyl - 2,3 dinitrobutane from Marked C-4”, 15th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Specialists on the Detection of Explosives, International Civil Aviation Organization, September 7-8, 2004, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

R. Turcotte, C.M. Badeen, D.E.G. Jones, and J. Schärer, “Feasibility of Marking Flexible Explosives with high Levels of 2,3 Dimethyl - 2,3 Dinitrobutane”, 15th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Specialists on the Detection of Explosives, International Civil Aviation Organization, September 7-8, 2004, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

R. Turcotte, C.M. Badeen, and D.E.G. Jones, “Feasibility of Marking Flexible Explosives with high Levels of DMNB - Part II”, 15th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Specialists on the Detection of Explosives, International Civil Aviation Organization, September 7-8, 2004, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

C.M. Badeen, R. Turcotte, and D.E.G. Jones, “Modeling the Loss of a Marking Agent from Detonating Cord”, 15th meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Specialists on the Detection of Explosives, September 7-8, 2004, ICAO Headquarters, Montreal, Québec, Canada.

D.E.G. Jones, Q.S.M. Kwok, M. Vachon, C. Badeen and W. Ridley, “Characterization of ADN and ADN-based Propellants”, 32nd North American Thermal Analysis Society Conference, October 4-6, 2004, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 2003

Ridley, W. and Bowes, R., “The authorizations of Fireworks in Canada: the Use of Ion Chromatography and X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the Chemical Analysis of Pyrotechnic Compositions”, 7th International Symposium on Fireworks, October 6-10, 2003, Valencia, Spain.

Contestabile, E., “Considerations for Establishing a Large Consumer Fireworks Distribution Centre”, 7th International Symposium on Fireworks, October 6-10, 2003, Valencia, Spain.

Contestabile, E., Guilbeault, R., Wilson, D. and von Rosen, B., “The Effect of Confinement on Fireworks and other Energetic Materials”, 7th International Symposium on Fireworks, October 6-10, 2003, Valencia, Spain.

Turcotte, R., “Thermal Hazard Assessment of AN and Practical Implications”, Annual Meeting of the Ammonium Nitrate Producers Study Group and Nitric Acid Producers, October 5-10, 2003, Robinsonville, Mississippi, USA.

Jones, D.E.G., Turcotte, R., Acheson, B., Kwok, Q.S.M. and Vachon, M., “The Thermal Decomposition of Nitrocellulose”, 31st North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 22-24, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Jones, D.E.G., Vachon, M., Kwok, Q.S.M., Fouchard, R.C. and Turcotte, R., “Thermal Study of Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane”, 31st North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 22-24, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Badeen, C.M., Jones, D.E.G., Kwok, Q.S.M., Vachon, M. and Turcotte, R., “Hazard Characterization of Mixtures of Ammonium Nitrate with the Sodium Salt of Dichloroisocyanuric Acid”, 31st North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 22-24, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Jones, D.E.G., Turcotte, R., Kwok, Q.S.M. and Vachon, M., “Comparative Studies of the Thermal Hazard of Aluminum Nanopowders”, 34th International ICT-Conference, June 24-27, 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Jones, D.E.J., Turcotte, R., Acheson, B., Kwok, Q.S.M. and Vachon, M., “The Thermal Decomposition of Nitrocellulose”, 34th International ICT-Conference, June 24-27, 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Jones, D.E.G., Kwok, Q.S.M., Turcotte, R. and Vachon, M., “Thermal Properties of Aluminum Nanopowders”, EuroPyro 2003, June 23-27, 2003, Saint-Malo, France.

Vachon, M., Kwok, Q.S.M., Jones, D.E.G., Turcotte, R., Fouchard, R.C. and Badeen, C., “Thermal Study of Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20)”, 13th Annual Technical Meeting and Exhibition for the Canadian Thermal Analysis Society, June 3-4, 2003, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Turcotte, R., Badeen, C.M., Lightfoot, P.D. and Jones, D.E.G., Hot-Spot Induced Deflagrations in Commercial Water-Based Explosives, 2003 Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting, May 11-14, 2003, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Kwok, Q.S.M., Jones, D.E.G. and Kruus, P., “Investigation of the Wettability of Ammonium Nitrate Prills”, 6th Seminar of New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, April 23-25, 2003, Pardubice, Czech Republic.

