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Natural Resources Canada
Environmental Atlas of the Beaufort Coastlands
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ÿDevelopment of the North
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Development of the North > Beaufort Coastlands
Environmental Atlas of the Beaufort Coastlands
Important fisheries of the coastlands

PDF Version (part 1) [PDF, 574.8 kb, viewer]
PDF Version (part 2) [PDF, 633.4 kb, viewer]

Sampling locations
Sampling locations
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[GIF, 29.9 kb, 865 X 396, notice]

Note: The index map shows the sampling locations selected for a seasonal study of the main fisheries occuring along the Beaufort Coastlands. For convenience, the boundaries of the COASTLANDS MAPS are also indicated in order that a geographic reference may be applied to the larger scale maps of the coastal region.

Photographs of these fish and other fish species are in the accompanying pages, together with drawings, ecological information habitat activities, migration routes and feeding types.

Arctic cisco
Arctic cisco
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[GIF, 24.3 kb, 865 X 393, notice]

Least cisco
Least cisco
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[GIF, 24.4 kb, 866 X 399, notice]

Arctic sole
Arctic sole
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[GIF, 46.2 kb, 867 X 391, notice]

Broad whitefish
Broad whitefish
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[GIF, 44.5 kb, 867 X 391, notice]

Common whitefish
Common whitefish
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[GIF, 24.3 kb, 874 X 396, notice]

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[GIF, 44.3 kb, 867 X 391, notice]

Rainbow smelt
Rainbow smelt
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[GIF, 24.6 kb, 866 X 393, notice]

Saffron cod
Saffron cod
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[GIF, 24.2 kb, 868 X 390, notice]

Starry flounder
Starry flounder
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[GIF, 23.3 kb, 866 X 397, notice]

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[GIF, 23.6 kb, 871 X 400, notice]

2005-10-06Important notices