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EXTECH IV Athabasca Uranium
.High resolution seismic reflection surveys (1)
.Borehole geophysics (2)
.Bitumens, hydrocarbons, fluids and diagenesis (3)
.Regional and detailed stratigraphy (4)
.Regional and detailed basement structure (5)
.Gamma-ray geophysics (6)
.Clay mineralogy (7)
.Co-ordination (8)
.Magnetotellurics (9)
.High resolution gravity survey (10)
.Geochronology (11)

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ÿSustainable development of natural resources
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Sustainable development of natural resources
EXTECH IV: Athabasca Uranium multidisciplinary study
Other EXTECH IV products 2001-2002

Other EXTECH IV products, listed in order by sub-project:
1 D.J. White, B. Roberts, G. Bellefleur, E. Adam, D. Jamieson, S. Woelz, Z. Hajnal, B. Reilkoff, R. Koch, B. Powell, I.R. Annesley, D.R. Schmitt, 2002; EXTECH-IV High-Resolution and Vertical Seismic Profile Investigations in the Athabasca Basin (abstract); KEGS Short Course: Hardrock Seismics - From Exploration to Development; Toronto, Crown Plaza Hotel, March 9, 2002, 8am-5pm (precedes Prospectors' and Developers' Annual Meeting).
3 Stasiuk,L.D., Fowler,M.G. and Wilson,N.S.F., 2001; Short course on hydrocarbon geochemistry and mineralogy in exploration; Cameco Annual General Meeting, Saskatoon, May 3, 2001. (attended by Cameco, COGEMA and other EXTECH IV participants).
4a Ramaekers, P. 2001. Basin development between two orogens: Early Proterozoic of the Athabasca region, north-central Canada.  Powerpoint presentations at Calgary MEG, April 20, 2001; at Key Lake, August 23, 2001; and at GSC, October 26, 2001.
4b Collier, B., 2001:  Stratigraphy of the Paleoproterozoic Manitou Falls B Member within the Deilmann Pit at Key Lake, Saskatchewan; Unpublished BSc. Thesis, University of Regina, 33 pages.
4c Gaze, A.J., (2000): Stratigraphy of the Manitou Falls Formation of the Collins Creek Area; Unpublished BSc. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 67 pages.
4d Kupsch, B., 2000;  The Regional Geology and Stratigraphy of the Athabasca Group in the Athabasca Basin of Alberta; Unpublished B.Sc. thesis, University of Alberta, 42 p.
4e Williamson, C., 2000: Stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the basal Manitou Falls Formation in the P2 North area, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.  Unpublished BSc. Thesis, University of Regina, 33 pages + appendices.
4f P. Ramaekers, G. Yeo, D.G.F. Long, C.W. Jefferson, S. Bernier, B. Collier, B. Kupsch, 2001; Workshop on Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Athabasca Basin; Sunday, November 25, 2001, Hotel Bessborough, Saskatoon (attended by 25 selected staff of Camedo, COGEMA, SRC, AGS, SEM and GSC).
4g Bernier, S., 2002; Does the gradational contact between the members c and d of the Manitou Falls Formation in the vicinity of the McArthur River Uranium Deposit (Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada) reflect a transition to a more arid fluvial environment? (poster); Advances in Earth Sciences Research Conference (AESRC): Sedimentology and Stratigraphy; The Graduate Student's Association of the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, in conjunction with the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Center and Carleton University; University of Ottawa, Friday March 8, 2002
5a Tourigny, G., Wilson, S. Breton, G. and Portella, P., in prep.:  Structural Control and Emplacement of Uranium Mineralization at the Sue C Uranium Deposit, McClean Lake Operation, Northern Saskatchewan, Central Canada.  Submitted to Economic Geology.
6a Carson,J.M., Holman,P.B., Ford,K.L., Grant, J.A. and Shives,R.B.K. in press:  Airborne gamma ray spectrometry compilation series, Lake Athabasca, Alberta-Saskatchewan; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4252, scale 1:1,000,000; timed release March 1, 2002.
6b Carson,J.M., Holman,P.B., Ford,K.L., Grant, J.A. and Shives,R.B.K. in press:  Airborne gamma ray spectrometry compilation series, Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4253, scale 1:1,000,000; timed release March 1, 2002.
8a B. Kupsch and R.A. Olson, 2001; Athabasca Uranium EXTECH IV - Alberta's contribution, FY 2000-01; Powerpoint Presentation; Calgary MEG meeting. April 19, 2001, Published on CD-ROM of Alberta Geological Survey talks and posters; Kupsch_T_MEG2001.pdf.
8b B. Kupsch and R.A.Olson, 2001 (abstract); A preliminary compendium of drill core on file at the Alberta Geological Survey, and a bibliography of pertinent references, for that portion of the Athabasca Basin in Alberta.  Volume of Abstracts - talks, p. 16-18; Calgary MEG meeting, April 2001, published on CD-ROM of Alberta Geological Survey talks and posters.
8c G. Delaney, C.W. Jefferson, R.A. Olson, D. Brisbin and P. Portella, 2001 (poster); EXTECH IV - Athabasca uranium multidisciplinary study; displayed at Calgary MEG meeting, April 19-20, 2001.

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