Lightfoot, P.D., von Rosen, B., Fouchard, R.C., Guilbeault, R., Jones, D.E.G. and Contestabile, E., “Thermal Decomposition of ANFO at Low Heating Rates”, 29th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, February 2-5, 2003, Nashville, TN, USA.

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 2002

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D. and Fouchard, R.C., “Thermal Hazard Assessment of Oxidizer Solutions and Emulsion Explosives Utilizing Accelerating Rate and Dewar Calorimetry”, 30th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 23-25, 2002, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Jones, D.E.G. and Kwok, Q.S.M., “Application of Microcalorimetry to Energetic Materials”, 30th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 23-25, 2002, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Contestabile, E., Guilbeault, R., Boudreau, R. and von Rosen, B., “Blast Wave Interaction with Leaky Barriers”, 30th DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, August 13-15, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Braithwaite, M., Davies, N., Evans, W.C. and Lightfoot, P.D., "Simple Finite Element modelling applied to the problems in Energetic Materials Characterisation: Design of Pyrotechnic Devices and Explosives Calorimetric Studies", 29th International Pyrotechnics Seminar, July 14-19, 2002, Westminster, Colorado, USA.

Kwok, Q.S.M., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., Abdel-Qader Z. and Jones, D.E.G., “Ongoing Characterization of Passivated Aluminum Nanopowders”, 29th International Pyrotechnics Seminars, July 14-19, 2002, Westminster, Colorado, USA.

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., Abdel-Qader, Z., Kwok, Q. and Bowes, R., "Comparative Studies of the Thermal Properties of Aluminum Nanopowders", 33rd International ICT-Conference, June 25-28, 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., and Fouchard, R.C., "Onset Temperatures for Oxidizer Solutions and Emulsion Explosives Utilizing Accelerating Rate Calorimetry and Dewar Calorimetry", 33rd International ICT-Conference, June 25-28, 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany (Poster).

Fitzgerald, G.A., Barker, D.D., von Rosen, B. and Contestabile, E., “Effectiveness of Barricades on Reducing Downstream Blast Loads”, June 10-14, 2002, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Abdel-Qader, Z., Kwok, Q.S.M., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C. and Jones, D.E.G., “Thermal Analysis of Smoke Composition”, 12th Annual Technical Meeting and Exhibition for the Canadian Thermal Analysis Society, May 14-15, 2002, Mississauga, ON, Canada.

Jones, D.E.G., Turcotte, A.-M. and Fouchard, R.C., “The Construction and Evaluation of a New High Pressure Manifold and Vessels for a Calvet Microcalorimeter”, 3rd International Heat Flow Calorimetry for Energetic Symposium, April 8-11, 2002, French Lick, IN, USA.

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 2001

Abdel-Qader, Z., Kwok, Q., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., and Jones, D.E.G., "Thermal Analysis of Smoke Compositions", 28th International Pyrotechnics Seminars, November 4-9, 2001, Adelaide, Australia.

Kwok, Q., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., Ridley, W., Jones, D.E.G.and Brousseau, P., "Characterization of Passivated Aluminium Nanopowders", 28th International Pyrotechnics Seminars, November 4-9, 2001, Adelaide, Australia.

Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., Kwok, Q., Ridley, W., Jones, D.E.G. and Brousseau, P., "Characterisation of Aluminum Nanopowders", 2001 Insensitive Munitions and Energetic Materials Technology Symposium, October 8-11, 2001, Bordeaux, France.

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., and Fouchard, R.C., "Thermal Hazard Assessment of AN and ANFO Compositions by ARC and Dewar Measurements", 29th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 24-26, 2001, St-Louis MO.

Kwok, Q. and Jones, D.E.G., "Studies of Surface and Structure of Ammonium Nitrate Prills by High-Resolution Thermogravimetry", 29th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, September 24-26, 2001, St-Louis MO.

Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C. and Jones, D.E.G., "Marking of C-4 with Microencapsulated DMNB", 7th International Symposium on the Analysis and Detection of Explosives, June 25-27, 2001, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Kwok, Q. and Jones, D.E.G., "Studies of Surface and Structure of Ammonium Nitrate Prills by High-Resolution Thermogravimetry", 11th Canadian Thermal Analysis Society Annual Technical Meeting, May 15-16, 2001, Ottawa ON.

Lightfoot, P.D., Kwok, Q., Turcotte, A..-M., Fouchard, R.C., Ridley, W. and Jones, D.E.G., "Characterisation of Aluminium Nanopowders", Combustion Institute Canadian Section Spring Technical Meeting, May 13-16, 2001, Montreal QC.

von Rosen, B. and Contestabile, E., "Investigation of ANFO's Behaviour Under Various Conditions – Phase I", Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2001

Contestabile, E., von Rosen, B., and Lightfoot, P.D., "ANFO's Behaviour in Height-to-Detonation and other Thermal Stimulus Tests", Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2001Début

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 2000

Jones, D.E.G., Fouchard, R.C. and Lightfoot, P.D., "Parameters Affecting the Thermal Behaviour of Emulsion Explosives", Proceeding of the 26th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques Vol II 215-224

Jones, D.E.G., Fouchard, R.C. and Lightfoot, P.D., "Thermal Hazard Assessment of Emulsion Explosives", 28th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, October 4-6, 2000, Orlando FL

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Kwok, Q. and Turcotte, A.-M., "Thermal Properties of KDNBF, a Primer for Explosives", 28th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, October 4-6, 2000, Orlando FL.

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., and Kwok, Q., "Thermal Properties of DMNB, an Explosives Detection Agent", 28th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, October 4-6, 2000, Orlando FL.

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., and Kwok, Q., "Thermal Characterization of Passivated Nanometer-Sized Aluminium Powders", 28th North American Thermal Analysis Society Annual Conference, October 4-6, 2000, Orlando FL.

Lightfoot, P.D., Jones, D.E.G., Fouchard, R.C., Kwok, Q., Ridley, W. and Turcotte, A.-M., "Hazard Characterization of KDNBF Using a Number of Different Techniques", 29th DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, July 18-20, 2000, New Orleans, LA.

Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.-M., and Kwok, Q, "Thermal Properties of DMNB, an Explosives Detection Agent", 27th International Pyrotechnics Seminars, July 16-21, 2000, Grand Junction CO.

Jones, D.E.G., Brousseau, P., Fouchard, R.C.,Turcotte, A.-M. and Kwok, Q., "Thermal Characterization of Passivated Nanometer Size Aluminium Powders", 27th International Pyrotechnics Seminars, July 16-21, 2000, Grand Junction CO.

Jones, D.E.G. and Kwok, Q., "The Basis for Estimation of Kinetic Parameter by DSC and TG Techniques", 10th Canadian Thermal Analysis Society Annual Technical Meeting, May 23-24, 2000, Mississauga ON.

Fouchard, R.C., Jones, D.E.G., Lightfoot, P.D., Turcotte, A.-M. and Kwok, Q., "Analysis of Thermal Hazards by Accelerating Rate Calorimetry", 10th Canadian Thermal Analysis Society Annual Technical Meeting, May 23-24, 2000, Mississauga ON.

Abdo, G.M., Fayed, M.A., Abdel-latif, A.M., and Contestabile, E., "Effect of Shock Wave Hardening on the Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Alloy", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, 2000

von Rosen, B. and Contestabile, E., "Performance of Nitromethane in Range Trials", Proceedings of the 29th DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, 2000

Tolba, Razaqpur, A, Halim, A.E., and Contestabile, E., "Evaluation of Blast Loading Distribution on the Surface of a Reinforced Concrete Slab", Proceedings of the 29th DoD Explosives Safety Seminar, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, 2000

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1999

Kwok, Q., Turcotte, A.M., Fouchard, R.C., Jones, D.E.G., and Brousseau, P. "Thermal Characterization of Passivated Nanometer Size Aluminum Powders", Proceedings of the 9th Annual CTAS Technical Meeting and Exhibition 197-200

Jones, D.E.G., Fouchard, R.C., Turcotte, A.M. and Qwok, Q. "Kinetic Studies of the Thermal Decomposition of KDNBF, a Primer for Explosives", Proceedings of the 26th International Pyrotechnics Seminar 195-202

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1998

Bowes, R. "The Challeng of Classifying Fireworks by the UN System", Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Fireworks, Halifax 15-24, 1998

Contestabile, E. "Just-in-Time Disposal (JIT Disposal)", Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Fireworks, Halifax 517-530, 1998

Contestabile, E. "Loads Resulting from the Recoil of Fireworks Mortars", Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Fireworks, Halifax 573-586, 1998

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T., Mintz, K.J. and Augsten, R.A. "Parameters Affecting the Onset Temperature of Emulsion Explosives", Proceedings of the 29th International Annual Conference of ICT on Energetic Materials. 28-1 - 28-12

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T., Augsten, R.A. and Fouchard, R.C. "Thermoanalytical Characterization of Isopropylnitrate", Proceedings of the 24th International Pyrotechnics Seminar. 315-328

Jones, D.E.G. and Feng, H.T. "Thermal Techniques Used In Hazard Evaluation of Pyrotechnics", Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Fireworks 141-151

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T., and Fouchard, R.C. "A Thermal Study on Black Powder Using Various Techniques", Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Fireworks 153-164

Jones, D.E.G., Feng, H.T. and Fouchard, R.C. "Thermal Characterization of the Primer, KDNBF", Proceedings of the NDIA Symposium on Insensitive Munitions and Energetic Materials Technology IIIB-6-1-IIIB-6-18

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1997

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A., Feng, H.T. and Mintz, K.J. 1997 "The decomposition of branched GAP by thermoanalytical techniques", Proceedings of the Workshop on the Microcalorimetry of Energetic Materials (TTCP). S1-17

Mintz, K.J., Feng, H.T., Augsten, R.A. and Jones, D.E.G. 1997 "Branched GAP: exothermic decomposition and oxidation", Proceedings of the 1997 Spring Meeting of the Combustion Institute - Canadian Section.

Feng, H.T., Jones, D.E.G., Mintz, K.J. and Augsten, R.A. 1997 "The study of branched GAP by thermal analysis", Proceedings of the North American Thermal Analysis Society Conference. 220-227

Jones, D.E.G. and Feng, H.T. 1997 "A preliminary study of the thermal decomposition of DMNB, an explosive detection agent, using a heat flux calorimeter", Proceedings of the International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1996

Bowes, R.A. and Mintz, K.J. "Marking of Explosives for Detection", Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Fireworks, Lake Buena Vista, 1996, 75-82

Contestabile, E. "The Human Side of Hazard Analysis", Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Fireworks, Lake Buena Vista, 1996, 115-128

Jones, D.E.G. and Augsten, R.A. 1996 "Thermal studies on DMNB, a detection agent for explosives", Proceedings of the 27th International Annual Conference of ICT. 15_1 - 15_14

Pegg, M.J., Amyotte, P.R., Lightfoot, P.D. and Lee M.C. "Dust Explosibility Characteristics of Azide-based Gas Generants", Proceedings of the 7th International Colloqium on Dust Explosions, Christian Michelsen research AS, Bergen, Norway, June 23-28, 1996

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1995

Jones, D.E.G. and Augsten, R.A. 1995 "Thermal hazard evaluation of samples taken from a nitrocellulose stockpile", Proceedings of the ADPA International Symposium on Energetic Materials Technology. 219-225

Mintz, K.J. and Jones, D.E.G. 1995 "Thermal analysis of monomethylammonium nitrate", Proceedings of the 24th North American Thermal Analysis Society Conference. 198-203

Mintz, K.J. "The effect of DMNB on the safety and performance of watergel and emulsion explosives", Ninth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Specialists on the Detection of Explosives, ICAO, Montreal 1995.

Contestabile, E. and Thomas, C., "Suppression of Blast Pressure and Noise from Implosive–Type Connectors", Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Explosives and Blasting Research, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 1995Début

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1994

Bowes, R.A. "Hazard Analysis of Pyrotechnic Compositions", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fireworks, Vancouver, 1994, 17-32

Contestabile, E. and Wilson, D. "Time for Fibre Reinforced Mortars?", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fireworks, Vancouver, 1994, 563-592

Contestabile, E. "Firing Fireworks Shells from Oversize or Larger Diameter Mortars", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fireworks, Vancouver, 1994, 531-542

Contestabile "Blast Pressure from Exploding Firework Mortars", Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Pyrotechnics Seminar, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1994, 135-152

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A.and Feng, K.K. 1994 "Detection agents for explosives", Proceedings of the 19th International Pyrotechnics Seminar. 175-190

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A., Murnaghan, K.P., Handa, Y.P. and Ratcliffe, C.I. 1994 "Thermal analysis of DMNB, an explosive detection agent", Proceedings of the 19th International Pyrotechnics Seminar. 153-174

Jones, D.E.G. and Augsten, R.A. 1994 "Thermal analysis of GAPTRIOL, an energetic azide polymer", Proceedings of the ADPA International Symposium on Energetic Materials Technology

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A. and Lee, P.P. 1994 "Thermal analysis of the energetic plasticizers, TMETN and TEGDN", Proceedings of the Calorimetry Conference

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A. and Mintz, K.J. "Thermal analysis of mixtures of ammonium nitrate and DMNB, an explosive detection agent", Proceedings of the Calorimetry Conference, 1994

Jones, D.E.G. and Augsten, R.A."Evaluation of the microampoule system for DSC measurements on energetic materials", Proceedings of the Calorimetry Conference, 1994

Mintz, K.J. and Jones, D.E.G. "Separation of exotherms from endotherms", Proceedings of the 23rd North American Thermal Analysis Society Conference. 544-549, 1994

Thomas, C. and Contestabile, E. "Implosive-Type Electrical/ Mechanical Connectors - Noise Spectrum and Blast Pressure Modification", Fifth High-Tech Seminar on State-of-the-Art Blasting Technology Instrumentation and Explosives Applications, New Orleans 269-290, 1994

Vandebeek, R. and Bowes, R.A. "The United Nations System for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Explosives and Pyrotechnics) Part 1: Development, Advantages and Disadvantages", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fireworks, Vancouver 541-548, 1994

Vandebeek, R. and Bowes, R.A. "The United Nations System for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Explosives and Pyrotechnics) Part 2: Application of the Test Manual", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fireworks, Vancouver 549-562, 1994

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1993

Contestabile, E. "Transporting explosive materials by air and the United Nations Transport of Dangerous Goods Test Criteria - a case study" Proceedings of the Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques, San Diego, California, 1993

Jones, D.E.G., Malechaux, L. and Augsten, R.A. "Thermal analysis of GAPTRIOL, an energetic azide polymer",Proceedings of the 22nd North American Thermal Analysis Society Conference. 383-390, 1993

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1992

Bowes, R. "Evaluation of family fireworks", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Fireworks, Montreal, 12-18, 1992

Contestabile, E. "Evaluation of Fireworks Mortars", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Fireworks, Montreal, 1992, 46-78

Contestabile, E. "The relative effectiveness fireworks shells as energetic materials", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Fireworks, Montreal, 1992, 79-91

Jones, D.E.G. "Interior ballistics of fireworks mortars", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Fireworks, Montreal, 1992, 132-155

Jones, D.E.G., Augsten, R.A. and Feng, K.K. "Detection agents for explosives", Proceedings of the ADPA International Symposium on Energetic Materials. 222-229

Présentations du LCRE lors de conférences, 1990

Chan, S.K. and Feng, K.K. “Hot Spot Mechanism in Bubble Sensitized Commercial Explosives”, 24th DOD Explosives Safety Seminar, St. Louis, Missouri, August 28-30, 1990

Contestabile, E. and Craig, T.R. "Evaluation of Large Diameter Fireworks Shells and Mortars", Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Pyrotechnics Seminar, Boulder, 1990, 181-190

Contestabile, E., Augsten, R.A., Wilson, D., Craig, T.R., Nagy, E. Guilbeault, R.L., Vandebeek, R.R. "Evaluation of Schedule IV-Type Containers", Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, Orlando, 1990, 475-510

Contestabile, E. and Augsten, R.A., "Evaluation of Large Diameter Fireworks Shells and Mortars", Proceedings of the 15th International Pyrotechnic Seminar, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1990

Contestabile, E. and Augsten, R.A., "The TNT Equivalent of Fireworks Report Shells", Proceedings of the 15th International Pyrotechnic Seminar, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1990


Dernière mise à jour : 2006-07-28

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